Rossi vs. Darden developments [CASE CLOSED]

  • Are you being called as an expert witness then?

  • Actually, it often failed. He was notorious for making outrageous claims and putting on what we would now consider fake demonstrations. He was also a "sharp dealer" meaning dishonest. When he died they found stacks of unpaid bills. He also spent his investor's money like water, buying up instruments and hiring people galore, and then demanding two or three times more than originally agreed to. Still, he was a genius, and he managed to make most things work eventually. See the biography "A Streak of Luck" for details.

    On the other hand, he was not as bad as supporters of Tesla sometimes claim, and he was ahead of his time in his concerns about pollution and conservation.

    Sounds remarkably like Rossi to me.

  • Are you being called as an expert witness then?

    No, anyone with elementary knowledge of plumbing and heating knows what I described. The Florida regs are here:…7_Sanitary%20Drainage.pdf

    Anyone can do numbers and see that it takes more water than a commercial building is supplied with. The problem with people on Planet Rossi is that they never do the numbers. They are innumerate as well as ignorant.

  • Sounds remarkably like Rossi to me.

    That is because you have not read the book, you know nothing about Edison, and you are deluded about Rossi. Yes, Edison had some bad habits common to inventors, but he was the real thing. Whereas Rossi is nothing but a fake and criminal.

  • Where are the pictures? Gary Wright, after Rossi "outed" Fioravanti, posted on his "ShutDownRossi" site a "wanted poster" (from the old US wild west days of "wanted dead or alive") with the only known picture of "the Nato Colonel Domenico Fioravanti" I have ever seen.

    See him here:

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  • DNI,

    Where are the pictures? Gary Wright, after Rossi "outed" Fioravanti, posted on his "ShutDownRossi" site a "wanted poster" (from the old US wild west days of "wanted dead or alive") with the only known picture of "the Nato Colonel Domenico Fioravanti" I have ever seen.

    He's in a picture with Rossi in the article I linked to above.

    And here is another one that has been on

    Edited once, last by DNI ().

  • Just as a side note for those who don't want to do the math and numbers...

    This (…iners/steammaster1500kgh/) is only one sample of the real stuff which is certified and everyone can buy or rent who has a need for 1 MW of heat to consume and that Rossi probably wants to replace with his magic machine...

    This container delivers (!!) 1000 kW of heat via a DN50 pipe, with a boiler pressure adjustment range of 6-16 bar. You don't need much engineering background to understand immediately that from Rossis container never ever escaped 1 MW of steam at ca. 100°C at ca. 1bar - unless one believes that Rossi has completely reinvented physics and all related natural laws....

  • That is because you have not read the book, you know nothing about Edison, and you are deluded about Rossi. Yes, Edison had some bad habits common to inventors, but he was the real thing. Whereas Rossi is nothing but a fake and criminal.

    No I haven't read "the" book. But I do know that Edison was a showman who killed innocent animals in order to convince the public that alternating current was more dangerous than direct, stole other inventors inventions and claimed them as his own, hired workers and paid them little in order to promote their work product as his own personal genius and still we teach our children that he was greatest inventor of our age. He was at least as much of a B.S. artist as Rossi and probably worse once we find out the truth of this matter at hand. I think that you, THH, Weaver and many others are trying to do to Rossi what your brethren did to F and P 27 years ago.

  • If Penon only visited the site 4 times, then he must have had some data to produce his reports. How was that obtained?

    Maybe with a data recorder?

    Are you suggesting that he would have to stay there every single day just to write data by hand?

    From more then 20 years Data is collected via electronic DAQ loggers and not by pencil and paper! Now days many DAQ systems can be accessed remotely via internet!

  • The facility was "rented by JMP". However, we have evidence that shows Rossi actually paid the bills. So who has been paying the rent for the past year? We must assume Rossi. Which means he would have the keys to the facility.

    Why do you think that just Rossi could have the keys to the facility? A few days ago Weaver told us that IH took a walk in the customer's side and found new toys... ("Rossi had backup systems alright and fluid temps might have been able to remain somewhat constant in the system, even during the "down" days, very possibly because of certain "other systems" on the "customer" side that have recently been discovered". - Rossi vs. Darden developments - Part 2).

    So if Rossi can enter and modify the set-up of the Plant, or even steal incriminating evidence, the same could be done by IH. By the way, I asked Weaver if he could be clearer about his "recently discover", but as always I received no answers, just BS about Planet Rossi and his same old repertoire.

  • Ascoli65 - you ask a darn good remaining question - I am working on how far back the USA "co-travelers" go. Who is doing the same in Italy?

    Perhaps some of the Bologna Profs are into this more deeply that we have thought.

    Oh my we really have finished every kind of argument if you are reduced to shoot in the dark. Come on, take a vacation!

  • In keeping with pretty much all debates related to Rossi, the fact that there is no such thing as a NATO colonel does not prevent Rossi supporters from believing one of them accepted the blue box of old for "the military".

  • Well, no - but there are such things as colonels in their own countries temporarily attached or seconded to NATO . Not that that would entitle any of them to accept anything on behalf of "the military".

    I'm going to make a risky prediction here. Rossi will withdraw his suit and/or run away.

  • SSC - you need to spend a little more time on posting construction - your haste reveals your identity.

    Pretty crappy legal week for your side wasn't it?

    Planet Rossi walked into a powered up propeller and next week may even be worse.

    No amount of spin and lies can save you now.

    And remember in the topsy-turvy kingdom that is Planet Rossi - the overlord only attacks when attacked. He knows that no one on Planet Rossi will remember how this all started because that would not be convenient or useful.

  • Quote

    He was at least as much of a B.S. artist as Rossi and probably worse once we find out the truth of this matter at hand. I think that you, THH, Weaver and many others are trying to do to Rossi what your brethren did to F and P 27 years ago.

    Rossi is technically incompetent, and his stuff as tested so far (many many tests) shows no signs of working. Further, Rossi has strenuously resisted efforts from friends to correct obvious errors in his tests. That tells me that he himself - whether deliberately or unconsciously - is aware that it does not work.

    Your comment I can understand if you start from a position that Rossi's stuff does actually work. My point (and Dewey's, I believe) is that we have absolutely zero evidence that it works, and much circumstantial evidence it does not work. You will never get proof that it does not work - that is in principle impossible.

    So that is a difference with Edison. While maybe both Rossi and Edison have odious self-aggrandising character defects, and both could be flakey, we forgive Edison because some of his stuff (bulbs) always worked a bit and in the end became commercially important. Rossi has no such redeeming output.

    If you argue that Rossi's stuff does work (a bit) I cannot gainsay that. I'd just point out that we have no evidence to support it. Whereas everyone could see Edison's bulbs working (a bit) even before they had commercial levels of reliability.

    • Official Post

    SSC - you need to spend a little more time on posting construction - your haste reveals your identity.

    Pretty crappy legal week for your side wasn't it?

    Planet Rossi walked into a powered up propeller and next week may even be worse.

    No amount of spin and lies can save you now.

    And remember in the topsy-turvy kingdom that is Planet Rossi - the overlord only attacks when attacked. He knows that no one on Planet Rossi will remember how this all started because that would not be convenient or useful.

    Bless you Dewey, forever hovering between clichés and indiscretions.

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