Display MoreI was honest and admitted I think AR is sincere.
Also for the reasons showed by Ele (a scammer disappears with money, doesn't start a mediatic trial against a big company...).
And - for sure - doesn't buy apartments in Florida... 👍
Off course, if I say that AR is sincere, then the consequence is that according to me the IH conduct isn't sincere...
But I don't attack IH. I don't fell the need to discredit them.
And, on the contrary, I have admitted that IH could win about Ecat IP affair... for the reason n. 2 of Erik.
So, maybe I'm biased, but not so biased like other people here... Let's say I could change my opinion about AR after the trial. If he will be defeated.
Are you ready to affirm the same if he wins?
The issue is symmetrical IH and Rossi.
- If IH is sincere, Rossi is deceitful.
- If Rossi is sincere, IH is deceitful.
So it is difficult to see how anyone can consistently argue IH honesty without impugning Rossi's character. Does that make such people biased?
Of course both might be deceitful.
- Also worth noting that Rossi is known, in some respects that those who support him agree but view as reasonable, to be deceitful. Either faking tests or treating Hydrofusion in an appalling way, and faking the customer, with instructions to his workers to behave so as to perpetuate the deceit.
- IH is known at most to have unwisely not clarified in writing the precise nature of this test. That is more being tactful than deceitful - since Rossi would be expected to get very annoyed and not fulfill his part of the contract by helping with IP transfer if told clearly that the test was not the GPT.
- IH is also known to have signed a contract so worded that the GPT would be difficult for Rossi to do, given for some reason he did not get on and do this quickly. But the whole GPT $89M payment thing appears to be Rossi wording, he has stated he was desperate to do the GPT and I'm sure $89M up front can lend a deal of motivation. Also it is a bad contract no VC in their right minds would want, so it is difficult for us to know quite whom should be morally blamed for such a contract. My guess is that when it was signed both sides had very different expectations for how it would work. IH reckoned that until they had working reactors Rossi would not be allowed to do it. Rossi reckoned he would do it anyway because what he cared about was $89M.
- Finally - IH show no obvious sign of being deluded, other than possible technical naivetee. Whereas Rossi has on a number of documented occasions made strong claims contrary to the physics and engineering in a manner that looks like delusion.