There's so much bluster in this thread I don't even know how to clean it up. If I move a post of yours into the bargain bin that you think should stay here, let me know, and I'll consider moving it back.

Rossi vs. Darden developments [CASE CLOSED]
- barty
- Closed
Standard tldr lawyer talk that no one is going to listen to. ... Looks like you'll just have to deal with it. ... Clever writing. Perhaps you should take up writing fiction. [ ... etc. ... ]
@[email protected]'s account suspended for two weeks for incivility and being an all-around boor.
I think that Rossi ist a liar and that the people engaged with IH are liars so I consider myself somehow neutral
Sifferkol is always escalating with the things he says and a healthy discussion does not work this way. Dewey is also annoying with most of his posts but in my eyes not so agressiv. If I were a moderator: for every time I suspended Sifferkols account I would have suspended Deweys 0.8 times.
If I were a moderator: for every time I suspended Sifferkols account I would have suspended Deweys 0.8 times.
Yes, this isn't far away.
The tactics of Planet Rossi are so incredibly predictable.
We have an eye on [email protected] since weeks in our team area because of his noticeable behaviour.
This decision was not made by Eric Walker alone but by the whole team.
And sifferkoll...yeah, simply read his posts.
Enough now, back to topic!
I started following this thread in the hope it would give news of the trial. Faint hope indeed as the thread seems filled with blather and little news.
If speculation is really the subject, here is some from engineer 48 on ecatworld. I wonder if he has been banned from this site as it appears only Rossi insults are allowed.
"Here is the layout as deduced from what Rossi and others have stated. Notice the large roof exhaust fan directly above the JM work area. The existance of this exhaust fan has been ignored by Jed, Murray and Smith as they claim the 1MW of heat would have killed anybody in the warehouse. However with the reality of the exhaust fan, that theory dies.
Here is the hole in the dry wall that the bypass steam pipe used to enter the upper story area. Strange that Smith reported he saw no holes in the dry wall that would allow a steam pipe to enter the upper story. Maybe another case of Smith having convenient vision issues?
Rossi claims that there was a steam bypass in the JM Black Box that allow steam / heat not required by the processing going on inside the JM Black container to be discharged by the upper story heat exchanger.
Interesting images above. It seems IH / Smith failed to take a photo of what was between images 11 and images 12. Rossi claims that is where the bypass valving was installed. Another case of IH experts having vision problems and choosing to ignore the inconvenient Elephant in the room?
This somewhat complex arrangement was necessary as to satisfy the contract, the 1MW plant needed to output a steady 1MW."
(I also read Smith's testimony that he had never actually visited the site and his comments were based on information supplied by others.)
I started following this thread in the hope it would give news of the trial. Faint hope indeed as the thread seems filled with blather and little news.
There is no news of the trial. It only went for 1 day. It will begin again on Wednesday July 5.
There was a mistrial before that.
"Here is the layout as deduced from what Rossi and others have stated. Notice the large roof exhaust fan directly above the JM work area. The existance of this exhaust fan has been ignored by Jed, Murray and Smith as they claim the 1MW of heat would have killed anybody in the warehouse. However with the reality of the exhaust fan, that theory dies.
There were no exhaust fans large enough for 1 MW. There was no heat exchanger in the mezzanine. There is photographic proof that there was no exchanger, and there could not have been. It would insane to put a heat exchanger in the building. It has to be placed outside. A 1 MW exchanger is the size and weight of a small automobile: 12' x 12' x 12". If you put one in the mezzanine, it would collapse. It would take months for Rossi to make his own 1 MW exchanger. There was never any trace of such a machine, and there was glass in the front windows the whole time.
(I also read Smith's testimony that he had never actually visited the site and his comments were based on information supplied by others.)
You are mistaken. In his second report he describes his visit to the site, and to the mezzanine.
There is no news of the trial. It only went for 1 day. It will begin again on Wednesday July 5.
There was a mistrial before that.
The best reporting on the trial is from Abd who has installed himself as a journalist. The other journalist there (Abd said) was from Law360. But i doubt they will give as much detail as Abd.
I started following this thread in the hope it would give news of the trial. Faint hope indeed as the thread seems filled with blather and little news.
If speculation is really the subject, here is some from engineer 48 on ecatworld. I wonder if he has been banned from this site as it appears only Rossi insults are allowed.
"Here is the layout as deduced from what Rossi and others have stated. Notice the large roof exhaust fan directly above the JM work area. The existance of this exhaust fan has been ignored by Jed, Murray and Smith as they claim the 1MW of heat would have killed anybody in the warehouse. However with the reality of the exhaust fan, that theory dies.
Here is the hole in the dry wall that the bypass steam pipe used to enter the upper story area. Strange that Smith reported he saw no holes in the dry wall that would allow a steam pipe to enter the upper story. Maybe another case of Smith having convenient vision issues?
Rossi claims that there was a steam bypass in the JM Black Box that allow steam / heat not required by the processing going on inside the JM Black container to be discharged by the upper story heat exchanger.
Interesting images above. It seems IH / Smith failed to take a photo of what was between images 11 and images 12. Rossi claims that is where the bypass valving was installed. Another case of IH experts having vision problems and choosing to ignore the inconvenient Elephant in the room?
This somewhat complex arrangement was necessary as to satisfy the contract, the 1MW plant needed to output a steady 1MW."
(I also read Smith's testimony that he had never actually visited the site and his comments were based on information supplied by others.)
But IH/Smith did not take those photos. They were never allowed into that area. Those photos (11 & 12) were brought in as exhibits by Rossi's own legal team. Rossi claimed in his deposition that they were the result of a conspiracy between employees of the State of Florida (who visited (as they were bound to do) after a false report of possible dangerous radiation being produced) and IH.
Yeah, right
At which point, the sound of his his legal team's collective head-desking must have been deafening
All the photos needed to take down Rossi's faux heat exchanger ploy are already in evidence. The most interesting phenomena is that R keeps widening the trap for himself.
Didn't E48 present himself as a "consultant" for a UK 1MW customer at one point in time?
What's 'Floamage'?
The "faux heat exchanger" question repeats itself asymptotically without rescaling .... .
Sit down and enjoy a good book.
... "It was before this solidly-established tribunal that Dr. Cyrus Pym, after passing a hand through the honey-coloured hair over each ear, rose to open the case.
His statement was clear and even restrained, and such flights of imagery as occurred in it only attracted attention by a certain indescribable abruptness, not uncommon in the flowers of American speech."
Here, from pag. 53:
AA - you should also know Smith and Murray were able to revisit the scene of the crime after the R'ster's heat exchanger fabrication at the end of the discovery period. Yet another gauntlet too far but please do keep trying.
I have little interest in unconfirmed speculation, mainly by people who appear to have had little or no industrial experience.
For example the oft repeated comment that 1 MW of heat would kill the occupants of the warehouse. I have been responsible for the engineering of some 30 manufacturing plants including the design and construction of several new ones. Several had multiple furnaces, each burning 1250 million BTU/day feeding 25o tons of molten glass to forming machinery, followed by reheating annealing lehrs. These buildings relied on just natural ventilation to keep the workers cool, although the radiation made it uncomfortable in places.
I have little interest in unconfirmed speculation, mainly by people who appear to have had little or no industrial experience.
Murray and Smith have extensive industrial experience. Murray has designed the thermal handling of equipment worth hundreds of billions for the military.
For example the oft repeated comment that 1 MW of heat would kill the occupants of the warehouse. I have been responsible for the engineering of some 30 manufacturing plants including the design and construction of several new ones. Several had multiple furnaces, each burning 1250 million BTU/day feeding 25o tons of molten glass to forming machinery, followed by reheating annealing lehrs. These buildings relied on just natural ventilation to keep the workers cool, although the radiation made it uncomfortable in places.
There is no natural ventilation in the warehouse sufficient to vent 1 MW. No ordinary warehouse can handle this. That is why Rossi came up with ridiculous lie about the invisible heat exchanger in the mezzanine. Even he can see that without a giant heat exchanger, the heat would kill people in the warehouse. Rossi sees this but you do not.
Murray and Smith have extensive industrial experience. Murray has designed the thermal handling of equipment worth hundreds of billions for the military.
That tells me nothing about their relevant industrial experience.
@David Fojt
No. This is a contract dispute - not a judgement of whether "Rossi technology" works. Even the counter-claim is not really about whether Rossi technology works, but about whether Rossi defrauded IH. For example, maybe it works but he never gave IH working reactors, etc. It is a civil dispute between two parties and not the judge's job to introduce new evidence.
A lot of people here see this as a proxy for a does Rossi technology work determination. Or even for a does LENR work determination. It is not directly the first, and certainly nothing to do with the second.
However, what it maybe will be able to do is answer clearly the question: Is Rossi a bare-faced liar no-one should trust?
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