English is loaded with "exceptions to the rules", so make up your own exception. I do it all the time.
Shane - Don't get me started on the correct use of that particular phrase...
... if you want to do so, please continue to mock me. Criticize me until no one even reads a single post I make. Because all it can do is benefit me by enticing me to spend more of my time in the real world rather than staying up all hours in the night chasing dreams that may never become tangible.
If you spend a lot of time reading about Rossi and the pure crappolla Rossi writes, you are indeed wasting your time. Remember, Rossi is a convicted felon. Rossi has done nothing but fool people, create costly frauds, and make truly huge and costly environmental disasters. Your problem is that you believe Rossi because what he offers is so enticing. Hey, what Bernie Madoff offered was even more enticing and made of much of the same stuff-- vapor. THINK! Rossi has made huge claims now going on seven years. Robotic factories, cheap isotopes, a substantial number of satisfied customers, certificators working away to make the ecats an everyday gadget offered in stores, and much more. And guess what? NOT ONE WORD OF IT, NOT ONE, HAS EVER BEEN INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED. Nothing Rossi ever says can be checked. You do not have to be well versed in science and technology to understand that-- just use a little common sense! If Rossi were telling the truth, the evolution of the device would not proceed (or more accurately, fail to proceed) as it has.There was never any need at all to design a hot cat before the original ecat was placed on the market. The original ecat supposedly made low pressure steam at very low cost and without carbon emissions. That would be enough to heat countless (billions) of residences world wide and to make Rossi billions of dollars. Instead, Rossi promoted obvious mismeasurement of hot cats using incorrect and insufficient instruments and methods. Now, he's claiming the incredibly unlikely "QuarkX". Interestingly, Quark was the name of a Star Trek character who was a merchant from a civilization without conscience for whom any deal they could foist on others was a good deal.
Want to spend time to consider workable non polluting power sources that don't increase global warming, think about the new generation of fission reactors such as were recently featured on PBS/NOVA: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb…n-innovate-nuclear-power/ THIS, and not Rossi, Defkalion and Brillouin and BLP, is real science and encouraging technology for the coming decade.
THIS, and not Rossi, Defkalion and Brillouin and BLP, is real science and encouraging technology for the coming decade.
Mary are you involved in the Nuclear Fission / Weapons business ? If yes I can understand your angry against LENR.
Also I can understand that some laboratories and industries that take a huge amount of public money are irritated and would like to destroy LENR.
From the page you linked :Quote
Worries about waste, weapons proliferation and safety nearly derailed nuclear energy in the past. But the quest to meet rising demand for energy, without wrecking the planet, has put new nuclear technology back on the agenda.In the article the Oak Ridge facility is cited as a research center for the new reactors but is easy to see that that facility has a long military history far far away from clean energy.
Please check: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-12_National_Security_ComplexSo how can you pretend that any hope for a new and clean technology can come from this people ?
In contrary I see see a rich industry that want to continue to make money polluting sites and then "cleaning" them. (And eventually making weapons)
Wasn't that one of the Darden's business ? -
@ele and to others,
I take the occasion to warn you against the conspiracy theories of vested interests.
most people, most radical people, most groupthinked victims, are sincere. People don't suicide bomb for a check but for a groupthink.
The "conflict of interest" theory works sometime, and this kind of conflict can be solved by regulation and incentive, but the worst problem is most of the time conflict of ideology, against which quite nothing work.
Groupthink theory by Benabou even explains that the one who suffer the most from the erroneous consensus will be it's most courageous and suicidal supporter, the most zealous mindguard and the most sadistic tortionary for dissenters.Anyway radical people, stubborn people, sometime are right and can give lesson to others because they exploit their knowledge and intelligence when it is in their preferred direction. Newton was not a honest man, nor a kind guy, nor a rational thinker. Like Galileo he was a radical thinker; Newton was a fundamentalist of religion and mathematics, a gullible believer in alchemy, an abusive scientists against his opponents, but he was right on gravity.
At least we won't have to deal with phase change shenanigans this time around...
January 13, 2017 at 10:26 PM
Dear AndreaWill the calorimetry on the Quarkx presentation involve a phase change?
Andrea Rossi
January 14, 2017 at 12:13 AM
No, just liquid phase.
Warm Regards,
A.R. -
The Quark involves only one phase. The BS phase.
Mary I will leave this post alone, merely because it is mildly amusing. But anymore contentless posts will earn you a ban. Alan.
As expected (and mildly amusing):
Jude Rabalais
January 20, 2017 at 6:36 AM
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi
Is it confirmed your demo in the next couple if months?
Andrea Rossi
January 20, 2017 at 5:00 PM
Jude Rabalais:
It depends from the amount of work to make for the litigation, that in these last days has escalated enormously. The organization of a demo well done takes a lot of time and work.
Probably we will have to delay the presentation of the QuarkX after the verdict of the litigation, that is expected by July. I matured this thought today returning from Raleigh, where work for the litigation has been made.
The presentation of the QuarkX must be perfect and to make it perfect I have to work on it with maximum focus, that now I have not. I am under too much pressure. I must first win one battle, then make the next and the litigation is now.
Probably we will start in March to receive visits of experts to make together with them closed doors measurements and tests.
This is the idea I formulated today examining the situation.
Warm Regards,
A.R. -
Looks like I might win my bet!
Looks like I might win my bet!
It never seemed realistic that AR could move forward (whatever that means to him and his followers) while going through these legal problems. Based on his blog comments it sounded like he was taking it all way too lightly. But now after spending some time in Raleigh it appears to be sinking in that IH is going to fight this to the end. I actually think the story of AR will end under this legal cloud. However it is resolved, it will simply be the closing chapter in this story. There is nowhere for him to go after this. Some of his diehard followers will hang in there through this year looking for any good news to hang on to, but my bet is by late summer the last follower will head out the door and turn out the lights.
Oh, a big news for believers, fans and supporters: another delay of many months for Rossi's "masterpiece"
Today excuse is the litigation that "the amazing inventor" discovers right now, after one year from lawsuit he started. -
Even at E-Cat World they ask for renaming the site and to replace the "E-Cat" by "LENR".
Very telling... -
Uhm... Frank the censor that stops to lick Rossi?
Very hard to believe. -
It never seemed realistic that AR could move forward (whatever that means to him and his followers) while going through these legal problems. Based on his blog comments it sounded like he was taking it all way too lightly. But now after spending some time in Raleigh it appears to be sinking in that IH is going to fight this to the end. I actually think the story of AR will end under this legal cloud. However it is resolved, it will simply be the closing chapter in this story. There is nowhere for him to go after this. Some of his diehard followers will hang in there through this year looking for any good news to hang on to, but my bet is by late summer the last follower will head out the door and turn out the lights.
Or it could be that Rossi introduced the QuarkX to distract IH away from their growing suspicions about Doral, and yesterday, for whatever reason, decided it no longer suits his purpose to continue on with that charade?
He first started hinting of a new, "small Hotcat" around May 2015. A little later it was renamed "Madame Curie", and later still it became the QuarkX. It was in July 2015 that Rossi refused Murray's admittance to the 1MW "plant" operating in Doral, so obviously the relationship was strained well before. So what do you do when your dog keeps chewing on your shoe...well, you throw him a bone and he forgets the shoe.
And what a nice, fat, juicy bone the QuarkX was. Who could resist?
Unfortunately for Rossi, IH did not fall for it, but many of his followers did! What timing too, as a few months later they had this new bone to drool over, just as the 1MW became controversial and Rossi quietly retired it.
Even on the face of it, the QuarkX has always been a stretch, even by Rossi standards. Just the way he claimed to have developed it...in the "air conditioned computer room" at Doral, all the while he was tending the 1MW 16 hours a day, was a bit far-fetched. Then the utility; at one time he touted it to be capable of heat, light, electricity. Then his "dream" with it running a whole city. Crazy stuff, but that old saying: "the bigger the lie, the more they believe it" works apparently. Or at least with some it does.
Assuming now that Rossi is an outright conman, as I do, it is so clear to me how vital his JONP was in getting him this far. Amazing, because at best, all he ever had was a small, and unreliable LENR effect. Maybe he did have the occasional melt down, or something eye opening as many have reported -or not, but nothing close to being commercially viable.
But through use of his JONP, Rossi was able to shape, and frame the Ecat into something it was not. A machine that would save, and better mankind. Without it (JONP) as a tool, he would have become just another replicator and slipped into obscurity long ago. No richer for his find than those before him. By brilliantly using JONP to manipulate though, he was able to attract a following of admirers, whom in turn helped him fend off detractors (snakes and clowns) long enough to attract *just* that right kind of investor/mark. You have to admit...the guy is good.
I don't think it is all about money for Rossi either. In some perverse way, I think he gains satisfaction by fooling others. When you look at his history...which now, in hindsight, PetrolDragon, and the TEs were most likely scams also, it seems to be what drives him most. The thrill of fooling people. Being caught in an obvious lie would embarrass, and shame most of us, but even after being caught red handed lying many times on JONP over the years, it did not phase him in the least, as he simply covered up the one lie with another. He just likes this stuff.
Post removed entirely. Contains only insulting comments meant to provoke. However, it does win the prize of a 2-day holiday. Alan.
Probably we will have to delay the presentation of the QuarkX after the verdict of the litigation, that is expected by July. The presentation of the QuarkX must be perfect and to make it perfect I have to work on it with maximum focus, that now I have not.
versus advice of Rossi to Axil:
QuoteIf you don't show what you got, then you got nothing. Nothing succeeds more than success.
A. Rossi probably doesn't realize, that most of IH arguments are based on doubts in his ECat technology. In my opinion, just the transparent demonstration could convince the court, that he has something in his hands. This demonstration must not be "perfect", exact the less - but it should be convincing: at best by selfsustained mode of small device generating tons of vapor, dismantled before cameras and witnesses at the end. The sooner the better.
QuoteI actually think the story of AR will end under this legal cloud.
What I think is, the courts, lawyers and legal disputes shouldn't determine, what the physical reality is and what isn't. If the ECat technology works, then any court isn't competent to decide it. But it also requires some openness from A. Rossi. If he decided to cover his technology, then he will himself become its greatest enemy from certain level of classification and he will open the way for lawyers and his enemies to decide the future destiny of his technology.
What many inventors of breakthrough findings apparently don't realize is, it doesn't actually matter, whether their technology gets censored with "fossil fuel lobby" , mainstream physicists or just by these inventors themselves in fear of sharing of IP and future potential profit. As the frequency of various overunity reports increases, I'm more and more convinced, that the main factor limiting the future progress comes directly from its proponents instead of the rest of society. Many of them are even getting schizophrenic with it: they're twaddling about communism and about future world transformed with free energy technology - but they're not willing to drop any info about it like these best greedy corporate capitalists. And of course, as such they're defeated and silenced with real corporations one after another, because they're weak and inconsistent in their own ideology.
A. Rossi probably doesn't realize, that most of IH arguments are based on doubts in his ECat technology. In my opinion, just the transparent demonstration could convince the court, that he has something in his hands. This demonstration must not be "perfect", exact the less - but it should be convincing: at best by selfsustained mode of small device generating tons of vapor, dismantled before cameras and witnesses at the end. The sooner the better.
But would such a demo (even if perfect in every way) make any difference to IH's claim that AR never told them how they could do it for themselves? That, after all is what the legal argument is about.
But would such a demo (even if perfect in every way) make any differenceto IH's claim that AR never told them how they could do it for themselves? That, after all is what the legal argument is about.
The problem is, the information given can be never pulled back - with compare to money. Therefore first you have to pay, just after then you can get the information.
Did IH pay for this information? I don't remember it. BTW It's good you're moderating the comments, but their original content should still somehow remain accessible for inquisitive people like me (by moving them to read-only trash section or something similar).
They say they did- it's the IP is it not?
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