Rossi vs. Darden developments [CASE CLOSED]

  • Nope. His 1-year test was bad from the start. He did not cut corners or make it worse over time. You can see that in the Penon report data.

    I.H. urged him to improve the test during the year, but he did not.

    (I do not know about the other tests.)

    Mr. Rothwell,

    IH objected, but purely on a formal basis. They never really cared. They thought the Italian nutjob would implode anyhow. They thought the test was a charade, but did not stop it. IH let Rossi sit there for the whole year so he was kept busy.

    If i would be in charge of IH and i was sincere about the test, and i had a team of four or five fte's working on this project, i would stalk Rossi and his team day and night. IH agreed with a shitty plan, but i would at least demand updates, pay the facility surprise visits, have lunch with Rossi, etc.

    Isn't it strange that there is so little available communication between IH and Rossi and or other members of Rossi's team?



    • Official Post

    He is without doubt unable to distinguish between truth and what he wants to be true, and as a result he deceives unashamedly and pretty well continuously. His story of himself - as a brilliant hard-working inventor - is obviously convincing, and those who buy it are able to ignore any number of deceptions.

    While I leave the 'brilliant' comment aside for the moment, nobody who has spent time in Rossi's company would cast any doubt on the 'hard working' part. His energy level and work ethic have left former colleagues both amazed and exhausted at times, including for example one occasion when struck by a sudden idea he spent almost 36 hours without sleep building a modified reactor and getting everything ready for an experiment. Call him what you like, THH, but don't call him lazy.

  • Call him what you like, THH, but don't call him lazy.

    He does indeed work very hard at putting on a show, while enlisting others to do the hard work of making the props (reactors). He also works hard at putting on the show of working hard. :) It gives the intended image and makes the reader think, "surely he wouldn't work so hard for nothing would he?" That was one thought it elicited in me in the past. Eventually, I realized these kinds of thoughts are coming from a rational doubt.

  • One sure hopes that somebody couldn't be fooled for quite some time, but we certainly can be fooled for a long time. I would at least put myself in that category as well as most others. On the other hand, I agree that in the absence of a secondary motive, you can be fairly sure who is really working (you can tell by effective results). I would include all of your hard work under that category.

  • IH objected, but purely on a formal basis. They never really cared.

    No, they cared a lot!

    Let me point out here that you are speculating about events you know nothing about, whereas I am telling you about events that I experienced first-hand. As noted in the lawsuit docket, I visited I.H. and worked with them. I had no knowledge of their business plans or contracts. I knew nothing about Rossi's strange, fake company. But I did know what the people at I.H. thought about the test as it was underway.

  • [Rossi's] energy level and work ethic have left former colleagues both amazed and exhausted at times

    Yes, I have heard that from people who worked with him, including people who now despise him.

    He is one of the strangest people I have ever encountered. That's saying a lot, because cold fusion, like all new science, attracts strange people.

  • . I defy any of you here to withstand dozens of unfounded charges brought against you, and still be willing to get up each morning and try to make the world a better place. Or to even treat people with greetings such as "warm regards." Or to not hate. Or to not seek and mete out revenge.


    Get up every morning and think of how to get even, how to get revenge, how to scam people out of money

  • Yes, I have heard that from people who worked with him, including people who now despise him.

    He is one of the strangest people I have ever encountered. That's saying a lot, because cold fusion, like all new science, attracts strange people.

    Fabiani worked with him for years and yet at the end Rossi just got mad at him and threw his computer and other things out into the parking lot. That says a lot about the guy.... and then there is that Elvis toupee.

  • it is so easy to call someone sociopath, narcissist, conman or whatever by just evaluating his postings and sayings out of context, where they could have been put up certain way merely because of business reasons than ones personality.

    I don't think it's possible to distinguish between antisocial behavior exhibited in the course of business and out of it. If you're behaving antisocially in pursuing business, your behavior is antisocial. In the case of the surgeon with the knife, there is the intention of healing the patient, the patient's consent that was obtained in advance and the many successful examples in history that justify the use of the scalpel.

    For example JONP has done damn good job on confusing both competitors and investors.

    People are too ready to overlook clear and obvious misdirection if it allows them to continue to hold onto hope. This feeds into a narrative of the wily inventor who feels justified in doing all kinds of underhanded things in order to protect his invention. Such a narrative can provide cover for actual scammers, so we should be careful not to too readily acquiesce in it. No doubt the behavior of the majority of inventors and businesspeople is straightforward and upright.

  • If you do not feel unhappy with the Penon data, because you see nothing wrong with 0.0 bar pressure or the same flow rate day after day, then you disagree with I.H. and with me.

    One of the pressure sensors failed very early in the test, as written I an AR e-mail to all IH people. But all instruments were doubled – also the thermocouples.

    Why Penon still used the failed one is a mystery. In the same AR's e-mail, he writes about a COP of 33.

    I would ask everybody to reevaluate their statements based on these facts...known by IH!

  • Almost 7000 comments in this thread and still no one can make a convincing argument how Andrea Rossi has scammed everyone in the last 6 years.

    Explain me the scam please, I just can't understand the argument.

    What's his scam? What's his endgoal? You can't claim incompetence and fraud at the same time. That's an incredible weak argument. (I am still waiting for the Lugano report to get retracted, this needs to happen before the trial or IH doesn't stand any chance in court)

    And explain me also how IH got scammed when they got 50million on investments while they let Rossi run his 1MW reactor with the same ERV who did their first validation test 3 years ago.

    Didn't IH registered in 2015 a european patent which described an unknown extensive test of an e-cat with a high COP.

    What's also very curious in this courtcase is IH doesn't go all in on the technical side, if they really think that 1MW reactor is one big scam. You only have to hire the best technical people in the business to make that case. Very strange that they can hire the most expensive lawyers but not the best technical people.

  • LLTL, it would have been nice if you could have joined us for those 7000 comments, as your questions have come up several times. To some of them:

    "And explain me also how IH got scammed when they got 50million on investments while they let Rossi run his 1MW reactor with the same ERV who did their first validation test 3 years ago."

    IH were given 50 million to invest in their portfolio by Woodford. They are accountable to Woodford to invest the money along the lines that were agreed in advance. This is money that they may end up having to return to Woodford if there is a dispute between them. This was not money that they could spend on anything they want, e.g., real estate in Florida, without consequence. It is not really IH's money.

    "What's also very curious in this courtcase is IH doesn't go all in on the technical side, if they really think that 1MW reactor is one big scam."

    First, legal questions precede any technical ones. Was the Doral show a "Guaranteed Performance Test"? This is a question that hinges on signatures, provisions spelled out in the license agreement and its amendments, how the Doral activity was represented and discussed between stakeholders, etc.

    Second, IH do go into the technical side, bringing in analysis and discussion from Murray and Smith and others.

  • One soon detects who the shirkers are.

    If Rossi is a con artist, he is also exceptional, I think, in his ability to "talk shop" with physicists such as Focardi, Hoistad, Essen, Kullander and others with whom he has interacted with in person on an extended basis. According to Mats's book, the Swedish group was apparently quite impressed with him and his knowledge of physics. And Focardi worked with him, as well. I think that is one of the things that makes it difficult for some people to come to terms with the notion that he is just scamming people. I don't know that it makes it more or less likely, but it certainly seems to make him a unique con man with unusual talents.

  • Sorry joshg, but anyone with a decent knowledge of physics who reads or listens to Rossi's statements about science finds them laughable. There have been numerous examples of this over the years. You are just falling into the "he must be the greatest, most talented con man in history because he has fooled me" fallacy. Rossi's only talent is choosing his marks and he is great at it.

  • You are just falling into the "he must be the greatest, most talented con man in history because he has fooled me" fallacy.

    No, that's not true at all. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension. Go back and read what I wrote. While what you say about other people finding his remarks about physics laughable might be true, it seems by all indications that the physicists I named do not or at least did not find his physics laughable. If anything, you could say that I am falling into the 'he must be the greatest, most talented con man in history because he fooled a handful of smart, talented physicists " fallacy. Though I did not say he is the greatest, most talented con man. The phrase I used was "unique with unusual talents." I should add that his apparent ability to constantly dream up new ways of faking excess heat also attests to very particular set of engineering skills.

    • Official Post

    I noticed this - and thought it a very very strong negative - over technical matters on his blog where he said whatever was needed to please a questioner with no sense of consistency.

    I agree... this is key to his popularity. this is why his claims looks credible sometime, because they are simply what people, and sometime rational people, expects.

    I think there is a mental disease not far, where someone having no personality (maybe no memory too) simply repeat the hypothesis he hear around him, and rationalize all...

    Another talent is the capacity to maintain plausible deniability.

    But today with pacermonitor, there is no plausible deniability anymore.

  • people on the ASD spectrum are very susceptible to sociopathic con artistry. Its called mind blindness, scientists in general have an abundance of ASD spectrum in their ranks. There's highly qualified research out there that states if your IQ is over around 140 or so you are almost guaranteed to be on the spectrum, suffering social deficit of some kind. There's a comedy show that's highly successfully explored this phenomenon and the extremes of logic but lack of social awareness in specifically engineers and physicists.

    Rossi's ability to convince professionals is largely I suspect to do with the fact he appears to convince himself he is doing nothing wrong, perhaps he truly believes with a little more time/money/effort he will crack the worlds energy problem, he has alongside his sociopathy a clear messiah complex. He effectively drinks his own koolaid just like the leaders of the cult of heavens gate where the meme comes from did. He is self centred and utterly batshit riding a cart that the wheels fell off some time ago.

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