Rossi vs. Darden developments [CASE CLOSED]

  • There is nothing about absolute vacuum--anywhere. You likely picked up on that canard from Jed. I think the author of Exhibit 5 was told certain things (e.g., the atmospheric temperature bit), and expressly claimed other things (e.g., the piping is DN40). It is not a matter of whether I believe the author of Exhibit 5--whatever was written in that exhibit was written. The DN40 piping is probably outright false.

    so you want to pick just the part of Exhibit 5 that you want but not the rest. The gauge that Penon selected for the events was an absolute gauge. Was he lying about that when he sent the list into IH?

  • so you want to pick just the part of Exhibit 5 that you want but not the rest.

    I have good reasons to believe that the DN40 piping claim is false. If you remember, I used a picture of the old plant and using known dimensions of shipping containers, was able to show that the exit pipe of that plant was very likely DN80, based on a proportional analysis. The chances of Rossi changing from DN80 to DN40 is next to nil.

    As for the pressure measurements, there are some mixed signals. The test plan had specified an absolute gauge. The ERV data doesn't specify what is meant by 0 bar. The Exhibit 5 says it was atmospheric pressure. So, take your pick.

  • IH Fanboy ,


    And we don't really know pipe sizes, temperatures measured, electrical energy in, or amount of water heated.

    So bin the whole works.

    Agreed! That is part of this exercise, to show those who have formed such sure conclusions to question themselves. Nothing is certain at this point. Jumping to conclusions can be very damaging to LENR and the public's perception of it, and especially LENR+.

  • IHF The gauge info comes from Penon's


    Since you like grammar games, notice that it was for a plurality of tests not just one.

    from his plan = "111 units will be operational during the tests"

    [did that happen or were some turned off?]

    "The cooling water is contained in a tank, placed inside the plant,"

    [was that true?]

    "Probe for steam pressure measurement PX 309—100A5V"

    [ did he use that one which is absolute pressure and out of specs past 80C, or did he do the old bait and switch on IH.

    If he did. that alone might be a reason to declare that Penon sought to defraud and if he did not, then the device was

    not suitable for measure pressure of steam]

  • I have good reasons to believe that the DN40 piping claim is false. If you remember, I used a picture of the old plant and using known dimensions of shipping containers, was able to show that the exit pipe of that plant was very likely DN80, based on a proportional analysis. The chances of Rossi changing from DN80 to DN40 is next to nil.

    As for the pressure measurements, there are some mixed signals. The test plan had specified an absolute gauge. The ERV data doesn't specify what is meant by 0 bar. The Exhibit 5 says it was atmospheric pressure. So, take your pick.

    So you want us to believe that your wild claimed value of DN80 but not Murray's question of Penon's report?

    And that is from some measurement you took on an old photo of a different shipping container on a different device in another country. You can't be serious.

  • So if all the information is junk, then how could this be a GPT?

    One simply cannot guarantee the performance of something with out of spec measurements (water meter, pressure sender) and reported measurements that make no sense (0.0 bar, input electricity higher than fed to the building).

    All this was a test of is the patience of many people.

  • @Para

    Trust me, I've followed the entire cold fusion gig since 1989, and especially closely since 2011. My patience is tested as well. What I do know, based on experiences in other segments, is that even the very best things that could bring unimaginable improvement and relief to the lives of many will encounter unbelievable obstacles. I don't fully understand the reasons for such difficulties, and in many cases, jihadist-like opposition. But it is one of the reasons many people can't have nice things. I live a very comfortable life. I've had a world of opportunities. I live in a great, open, and free nation that is brimming with energy resources. I don't need LENR. But the world does. That is why I'm here.

  • @Jed

    I believe the evidence, when it is good. The sics tend to confuse that quote more than clarify. And the snippet says almost nothing about what was installed in the customer area. Still going to stick with your "small radiator and fan" story?

  • And the snippet says almost nothing about what was installed in the customer area. Still going to stick with your "small radiator and fan" story?

    This quote does not cover the pretend customer area. That is not my story. Obviously that is all there can be in that "customer" area, because -- as noted time after time -- everyone in the building is still alive. Also, there is no way to hide that much heat, and the pretend customer had no employees, and no income. So it wasn't really a customer, was it? It was a fraud. If you don't see that you are even more gullible than I imagined.

    You have not addressed the fact that the people were not cooked. Or any other salient fact. You babble and blather on making up ever-more-irrelevant, evasive, nonsensical reasons to ignore the facts. I am sick and tired of you and the rest of Planet Rossi, and I will not address your bullshit again.

  • Obviously that is all there can be in that "customer" area, because -- as noted time after time -- everyone in the building is still alive.

    So even after your BFF Dewey backtracks on the "only a radiator and fan" story, you are sticking with it?! If we want to talk gullible, I think that probably takes the cake!

  • I say 2 radiators and two fans each.

    Based on prior example.

    I am on the fence whether it would be doubled for 1MW. But my gut says go for two, because Rossi will think that four shows the heat was only dissipated by fans, so two is better. But they will be two big ones.

  • Well, no - but there are such things as colonels in their own countries temporarily attached or seconded to NATO . Not that that would entitle any of them to accept anything on behalf of "the military".

    I'm going to make a risky prediction here. Rossi will withdraw his suit and/or run away.

    NO, but he may settle for half of the 89,000,000 so he can get his quark developed.

  • Edison's best bulbs worked for 3 to 10 seconds. He then licensed the technology that made the light bulb market ready - then he went and made the market. Incredibly, Edison sockets to this day.

    Let us not desecrate his name any further with mentions in postings that include to the overlord of Planet Rossi.

    Edison stole the light bulb from another inventor in Europe.

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