Display MoreAlainCo Yes, "delusional + convincing con-man + liar" is tough for us to understand. A bit easier when you realise that our idea of overarching single consciousness is itself an illusion - we all work as many bits patched together and don't necessarily have an internal model of what these bits are or which is driving us at any given time. It makes coherence - except at a superficial level - not the default outcome. Mostly the demands of operating socially in the real world prevent obvious weirdnesses, but not always!
It makes sense of Rossi's known behaviour.
There would be related philosophical stuff about consciousness (Dennet etc)
And related psychoanalytic stuff (pathological narcissim) touched on using different language by many people - maybe Kernberg is best intro https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_F._Kernberg?)
Unbelievable! You've gone from self avowed scientific expert making scientific assumptions based on incomplete information to performing psychoanalysis on a person you've never actually met and, unbelievably, still based on hearsay and incomplete information. Does your hubris know no limits?