It could be just magnetic quenching effect ....
the other day you mentioned work of Chernetsky
Here is the article which mentions him courtesy and with participation of Peter Gluk…TjNkNS1oQWN2d3BpSUFB/view
It could be just magnetic quenching effect ....
the other day you mentioned work of Chernetsky
Here is the article which mentions him courtesy and with participation of Peter Gluk…TjNkNS1oQWN2d3BpSUFB/view
Example of censorship of free energy reports in mainstream media: PBS reports, then deletes energy news about Generator of Petros Zografos. Panayiotis Fildisis, VP of the Union of Greek Physicists, has been supporting the dissemination of this invention after having witnessed last year's public demonstration on web TV, and more recently, after witnessing the final phase of construction and testing of Petros Zografos' scaled up 50kW unit, which is to be unvailed soon. Would such a prominent professional risk their carrier unless they had recognized the value of this invention? The same goes for a German industrialist, Georg Scholl, who manufactures solar panels, and who appeared in the PBS News Hour interview.
@Max Nozin - Thanks - there is increasing amount of overunity reports in water plasma at all possible energy density scales.
These can can be confused with many LENR or hydrino/dense hydrogen systems.
"There are disclosed a method and a device destined for water electrolysis and production of hydrogen to be used as combustible by combination of high frequencies produced by
semitonic oscillators; when mixed, reinforced and combined, said frequencies contrive to break water into its elements (hydrogen and oxygen) upon influence of the coordination
effect. Secondary frequencies configurating the structure of the primary frequencies for obtaining adequately-combined frequencies by means of the respective electronic circuit
composed of an isolator, a mixer, a directional coupler, a multiplier, configurators, digital frequency controllers, and linear amplifiers can be introduced with the assistance of
adequate main and auxiliary treatment equipments into the primary frequencies produced by the semitonic oscillators. The vibration of water molecules and the breaking thereof into
hydrogen and oxygen are obtained by suitably-coordinated frequencies. The gases are, thereafter, separated by special sorting guides while the produced hydrogen is conducted
through the respective specific connection to the energy generation mechanism for being used as fuel."
The physicist JACOB TRIER FREDERIKSEN explained the flaw in the Zografos device:
“Let`s assume we have this huge molecule of water, right, oxygen and hydrogen bound together in the water molecule. In order to split this, you really need to pull it
apart, I mean, split these atoms apart. Now you have spent quite a lot of energy to split them. You can regain part of that energy by combining them by combustion processes. You
already spent the energy to split it, and you only get part of that energy back when you recombine it by burning the hydrogen. And that difference will not be a positive one.”
In 2007 radio-engineer John Kanzius developed an apparatus for cancer treatment by polarized radiowaves in 13 MHz frequency range. During desalination tests of his device with tube filled by marine watter (~ 3% solution of NaCl) he observed an evolution of hydrogen, which can be ignited by lighter (video 1, 2). Experiments were confirmed and replicated (1, 2) by Rustum Roy, a materials scientist at Pennsylvania State University. During it the excess of energy has been also observed and the production of hydrogen did run with higher than Faradaic efficiency reportedly.
scheme of John Kanzius experiment photos of John Kanzius experiment
As far I'm concerned, John Kanzius published two papers (1, 2) in cooperation with another famous scientist Dr. Rustum Roy. The second published paper describes how having confirmed the observation on YouTube (3, 4) in John Kanzius’ lab in Erie, Philadelphia, the radiation source was brought to Roy’s microwave lab at Penn State University for a series of experiments. The maximum power for most experiments was about 300 W and the frequency of the polarized radio frequency beam was in the range of 13.56 MHz. The radio wave was aimed at pyrex test tubes containing solutions of 0.1 to 30 percent salt (NaCl), held upright by a Teflon stand and individually introduced into the RF (radio frequency) cavity. The gases at the top of the liquid surface were lit by means of a lighter. The solutions typically sustained a continuous flame till the water was exhausted. The temperature of the flame was about 1 800 C. Deionized water either in Silica glass or in PTFE (not shown here) do not ignite.
At 3 percent NaCl (about sea water concentration), the results presented in the YouTube were confirmed. Larger flame sizes of about 4-5 inches were obtained with higher salt concentrations. Immediately after the power is turned on, the flammable gas can be ignited, and it extinguishes instantly as the power is turned off. The smallest flame was sustained at 1 percent NaCl (see figure bellow). They also showed that the Raman spectrum of the saline solutions before and after exposure to RF field differ dramatically in the 3000 to 3500 cm-1 region indicating that the structure of the water after exposure to the RF field has been very substantially changed, specifically with respect to the O-H bond.
Figure1 (Burning water at different NaCl concentrations; a, 0.3 percent; b, 3.0 percent; c, 30 percent) John Kanzius in Penn State University Lab
Electrolytic splitting of water is well-known. But, as first demonstrated by Faraday, it takes >1.23V to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The 13.56 MHz RF beam delivers at most 10-8 of the energy required. What is also striking for me is the size of flame produced with input RF power just 300 Watts. IMO the flame generated provides more energy and this impression was later confirmed with John Kanzius himself without exact COP numbers given. He died of leukemia in 2009, so he unfortunately didn't manage to finish his work. In 1982, a team of chemists at Western Illinois University reported the room-temperature decomposition of water vapour into hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen using radio frequency waves with around 60 percent yield [S Roychowdhury et al, Plasma Chem. Plasma Process., 1982, 2, 157]. They too used precisely the same frequency of 13.56 MHz - no coincidence really, since this is a common frequency for radio frequency generators. And in 1993 a Russian team reported the apparent dissociation of water into hydrogen and hydroxyl radicals using microwaves[V L Vaks et al, Radiophys. Quantum Electron. 1994, 37, 85]. Neither paper was cited by Kanzius and Roy.
Note that the John Kanzius device doesn't actually split water into a hydrogen and oxygen, as this mixture (so-called the Brown gas) is highly explosive and it definitelly doesn't burn with quiet incandescent flame. I presume, it splits the water into hydrogen and peroxide radicale insted. Peroxide radicale recombines into a hydrogen peroxide, which has higher boiling point, so it remains in solution and only hydrogen escapes. Hydrogen peroxide is reactive and it has oxidation properties, which could explain the corrosive action on plastic tubing and possibly the steel. But such a splitting is interesting the more, as the mixture of hydrogen and peroxide radical shouldn't form side-to-side during single reaction, as first component is of reductive and later one of oxidative nature. I'm explaining it with equilibrial conditions of reaction in similar way, like the formation of hellium-4 during cold fusion.
The yellow color of arc indicates, that no high-frequency Energoniva-like discharge runs there - this is "normal" plasma electrolysis,
Water arc explosions were first described in 1907 by John Trowbridge of Harvard University, though the phenomenon was not studied in detail until it caught the interest of Peter and Neal Graneau in the mid-1980s (Graneau and Graneau, 1985). By discharging a high-voltage capacitor through around 100 mL of water, the Graneau team was able to expel the water from a dielectric cup. At the time, the Graneaus conjectured that the arc discharge generated high- pressure steam within the water which expanded rapidly and resulted in the observed explosions. Measurements in Graneau and Graneau (1985) and Hathaway and Graneau (1996) indicated that water arc explosions were unusually strong. The history includes work by Trowbridge in 1907 as noted below; also Frungel in 1948 and 1965 papers; and Gilchrist and Crossland in 1967. About the same time as Graneau's publications, we also find a publication by Azevedo of MIT - 1986. YT Videos: Water Drop Trigger Apparatus, Max Spark Rate Demo
For further reading: The Mysteries of Fog (Graneau, P., & Graneau, N. (1985). Electrodynamic
explosions in liquids. Applied Physics Letters, 46(5), 468, Graneau, P., Graneau, N., Hathaway, G., & Hull, R. (2000). Arc-liberated chemical energy exceeds electrical input
energy. Journal of Plasma Physics, 63, 115-128), see Graneau e.a. - Arc-liberated
chemical energy exceeds electrical input energy - 2000.pdf (364.3 kB),
Powerful-water-plasma-explosions.pdf (313.59 kB), GraneauEditorial94.pdf
(178.4 kB), P4.pdf (320.36 kB)
Modern replication of Energoniva technology in impulse regime from this site (see also
YouTube video). Despite usage of copper and tungsten electrodes only, the resulting suspension contains significan amount of iron and it's ferromagnetic - WTF? Such a massive transmutation would create a nuclear polygon from the lab - something isn't right there...
ВЗАИМОПРЕВРАЩЕНИЯ ХИМИЧЕСКИХ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ Influence of heterogeneous chemical reactions to low-energy nuclear fusion elements under electrical discharges in condensed media - most recent list of EnergoNiva results (chemical analysis of products), modern replication in pulse regime (YouTube), analysis of the products (0.43% of silver Ag between others)
Zephir_AWT interesting they said electrical setup is similar to Chernetskiy.
most recent list of EnergoNiva results (chemical analysis of products)
Zephir_AWT : As somebody who seems able to read eastern alphabets, could you give as a short summary or a quick translation of the important facts?
Some guys pushed electric discharge through the water and they got quite a bit of silver and even palladium from it. These rare metals were also reported during original experiments too, so that we have some replication here. Their experiments were very crude though. Results of more controlled experiments weren't so interesting. Here we can see, how each impulse released lot of black dust into water. This is strange, because copper electrodes don't behave so: their oxidation products are rather pale.
copper electrodes don't behave so:
Not so sure about that - it depends very much on the electrolyte used. Copper oxide (for example) is black from memory.
worth adding that original device, which even an inventor could not produce, was converting 40% of water into iron plus they were drawing current from it at the same time.
This device is working in impulse mode in which no self-sustaining plasmoid is created.
In original device due to some glitch the plasmoid could live for seconds after initial impulse.
update on ongoing Russian effort to reproduce Energoniva. They report similar to original reactor transmutations. Mostly Iron, but also Mn, Mg. So far they could not achieve sustainable plasmoid but claim that the amount of elements in the solution exceeds amount which could potentially come from reactor parts. They add Boron to the water to stimulate transmutation.
Next steps they are planning under the guidance of the theorists Chizov and Zaitsev (Moscow State U) is to try electrodes with modified structure (defects). They are also planning to try high-power/freq driver up to few MHz and up to 10A.
Throughout the video they also discussing multiple case when researches are being harassed by western intelligence people posing as journalists. Therefore they emphasize on the importance of keeping all research in public domain.
An author of e-capture lenr theory Ratis U.L. was attending the presentation.
Is electrical-grade copper known to sometimes contain ferromagnetic impurities or to acquire weak ferromagnetism with arc discharges (in water) like carbon sometimes does?
can The are not using magnetic properties of powder as a main evidence of transmutations.
This effort is interesting because so far it seems the most solid effort to replicate the reactor and it is led by physicist in contrast to material (metallurgy) engineers before.
Let's see what might come out of it. The guys seem to be well-connected in Russian scientific circles. Was nice to hear some household names mentioned.
I hope they will fall under an influence of a theorist thinking outside of traditional physics. And don't get stuck in curved space-time foam;)
Unfortunately it is still remains a low-budget project.
The main reason for asking that question was because today I did some [silly-ish] tests by short-circuiting copper wires in a jar with tap water (obtaining interesting blue-green plasma from copper and sometimes red-violet likely from hydrogen-oxygen) using 5V DC, and at the end of the experiment some of the particles apparently ablated from the copper wires turned out to be weakly ferromagnetic, from a test through the same jar with a relatively strong Nd magnet. However they could have been either contamination from previous tests or the tap water (e.g. rust - although I hope not).
I'm still unsure whether I should be dedicating budget (which so far has been roughly 0 euro) for more serious efforts. It would be best if other known experimentalists with far better equipment and experience than I have did these experiments. If I did them myself it would be more for the learning experience rather than the actual replication.