Rossi vs. Darden developments [CASE CLOSED]

  • 145 Includes

    "Plaintiffs shall serve their supplemental interrogatory answers to Defendant, John

    Vaughn's First Set of Interrogatories by February 10, 2017. Such responses shall include all

    screen names or aliases Plaintiff Rossi uses to post information on the lnternet. To the extent

    Plaintiff Rossi does not use screen names or aliases to post information on the lnternet, he must

    issue a response verifying the same. [Tr. 51 :15-52:3]"

    • Official Post

    I'm pretty sure "Roger" is one of Dewey's screen names. Rossi might want to ask the same of Dewey and any other IH operative who might be posting on forums.


    Beat me to it:

    ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the defendant is permitted to question the

    witness set for deposition in this matter on February 22, 2017, in the Dominican
    Republic. The plaintiff shall provide the defendant with the name of the attorney for the
    witness who is scheduled for deposition in the Dominican Republic

    Boeing coming up, Dewey front and center, the Domenican Republic, site visit to Doral coming, IH and Rossi forewarned by the judge, all in a few documents. My heart just can not take this! :)

  • If a judge were deciding the case I would be more inclined to agree with you, but that's not the case; a jury will decide. With a Jury trial it all comes down to who has the cleverest and most persuasive attorneys.

    Edited once, last by Rionrlty ().

  • Well, we have exhausted the flow meter angle with the information so far available. Maybe we could discus now the "elephant in the room"...or, where the 1MW of energy went in that small Doral warehouse? BTW, Doral is almost the same dimensions as my house, so hard for me to imagine how that much energy is accounted for IMO? This has been brought up over and over again on the few LENR forums, especially here, but never answered, accounted for, by the few remaining Rossi supporters.


    With a jury it won't be where the energy went, but whether it was actually produced or not.

  • If a judge were deciding the case I would be more inclined to agree with you, but that's not the case; a jury will decide. With a Jury trial it all comes down to who has the cleverest and most persuasive. attorneys.

    ... a jury will decide. Nice to read thousand times repeated repetitions. But WHEN ?

  • to my way of thinking Dewey has lost all credibility at this point. I wouldn't believe him if said the sun rises in the east.

  • @oldguy

    You may have missed my point. If Rossi has XP as claimed and loses the case, we all win. If Rossi has XP as claimed and wins the case, we all win. If Rossi has no XP and loses the case, we all lose. If Rossi has no XP and wins the case, we all lose.

    The only thing that matters is whether it works. The rest will be footnotes in the history books.

    Exactly, unless all you are looking for is revenge either against IH or Rossi depending on your leanings.

  • I'm pretty sure "Roger" is one of Dewey's screen names.

    I wish I was an avatar of this great being, who wouldn't want to share Dewey's genius, capacity for hilarious metaphors, endless stream of unassisted inspiration, and burning desire for truth?

    Truly a figure to look up to in the quest for a better future on earth

  • It looks to me as if the Notice of hearing (Doc 150) spells trouble for Rossi et al.

    Violation of a Protective Order and failure to produce documents as ordered by the court? Tut-tut

    Subpoenaed bank records might be interesting too.

  • "...... Defendants’ deposition of Third-Party Defendant J.M. Products, Inc. shall be conducted on March 1, 2017 "

    I briefly read over the new documents and found this statement to be somewhat humorous to me! :)

    My understanding is that per this order, on March 1, J.M. Products shall have a disposition conducted...meaning that someone will be

    interviewed and questions asked. The question is WHO will that person be! So far I know of only four people actually tied to J.M. Products in the various documents I have reviewed. Johnson, Bass, Johnson's wife and Johnson's daughter (?).

    So it will be interesting, if this disposition has any interviews made public, who "SPEAKS" for J.M. Products. Since many on this forum (me included) think the evidence so far seen, indicates that J.M. Products is a shell company and has no real operations, it will be interesting to see who and what this disposition brings.

    Seems like Mr. Johnson is in double jeopardy! It appears he might be the only one legally responsible for J.M. Products AND he is listed individually as a third party defendant! The seat of his britches must be feeling quite warm by now! :/

  • Several new documents now on the docket:

    Hi all,

    Interesting stuff on the docket!

    I'm away from my computer this week and don't feel up to systematically summarizing the new documents by typing on my cell phone.

    So if anyone wants to take a stab at it, (or divide and conquer), be my guest.

    Also, Abd may do this, and generally does a more thorough and unbiased (if a little more wordy) job than I.


  • Jury, remember that for Rossi to prevail in the case against IH, he will have to have a unanimous verdict by the jury.

    I can see it now. In the closing arguments IH's lawyer puts a 1kW room heater on the rail of the jury box and turns it on. He says something like: imagine not one but 1000 of these filling the courtroom with only one small window open. You would notice, you would be VERY uncomfortable. Yet they want you to think that people would work like normal and it would go unnoticed.

    Now when you go to the jury room to deliberate, imagine it is April 26,2015 during the time of the test here in Miami where the temperature was 97 F and a humidity of 75%. Yet in the jury room there are about a hundred of these heaters that have been on high for 24/7 for months. How long will it take you to come to a decision that they were on. Surely at least one of you will have the common sense to know it was hot. I hope you come to quick decision that Rossi has not proven his attacks against IH. It only takes one of you to say no and you can leave that room.

    Edited once, last by oldguy ().

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