Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • Kullander: I think we have to consider the experimental facts and not indulge too much in speculation about what could happen in theory. We must be sure that they make measurements and observations as accurately as possible, and that the experiment is able to be repeated by independent researchers -- that's not possible in this case (the catalysts in the device are secret) -- but you have to rely on Rossi that he is true to what he conveys, and through discussions with him we may try to conclude how reliable the measurements are.

    If this is true, it’s big, and one might have acted similarly (keeping some parts secret as Rossi has).

    But the patent must be approved and there must be enough data -- all data must be published so that independent researchers can repeat the experiment. Then we can begin to sift through theoretical speculation and proceed to seek explanations.

    Essén: It’s very hard to guard against someone who is lying in this context. It’s almost impossible for us to know. You try to evaluate the physics and then you assume that the data is presented as honestly as possible.

    As a physicist you do this. Then as a human you can always have all sorts of sociological and psychological reflections on what lies behind it all.…e-to-embrace-this-6421305

    (emphasis mine)

    • Official Post

    Kullander [translated, emphasis mine], April 9, 2011:

    "...The only option that the explanation would not be nuclear reactions is that something has been raised in the measurement process. Or Rossi somehow fooled us. However, I think that both Rossi and the physicists at Bologna University seem honest in their intentions and do not think it is deliberately a scam.

    It should not be long before we get answers if the phenomenon is real. "

    Ironic. That was about the same time Rossi admitted (years later) giving Kullander salted fuel ash to study. For the next couple years until he died, Kullander lectured how Ni was converted into Cu within the Ecat reactor. Rossi just let him keep on saying it, knowing full well he was wrong. He shamelessly used his "friend", like he has used so many others. Kullander probably went to his grave still believing Rossi "seems honest in his intentions". Now the poor man will always have an * by his name, thanks to who he chose to trust.

    Any of you Rossi fans remember his pledge to give money to the children with cancer? I had forgotten that one myself, until Dewey reminded us of his using the IH money to buy those cheap condos in Miami. Does not that alone kind of piss you off about the man? Not a penny to those poor kids like he promised over and over again. He used them for his purpose to deceive, just like he used Kullander, and the others. That guys, is your hero...the man you defend.

    I can see why Dewey will dog him to the end of his career. Someone needs to, just to prevent more victims joining the list.

    • Official Post

    Most likely Dewey, but they they are victims like the others. Not accomplices, and we should keep that in mind when it comes to assigning blame. They will pay some price for their scientific naivete, but it is not for us to decide what that price is, or mete it out.

    Our issue is with one person only...Rossi. Well, maybe Fabiani and Penon also, as without them, Rossi could not have gone as far with Doral as he did.

  • Shane - I mostly agree with you. I do feel terribly for Peter Gluck. He invested man years in trying to help get CF to a starting line only to fall under the WCS spell.

    I hope he can recover and live long enough to see a true applied engineering starting line become reality.

    These incredible human cost mean nothing to the Wealthy Career Specialist - they are useful collateral / fodder along the way.

  • @ Shane D.,

    Our issue is with one person only...Rossi. Well, maybe Fabiani and Penon also, as without them, Rossi could not have gone as far with Doral as he did.

    Shane, why you are saying this? It seems unfair to me, unless you all are looking for a single and easy scapegoat to which to attribute the entire responsibility for the CF fiasco. Without the support of the whole CF field, the Ecat saga would not even be come at Doral. Since 2007, all claims in favor of his devices have been made and supported by many esteemed professors and researchers, who were paid by taxpayers of many Countries (on more than one Continent) in order to carry on the CF/LENR research and properly assess the reality of these alleged phenomena.

    Rossi did his job. He has allowed some other dozens M$ to be allocated to the CF/LENR research on top of the many hundreds that had already been spent by many governments to fund this activity.

    You well know that since the beginning he attracted the attention of some expert and influential people in the field, due to mainly his PR skills (1). Ask yourself, please, what other talent of him could it have been so attractive after the failure of the TEG project? And again, which method of him should have been taught at the Harward Business School (2)? Basically, who exploited who?



  • Most likely Dewey, but they they are victims like the others. Not accomplices, and we should keep that in mind when it comes to assigning blame. They will pay some price for their scientific naivete, but it is not for us to decide what that price is, or mete it out.

    Our issue is with one person only...Rossi. Well, maybe Fabiani and Penon also, as without them, Rossi could not have gone as far with Doral as he did.

    What price will you and Dewey pay when Rossi is successful with the Ecat Shane D.

  • Shane - I mostly agree with you. I do feel terribly for Peter Gluck. He invested man years in trying to help get CF to a starting line only to fall under the WCS spell.

    I hope he can recover and live long enough to see a true applied engineering starting line become reality.

    These incredible human cost mean nothing to the Wealthy Career Specialist - they are useful collateral / fodder along the way.

    I think you should feel terrible for

    Peter because of his health issues

    and not the other reasons you stated.Especially when Peter is not able to reply on this blog.

  • Any of you Rossi fans remember his pledge to give money to the children with cancer? I had forgotten that one myself, until Dewey reminded us of his using the IH money to buy those cheap condos in Miami. Does not that alone kind of piss you off about the man? Not a penny to those poor kids like he promised over and over again. He used them for his purpose to deceive, just like he used Kullander, and the others. That guys, is your hero...the man you defend.

    I can see why Dewey will dog him to the end of his career. Someone needs to, just to prevent more victims joining the list.

    What Rossi or anyone else does with

    there money is there own business.

    Dewey will dog him till the end because he lost money.

  • What Rossi or anyone else does with

    there money is there own business.

    But then he should not pretend to be a Samaritian:…nancing-his-e-cat-6421306


    “The 500,000 Euros I am paying to the University of Bologna is my last money, but when I deliver the one-megawatt plant to Defkalion I get cash back. From then on, 50% will be used for expansion and 50% to treat children with cancer. I will personally look for the children whose families cannot afford their care,” said Andrea Rossi.

  • Spam12 - the market has spoken and the only thing keeping the WCS in the discussion is folks like you.

    But that is why you are here isn't it?

    I cannot rule out that Sam12 is a Rossi co-conspirator.

    But it is just as likely that he is a new Rossi fan. The problem with the Rossi effect is that Rossi will always be able to attract new sympathisers, no matter how murky his past, and they will defend him just like Sam12 here until they have seen for themselves so much new deceit that they can no longer support it and drop away. The Rossi fan life-cycle from initial enthusiasm to final disenchantment seems to take several years.

  • @THH: my years of Rossi-watching have convinced me that it is primarily an ego thing. Once someone has bought into the Rossi myth for whatever reason, it is very diffficult to let go of. They are convinced that they have gotten ahead of the pack with knowledge and insights that others are lacking. To then admit that they were foolish and gullible is very difficult to do. Nobody wants to say they were punked. Instead, they double down and continue to argue that they are ones who see the truth and go to extraordinary lengths to rationalize their beliefs and ascribe all sorts of nefarious purposes to anyone who points out the glaringly obvious absurdity of supporting Rossi. It is utterly fascinating to watch.

  • sam12: You do realize that if Rossi has anything like what you inexplicably believe him to have, he does not need you to relentlessly defend him on obscure websites. He will do just fine without your knight in shining armor efforts.

    I think I am giving balance to the Dewey, Shane D discredit Rossi campaign .

  • I cannot rule out that Sam12 is a Rossi co-conspirator.

    But it is just as likely that he is a new Rossi fan. The problem with the Rossi effect is that Rossi will always be able to attract new sympathisers, no matter how murky his past, and they will defend him just like Sam12 here until they have seen for themselves so much new deceit that they can no longer support it and drop away. The Rossi fan life-cycle from initial enthusiasm to final disenchantment seems to take several years.

    A co-conspirator is the laugh of the

    day. The last laugh like that was when FredZ777 asked me if Rossi pays me.I have been following Rossi and

    LENR for about four years.

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