Rossi vs. Darden developments [CASE CLOSED]

  • The fuel used by Boeing was modified by --> Tom Darden

    Wow Interesting ! May be the old Tom was interested to make this test fail, in order not to pay Rossi (and destroy him) and then come out with "his" miraculous fuel and get a contract with Boeing. Seem quite credible if we look at his past behavior.

    • Official Post

    I disagree. IH, I think, reckon if this turns into tech expert vs expert it is too likely to be a stalemate. The fcat that they are correct and Rossi manifestly wrong on Lugano will not necessarily be clear to a Jury when all depends on the character of the experts.



    JD can not just let Levi get on the stand and say good things about the Hotcat/Lugano unchallenged...don't you think? Yes, I understand the risk of a tech battle, but it need not be too technical a response. If Levi/Hoistad start "opining" about Lugano in general terms, JD can ask them if it was peer reviewed. They have to say no, and they can ask them if there has been informal opposition to their findings, and they will have to say yes.

    Now, how to respond if they get up there and say they have successfully replicated their own me. Not sure that would be admissible. It sure would create a buzz here though, and thereby throughout LENR land. Especially if Fabiani participated; considering Dewey said his control box was jury rigged.

  • There was a time when Rossi could have come across to the jury as a genial, affable if misunderstood and eccentric genius but I think by now he is reduced more to frustration, anger, and incoherent babble and excuses based on English not being his native language.

    Again and again I feel racism and prejudice here. Probably you hate him because he is Italian.

    No problem with language eventually he has the right to use a professional interpreter .

    Anyway I don't see any sign of anger in his blog. Who seem anger and frustrated is you Mary.

    Just imagine if Rossi eventually wins and would be proved that LENR is real ? What you would do ?

  • Quote

    Wow Interesting ! May be the old Tom was interested to make this test fail, in order not to pay Rossi (and destroy him) and then come out with "his" miraculous fuel and get a contract with Boeing. Seem quite credible if we look at his past behavior.

    Absolute, complete, uncompromising nonsense. Darden may be a lot of things, but short-sighted is not one of them. It may seem credible to you that he would use a lame plot like substituting the wrong fuel in a test in order not to pay Rossi $90M. But if Rossi's contraption really worked, as has been said many times by many people, it would be worth billions or trillions in a very short time. And Darden would already have the rights to sell it to half the planet! Not only that but if Darden had deliberately crippled the Boeing test, how hard would it be for Rossi to give Boeing the correct fuel, repeat the test, present the result in court and eat Darden alive? It would not be difficult, genius! A sherlock you're not.


    Again and again I feel racism and prejudice here. Probably you hate him because he is Italian.

    No. I hate him because his name begins with a R and ends with an I. It's the Mark of the Beast. He's EVIL!


    No problem with language eventually he has the right to use a professional interpreter .

    Since you don't seem to grasp even the simplest things, let me explain. Rossi uses language as an excuse to be vague and to pretend not to understand. In reality, his English is quite good when he wants it to be. That's the fifth grade level explanation. I can draw pictures for you if it's still not clear.


    Just imagine if Rossi eventually wins and would be proved that LENR is real ? What you would do ?

    I would have a party and get together with some friends to figure out how to invest the most wisely in the coming technical revolution. One of the things which fascinates me about people with a religious sort of belief in LENR is that they think there is some humongous conspiracy to stop development of cold fusion/LENR. In reality, most critics and skeptics would love to be wrong about it. What could be more interesting than a whole new source of clean energy for the world? I love solar, wind, geothermal, etc. I own a hybrid car. I would love for LENR to be true. What could be more interesting?

    Unfortunately I have to settle for being amused by brainless twits with conspiracy theories who believe every next conman which comes along. Truly sad. If there is any decent research in LENR, it's being swamped out with all the crappola bunk.

    Edited 3 times, last by maryyugo ().

  • They have to say no, and they can ask them if there has been informal opposition to their findings, and they will have to say yes.

    The report circulated internally to their Universities for weeks before publication with no critics so was red by peers (e.g. Prof. Ennio Bonetti). The critics on the blogs do not come from peers.

    Anyone can make an informal opposition to Science. So what ? There is (e.g.) even a Flat Earth society.......

    Would it mean that any scientist that thinks that earth is a geode is questionable ?

  • Looks as if THH, Paradigmnoia, Andrea S., are going to be real busy once they take the stand and start talking.

    No big deal.

    If all the so-called replicators made 3 to 4 COP with IR cameras (with both blanks and fueled), Lugano Style instead of re-inventing the wheel with bold new designs using steel tubes and thermocouples (better: use thermocouples but hide the data stream until the test is done, then compare) and fancy new fuels this would have been put to bed ages ago.

    Edit: Lugano Style here means use total emissivity from a graph for the IR detector emissivity setting and a selective emitter like alumina ceramic for the device body.

    Then we can discuss transmutations that may have occurred during these tests, if that can be afforded.

  • If all the so-called replicators made 3 to 4 COP with IR cameras (with both blanks and fueled),

    Who done COP 3 with blanks ? Come on ! And what Lugano has to do with the trial ? Nothing. The contract was signed long before Lugano and based on other tests !

    • Official Post

    The report circulated internally to their Universities for weeks before publication with no critics so was red by peers (e.g. Prof. Ennio Bonetti).


    So you provide something useful for a while! :) What a standard BTW. The Lugano report is released on Arvix, and no UOB professors refute it according to you "for weeks". So is that how science works?

  • I don't understand why Rossi fans are so bent out of shape with IH and this trial. Worse immediate case for Rossi is he loses the suit and doesn't collect however many millions (at least $89M and maybe up to $300M if all damages are awarded) but he will still make an absolute fortune with his E-Cat and QuarkX (maybe the same thing) technology. This would be true even if he has to share with IH since I believe they own the rights of E-CatX related technology over certain areas. And Rossi's reputation will be easily restored. He should have no trouble financing this fantastic technology even after a failed lawsuit. On the other hand if he doesn't have the commercially viable revolutionary technology then he is doomed and forever branded a fraud and failure--but for Rossi fans, this should not be a concern, as Rossi should have the last laugh.

  • Hah, that's nothing, IH "done" COP 9 with a wave of the magic Optris Thermal Camera.

    9 is impressive. I think I could do it, but it would be tricky.

    I think the MFMP did (at least) an IR COP of 3 during their original Thermal Validation test of a Lugano-like device (unfuelled).

    Nobody ever did the math for emissive power calculations, but they had 1524 C (the maximum temperature the Optris will display is 1524.7 C, so it might even have been "hotter") by switching to 0.45 emissivity, a big jump from around 1000 C at 0.95. Power in of course was constant.

    Around 1:53:00 is where it happens.

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    • Official Post

    I don't understand why Rossi fans are so bent out of shape with IH and this trial. Worse immediate case for Rossi is he loses the suit and doesn't collect however many millions (at least $89M and maybe up to $300M if all damages are awarded) but he will still make an absolute fortune with his E-Cat and QuarkX (maybe the same thing) technology. This would be true even if he has to share with IH since I believe they own the rights of E-CatX related technology over certain areas. And Rossi's reputation will be easily restored. He should have no trouble financing this fantastic technology even after a failed lawsuit. On the other hand if he doesn't have the commercially viable revolutionary technology then he is doomed and forever branded a fraud and failure--but for Rossi fans, this should not be a concern, as Rossi should have the last laugh.


    Well said, and that is why this is so laughable. Logic would say that if Rossi has what he says, we would not be here arguing over a lawsuit.

  • Ele, we have a rule against doxxing, or seeking to disclose people's identities when they wish to remain anonymous, which you may know about. This is a request to stop attempting to doxx people.

  • If his witness list is real, I wonder how Rossi expects to get Hoistad, Levi and DiGiovani (whoever that is) into testimony without first having made them available for deposition?

    I really do hope that Penon shows up.

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