Rossi vs. Darden developments [CASE CLOSED]

  • What I do know is that the public is being gamed, by both sides.

    Please provide ANY factual data that you can state that IH is "gaming" anyone. Factual data now, not Rossi says nor the often cited "plausible, possible, pie in the sky" reasoning like you often give above in answer to Jed. Come now! This is getting silly in that you consistently pretend to say you are middle ground, but you always point the finger at IH and never Rossi. You play the game of saying neither, but in reality, you only support Rossi. I have not seen one post otherwise.

    So I ask now, from IH, how have I been gamed? Facts only, not you opinion. Since you were such a stickler to Old Guy about grammar, you stated "What I do know". That means not an opinion, but you know as fact, proven and without qualification. I am glad to hear and will be educated.

    Please provide....

  • The infamous bathroom ducting....

    ...sighs disappointedly....

    I think that needed something like 200 km/h to get a decent bite of the heat. I forget...

    (That is not a chimney. A real chimney would need to be a meter wide, and floor to ceiling.)

    Anyways, there is nothing new on the roof, so the roof capacity hasn't changed much since the suite was new.

  • deny, deny, deny, but there are plausible alternate explanations for nearly every puzzle.

    Yes there is a plausible explanation! That explanation is Rossi is a fraud! Will you admit that the evidence shown so far at least points to the likelihood that Rossi is a fraud? Please admit that almost all the accusations from IH could have EASILY been rebuffed with simple documented facts. Yet Rossi has not provided ANYTHING! No customer, no production, no chief engineer, no actual data (IH has requested 3 times and the judge is about ready to sanction him), no supporting answer from his cohorts (we lack the knowledge to confirm or deny) etc. etc.

    You state deny, deny, deny. I say that you quibble, quibble, quibble and over the remotest possibility.

    You are hanging onto a thread while a huge rope is hanging Rossi! And it is his own doing!

    Will you admit that the data shown so far shows far more likely hood of Rossi being a fraud than it does show him to be truthful, honest and forthright? That it gives any indication at all that the plant actually worked as he said it did? I am not holding my breath.... <X

    It is true that the verdict is not yet absolute, but some are digging themselves into a deep hole! Dig a little deeper!:) I must admit, having to deal with some very stubborn people today in the real world has shorten my fuse here on the blog! I need to go to bed!

  • @Bob

    I appreciate your frustration. I've followed cold fusion since its fateful announcement in 1989. What I can tell you is, things aren't always as they seem. And at this point, we still have almost no hard facts or evidence pertaining to the year-long test. What I am grateful for is the notion of due process of law, and the ability to surface the truth in a court of law. I am guided by the evidence. I don't care who wins the legal battle, but I do care about what comes to light during it. I have no loyalties to Rossi or IH. My sole concern, which has not wavered since the P&F era of 1989, is for humanity. That's it.

  • @IHFB. This is why I find your contribution here so dysfunctional. You pick up some mild grammatical lapse (which I admit) in this letter and twist it to mean something that in context it cannot, and that in any case is of no real significance. The different tense is understandable given that the piping was still there and people often get past continuous wrong, and get phrasing wrong where there are different tenses. You blowing this up into "IH lies" as you have done is ridiculous. It is still quite possible this piping is DN80, Penon could easily have got it wrong when asked. From external knowledge we can be certain that he was either disengaged from this test entirely, not doing the contracted job, or incompetent in the relevant matters (accurate measurement of phase change, flow rate, and temperature change in a steam circuit) and therefore incompetent as an ERV.

  • IHFB says:


    But there was ventilation. And there was a chimney! This has been pointed out by Alan with photographic proof. The chimney is not sized to vacate ALL of the 1MW heat. But it could a large portion of it, and the rest could be used to heat vats of water, then mixed with cold water on its way down the drain, keeping it under the regulated heat levels. This too has been shown by others to be possible, including your friend Abd! You can deny, deny, deny, but there are plausible alternate explanations for nearly every puzzle.

    And this shows IHFB's admirable perseverance and creativity in fitting all data to a predetermined hypothesis whatever the implausibility. You can always do this, and given this possibility argue alien abductions, creationism, or whatever fit facts and explain various lacunae. Frankly that corrupt process works better for creationism than it does here. Not that I have any truck at all with creationism!

  • IHFB in #2248


    My sole concern, which has not wavered since the P&F era of 1989, is for humanity. That's it.

    It has been said before, but supporting Rossi against IH is the worst way to promote industrial application of LENR (if it exists). IH has every incentive to do this and seems to be doing the best it can in that respect. Rossi is clearly a distraction and potentially diversion of finance - various people have commented on how research into non-Rossi LENR has been delayed by the Rossi hype. In the case that Rossi's stuff works IH provide an ideal vehicle to commercialise it, and has as good a chance as anyone. Better than Rossi who has demonstrated technical incompetence time and again. Given that (as IH have said) it does not work continuing to fight the battle for Rossi actively harms efforts to commercialise LENR.

    You can argue this whether you think it likely LENR exists or no.

  • Rossi is clearly a distraction and potentially diversion of finance

    Likely a diversion of finance. Even if Leonardo end up being liable for Jones Day's fees in addition to all of the money Leonardo received, they (Leonardo) may not have much left to hand over to IH once the trial is over.

  • Eric,

    Remember Darden said they cut back from a dozen to a half dozen supported researchers (I take "dozen" as a general term not numerical).

    I can't find it now, but Dewey mentioned something encouraging along the lines of seeing interesting results from IH's other supported work, although years away from commercialization.

    I cannot but hope that when the Rossi mess is cleaned up that they will tap their "benefactors" for greater support. I would think they would not want to hold much cash until this is all over. Woodford is known for their long term outlook on investments.

  • First time poster in this thread, its been a fun read so far. I feel like its a combination of 90210, Melrose's Place, NCIS and Law & Order.....

    So whats the consensus about next weeks demo of Brilliant Light Powers LENR device?

  • @IHFB. This is why I find your contribution here so dysfunctional. You pick up some mild grammatical lapse (which I admit) in this letter and twist it to mean something that in context it cannot, and that in any case is of no real significance. The different tense is understandable given that the piping was still there and people often get past continuous wrong, and get phrasing wrong where there are different tenses. You blowing this up into "IH lies" as you have done is ridiculous.

    But yet you won't afford such a lapse to JMP when there is an obvious typo in the "Advanced Derivatives of Johnson Mathew Sponges"? It must be fraud in that case. And boy did that one get blown up!

  • Whoever that is who thinks there is a typo in the "Customer" name needs to read the binding Term Sheet" and the Reps and Warrants agreement signed by Rossi and Johnson.

    Big trouble coming down the pipe (so to speak) for Planet Rossi.

  • Rossi is Pons and Fleischmann are clearly a distraction and potentially diversion of finance - various people have commented on how research into non-Rossi LENR hot fusion has been delayed by the Rossi cold fusion hype. . . . Given that (as IH hot fusion scientists have said) it does not work continuing to fight the battle for Rossi Pons and Fleischmannactively harms efforts to commercialise LENR hot fusion.

    My best guess is you were one of those guys. Lest you call me deceptive for (oh my) crossing out your words and adding bold words, just to be clear to you and everyone, it was my doing to convey a point, not that of THH.

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