Rossi vs. Darden developments [CASE CLOSED]

  • Unbelievable! You've gone from self avowed scientific expert making scientific assumptions based on incomplete information to performing psychoanalysis on a person you've never actually met and, unbelievably, still based on hearsay and incomplete information. Does your hubris know no limits?

  • Sounds to me like Weaver and Deep River might be feeling a little warm in the britches here.

  • RiRi - why the surprise? Its getting easier by the day and there are several on this forum and on a particular new blog who are smarter then the average bear in assembling patterns and discerning facts. We're dealing with one twisted sick puppy but fear not, Planet Rossi is going to be on the bottom of the Dirac Sea still calling for more steam, gunpowder and shot.

    More chutney......... more relish.....carry on Planet Rossi!

  • If you've got something concrete to contribute RiRi then bring it otherwise your professional troll status is setting up faster than super glue in the high desert.

    Jones Day is doing one heck of a good job on behalf of their clients. These judges are no nonsense and there is very little worry about where this case is heading on the Def / CP side of the battlefield. The same cannot be said for Planet Rossi.

    • Official Post


    Is the "site inspection" to occur in the Dominican Republic, or Doral? ECW has it as the DR, and after re-reading that section, it sure sounds like it could be...or it could be poor wording. If so, and it is the DR, could you give a hint as to what the heck took place there? And while you are at it...who is this DR witness IH is deposing?

  • Shane - the site inspection is slated for Doral. Some have correctly deduced the DR depo witness (three initials, first initial A and last initial d). You can study the order and find more details - the Court had to get involved in an interesting way.

    • Official Post


    Thanks. So the site inspection is in Doral. As to identifying the DR witness with the riddle: "3 initials, first A, and last d", which does not add up to 3, and then give me my homework to go back to the documents to piece together, sorry, I just am not in the mood to do that. I already spend too much time going over this stuff. Instead, how about you be clear this once?

  • If you've got something concrete to contribute RiRi then bring it otherwise your professional troll status is setting up faster than super glue in the high desert.

    Jones Day is doing one heck of a good job on behalf of their clients. These judges are no nonsense and there is very little worry about where this case is heading on the Def / CP side of the battlefield. The same cannot be said for Planet Rossi.

    Dewey, I'm a retired Real Estate Broker in Southern California and I would love to get paid for posting on forums, but so far I've received no offers. Interested? No one has anything concrete to deliver, you because of ND and biased credibility, and the rest of us simply because it hasn't been supplied to us yet. Along with the rest of the poster's here we must wait and see what the Jury decides, unless it settles out of court.

  • Shane D - I was trying to let you know that Abd got it right on the DR depo.

    RiRi - Oh yeah - our field attracts a lot of loud mouth real estate brokers who find themselves credible.

    You got nothin' - thanks for clarifying.

    More comedy - less pain.

  • The outcome of the Italian academia in the CF/LENR field is an absolute disaster. It has been among the firsts in the world to follow the wave of F&P, but, after nearly 28 years of official researches carried out in the major scientific institutions, what is the result? Nothing!

    That is completely wrong. Research in Italy has been successful and definitive, especially at the ENEA. If this were an ordinary field of science, held to the usual standards, many Italian researchers would have won Nobel Prizes for their contributions to cold fusion.

  • And, again, could you explain me, please, how his geniality could have induced some "credentialled academics" who teach Physics in a prestigious University to unintentionally write in the calorimetric report that the steam was "checked to be completely dry" by using a "HP474AC probe", an instrument which is not suited at that scope, and, above all, which didn't appear in any of the many photos or video frames available after the January 14, 2011 demo?

    You may find these interesting, then.…1/37/3717appendixc1.shtml…1/37/3718appendixc0.shtml…1/37/3719appendixc3.shtml

  • Quote

    Shane D - I was trying to let you know that Abd got it right on the DR depo.

    Penon non è in Italia, è nella Repubblica Dominicana!

    Bob wins the bet, and gets 42 quatloos!


  • If IH knows where Penon is at, why did they not serve him papers and loop him into the suit? Hmm, wonder if he had a covenant not to be sued in his contract. Can someone jog my memory if we have seen Penon's contract?

  • Shane D - I was trying to let you know that Abd got it right on the DR depo.

    RiRi - Oh yeah - our field attracts a lot of loud mouth real estate brokers who find themselves credible.

    You got nothin' - thanks for clarifying.

    More comedy - less pain.

    How rude, seems like I must have hit a nerve here.

  • Unbelievable! You've gone from self avowed scientific expert making scientific assumptions based on incomplete information to performing psychoanalysis on a person you've never actually met and, unbelievably, still based on hearsay and incomplete information. Does your hubris know no limits?


    As has happened from time to time in our exchanges, you have misunderstood the point. The links to a philosopher (Daniel Dennett) and psychoanalyst (Otto Kernberg) were because Alain asked for just that. They are really nothing to do with the matter at hand, except that both make the point from empirical observation (as well as rather flakey theories) that people are very very complex!

    However, what does have to do with this is understanding "The Rossi Effect" as far as is possible. There, I follow sigmoidal, (possibly) Alain, and I'd imagine a few others in reckoning the most plausible thing that fits the external facts is if Rossi is both a lying con-man and believes his own lies. That explains how he can seem a naive and convincing inventor to many scientists who have met him, yet also in his business dealings lie to his partners so transparently, and similarly lie (or at least misdirect) on JONP.

    I agree entirely that any attempt to understand the motivations of actors is speculative, and less strong, as evidence, than all the hard evidence we now (because of IH) possess. I've made exactly that point many tinmes as anyone who has followed this thread knows.

    As for hubris, you have more certainty in this matter than me, on rather less evidence:

    It beggars reality that any one is capable of the long term deception with which you credit Rossi. It would take a team of con-men to pull it off. You've been watching too much television or too many movies.

    Expert on the art of con-men

    to my way of thinking Dewey has lost all credibility at this point. I wouldn't believe him if said the sun rises in the east.

    Judging the truthfulness of another poster based on your own partiality without an analysis of his past known reliability

    • Official Post

    If anything, I suspect Rossi has 'inventor's disease'. I have seen it 'up close and personal' a few times, as some others here may have done. It is a pretty widespread phenomenon, best exemplified im my mind by the inventor of 'Starlight', the impossible heat resisting compound. I watched the inventor playing an oxy-acetylene flame on the surface a raw egg coated in this material, and when cracked it was still a raw egg. He would never tell what it was made from, and took the secret (if there was one beyond conjuring) to the grave with him. The ownership of precious secrets can be more alluring than any amount of money, but they also require to be shown off a little, which only makes them more precious.

  • I posted the comment on Mr. Lomax's forum:…an-republic/#comment-1234

    Basically, the thought was that we have heard the plant was double locked, which I take as being the shipping container. Since the Doral facility is now going to be visited and inspected, the thought about the customer side came to mind. The facility was "rented by JMP". However, we have evidence that shows Rossi actually paid the bills. So who has been paying the rent for the past year? We must assume Rossi. Which means he would have the keys to the facility.

    Does anyone want to wager that the "customer side" has been completely "scrubbed clean"? I.E. one will not find nary a bolt or pipe there? I personally believe Rossi will simply state that the customer removed all their belongings as they needed them else where. While this will not support his lawsuit, it probably is less damning than what would have been revealed if it was left "as is". Plausible deniability. And his believers will believe him! He had a choice.... leave the most likely fake customer radiator behind, which would prove deception or clear it out which continues the doubt. One would be certain evidence, the other would be lack of evidence. Lack of solid, provable evidence is what Rossi seems to thrive on. :rolleyes:

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