Rossi vs. Darden developments [CASE CLOSED]

  • Furnaces are a) heavily insulated to save energy by preventing radiative heat loss; and b) have large flue stacks to vent hot gases outside of the building. (or ginormous heat exchangers if it is desired to recover waste heat for any reason.)

  • Mike, Mike, silly Mike: Rules don't apply on Planet Kev (unless he likes it at that particular moment). Note to Ele - this is sarcasm.

  • @[email protected]'s account suspended for two weeks for incivility and being an all-around boor.

    Please do not suspend Kev. Although he has attacked me numerous times and IMHO is incapable of reasoning with, I do not think he should be suspended/banned. I am not a moderator and am fairly new to this forum, but absent direct threats, blatant ad hominem attacks, extreme foul language or something similar, I ask that you not ban Kev (or anyone else for that matter).

  • I doubt Rossi wants this offer to become 'real' because it means he wouldn't get his $89M. He seems to have very little chance of winning that but juries do very strange things, like saying "if the glove don't fit you must acquit" while completely ignoring overwhelming scientific evidence of DNA .

    Rossi seems to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of seasoned scientists and even Skeptics Society members if you believe the hyperskeptics side of the story. So he might easily charm a jury that will roll their eyes when the technical stuff goes back & forth.

    In addition to all of the dubious (at best) Rossi behavior, a jury of common folk (not multi-millionaires), are not likely to be very sympathetic that Rossi indeed did receive $10+ million, for his "efforts", promptly spent on condos, toupees and who-knows-what else, then rather than "taking the money and run" turned around and thought he would try to get another $90M for his "efforts" by biting the hand that fed him the $10+ million. Oh, and the IH/Cherokee investment money (amounts argued) that their fund collected, this money is not "pocketed" by individuals at IH, it's theirs to blow however they like on other high-risk bets (and presumably lawyers at this point). And please quit droning about Rossi's "IP", he has nothing but a single patent with claims for a crude electric hotdog cooker vessel.

  • AA - as such a self-described / highly trained industrial engineer with what sounds like vast experience, are you in the least bit surprised that Rossi did not have his "1MW boiler" inspected or certified as required by law in the state of Florida? The IH experts are the right folks as the R'ster will soon be finding out.

    Nobody answered my question about E48 - I'm sure I read where he described himself as a consultant for one of R's customers. Are these guys all from the same planet?

  • In addition to all of the dubious (at best) Rossi behavior, a jury of common folk (not multi-millionaires), are not likely to be very sympathetic that Rossi indeed did receive $10+ million, for his "efforts", promptly spent on condos, toupees and who-knows-what else, then rather than "taking the money and run" turned around and thought he would try to get another $90M for his "efforts" by biting the hand that fed him the $10+ million. Oh, and the IH/Cherokee investment money (amounts argued) that their fund collected, this money is not "pocketed" by individuals at IH, it's theirs to blow however they like on other high-risk bets (and presumably lawyers at this point). And please quit droning about Rossi's "IP", he has nothing but a single patent with claims for a crude electric hotdog cooker vessel.

    Jury - I would expect most of them will be retired or unemployed. Very few employed people can take off 5 weeks for a trial. The judge excused many for that reason.


    re the .RAVI files for the Feb 2015 Thermal Validation still around? Small segments of Optris video from that test would be useful, if possible.

    Unfortunately those files appear to have been lost, possibly due to the ground fault that damaged the Optris USB interface mid-way through the test in Feb. 2015.

    That lack is precisely why I repeated the measurements in April 2017, using the same (repaired) Optris system and a fresh (NOS) Dogbone replica made with the same materials and dimensions.

  • That tells me nothing about their relevant industrial experience.

    Read their depositions and you will learn a great deal about their industrial experience. Clearly you have not read the depositions, because you did not know that Smith visited the site and photographed the mezzanine and other areas. Anyone can see you are pontificating about reports that you have not read. You make yourself look silly when you do that. It is not convincing.

  • Please do not suspend Kev. Although he has attacked me numerous times and IMHO is incapable of reasoning with, I do not think he should be suspended/banned. I am not a moderator and am fairly new to this forum, but absent direct threats, blatant ad hominem attacks, extreme foul language or something similar, I ask that you not ban Kev (or anyone else for that matter).

    woodworker, I definitely sympathize with your request. I should mention that Kev was given notice on June 21st that he was on a probation of sorts. (I know him from Vortex, and his reputation preceded him.) Since then he has gone from skirting acceptable behavior to repeatedly testing the limits well beyond acceptable behavior. The job of the mods has been made much more difficult in keeping up with his exchanges by the fact that more reasonable folks have been responding to him in kind, if more subtly. That is presenting a practical difficulty merely in having him around. I think if I trusted people not to rile up those with little self-control, there might be more room for allowing the occasional forum member with antisocial tendencies. But I definitely do not trust you guys to resist prodding such types, and it ends up taking a lot of time to move useless posts out of this thread.

  • Furnaces are a) heavily insulated to save energy by preventing radiative heat loss; and b) have large flue stacks to vent hot gases outside of the building. (or ginormous heat exchangers if it is desired to recover waste heat for any reason.)

    You have small understanding of the situation and making misleading remarks like that is what I see all the time on this blog.

    The heat exchanger (called regnerator) on a glass furnace is part of the furnace. They use 4-6 MMBTU/ton not including the recovered heat from the exhaust. Without regenerators it would be almost impossible to get the furnace hot enough to melt glass. Parts of the furnace are not insulated to slow corrosion of the refractory. The whole crown was not insulated when I started in the industry and even now insulation is taken off if the silica refractory wears too badly. How do you insulate the 250 tons/day of molten glass after it has left the furnace?

    Likewise the comments by Smith and the opening remarks by IH's lawyers are factually wrong when they claim the pump's max capacity is 5.000 gallons per day, and thus the ERV's report is false. The pump manufacturer states on their site that it can produce several times that amount at the low pressure used. Anyway, the flow rate is measured by the flow meter not by the label on the pump. Even if it were only 5,000 g;alls/day that would still have given a high enough COP to pass the test.

    Life is too short to attempt to correct all the errors made in the comments.

  • Well said, and that is why this is so laughable. Logic would say that if Rossi has what he says, we would not be here arguing over a lawsuit.

    So according to you if Rossi believes that he is a victim of a scam attempt, he should forget about it because he knows he has a revolutionary technology in his hands? Don't you think that it would be normal for him to try and get back his IP or the money he deserves? Your reasoning doesn't seem so logical.....

  • IH are in business to look for LENR - so they cannot say the whole field is rubbish.

    Yet it's just what they did. They boast of having many LENR researchers in their portfolio and being a major investor in that field, but at the same time they try to discredit the E-Cat saying that it is based on a theory that denies the principles of physics. Their opinions always change depending on what is most appropriate at that time...

  • If we have Rossi sworn statement against Darden the same it is less clear, except that Rossi is a known liar and Darden not.

    .... and Darden not. "Not" stands for ....? Don't you think he's a liar or don't you think he's a "known" liar? The fact of not being "known" only indicates that he were good at hiding his footprints, and in this sense the stories that told us Sifferkol can be a worthy evidence

  • As for me, I'm afraid he may get away with it. I'm afraid he will be slippery and confusing enough on the stand that the jurors will just think he is having problems with English language comprehension. Personally, I have no fear whatsoever that he has anything that works. There is no empirical evidence to suggest otherwise, and large amounts of evidence of a deliberate scam.

    I suppose there will be a translator in the courtroom to help Rossi and the jury, but in any case Rossi is not one who eludes the questions and I really don't think he will try to bamboozle anyone. Many answers that have not been provided before will be given in the courtroom: that's the place and the right time to do it. In addition, empirical evidence exists, starting with the 2011 tests (and some of Focardi's interviews).

  • Nobody answered my question about E48 - I'm sure I read where he described himself as a consultant for one of R's customers.

    Why don't you ask Google?

    A search for... engineer48 consultant Australia

    ...will bring up this link on the first page of the search results:…-developing-e-cat-plants/

    where you can easily find a comment from E48 describing his cooperation with Rossi (of course - no guarantee that this is all true)

  • The pump manufacturer states on their site that it can produce several times that amount at the low pressure used.

    Link please. The data I've checked shows figures that correspond to a +20% uplift in capacity at zero pressure difference when compared with the nominal rating. Still too low to make sense without recirculation (see below). And of course, rossi can swoitch off the e-cat pumps as much as he wants and recirculate hot water with the grundfoss pump...

    Anyway, the flow rate is measured by the flow meter not by the label on the pump. Even if it were only 5,000 g;alls/day that would still have given a high enough COP to pass the test.

    Only if there is no recirculation of hot water, and if the flowmeter is reading correctly, and it is reported correctly. So many unknowns in Rossi's stuff...

  • The strange thing with Rossi is that there is so much development of plants which then vanish, with no sales nor demos anyone else can validate, shot down to be replaced by the next duck (or quarkX) in the row - so to speak!

  • There is photographic proof that there was no exchanger, and there could not have been.

    There is photographic evidence that there was no heat exchanger on the day the photo was taken. No photographic evidence can prove that the object was not there the day before.

    There was never any trace of such a machine, and there was glass in the front windows the whole time.

    How can you say that windows have been there all the time? Were you in charge of cleaning them daily?

  • In addition to all of the dubious (at best) Rossi behavior, a jury of common folk (not multi-millionaires), are not likely to be very sympathetic that Rossi indeed did receive $10+ million, for his "efforts", promptly spent on condos, toupees and who-knows-what else, then rather than "taking the money and run" turned around and thought he would try to get another $90M for his "efforts" by biting the hand that fed him the $10+ million.

    A person who has something to hide picks up the first money he can collect and then runs away. Those who really have what they claim, wait to cash in what is due, and if it doesn't happen they make a complaint. Just take your own conclusions.

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