Successful repetition of the experiments Bazhutov

  • Лаборатория Альтернативного Технического Развития опубликовала видеозапись успешного повторения экспериментов Юрия Николаевича Бажутова по плазменному электролизу с дуговым разрядом на аноде . Зафиксировано превышение выходной мощности над вводимой. Входная мощность 520 Вт выходная 800 Вт

    Laboratory of Alternative Technical Development(Zaryad LLC) has published a video of a successful repetition of the experiments of Yuri Bazhutov plasma electrolysis of the arc discharge on the anode . Recorded the excess of output power over input. Input power 520 watt output 800 watts .

    The link to the video

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  • Laboratory of Alternative Technical Development(Zaryad LLC) has published a video of a successful repetition of the experiments of Yuri Bazhutov plasma electrolysis of the arc discharge on the anode . Recorded the excess of output power over input. Input power 520 watt output 800 watts .

    Just a reminder: R.Mills in 1991 already had a COP > 2 and was dissatisfied...

    Here his latest LENR summary:…11/05/EngPower050410S.pdf

  • Mine one - fast Google translation:

    We tried to solve solve the problem of cathode erosion in many ways. We started with the technology of "powder" magnetic confinement electrodes nickel powder on the contact rod and at least we managed to reduce the destruction and to get COP> 1, more precisely 1.68 to nickel powder but unfortunately to achieve stable operation of the unit did not succeed. Then we tried to "liquid-electrode" option plasma electrolysis cell CNF, but he has not justified itself purely technological problems - insufficient financing and high cost of the materials needed to build a workable prototype After all the done some lost faith in the possibility of creating a reliable suitable for use in the national economy plasma electrolysis CNF reactor, we turned to the competitors achievements, and more specifically to the works Bazhutova on plasma electrolysis with discharge at the anode Though I originally as a chemist was 100% sure that electrode erosion at "ignition" of the plasma at the anode will be much stronger because of a purely chemical process - burning metal oxygen is released to the one under the electrolysis, and as a scientist, I always hated it far-fetched and not having under a preponderance of the evidence Erzion theory. The main role is that we turned to the subject of the anode process plazmenngo played no scientific arguments and Bazhutova credibility and confidence with which he talked about the effectiveness of his installation, COP> 7.

    Repeating the experiments Bazhutovu started with the fact that we tried to launch the anode process at our plant with low voltage to 300 V power supply and using an electrolyte specified by the author - of NaOH, at concentrations of 0.1 - 5 M \ l. But in all cases with the "low-voltage" power installations showed gruesome results - extremely large consumption reaching up to 6 kW, a low COP of not more than 0.6 and very rapid destruction of the tungsten anode. It has been suggested that this is due to non-compliance with conditions specified Bazhutovym, namely the supply voltage is not less than 400 and we decided to reproduce fully the conditions specified by the author. It was bought by a step-up transformer and on its basis the assembled power supply AC \ DC 220 \ 660. The high voltage power supply was connected to the cell filled with p-rum NaOH. Even at low concentrations of 0.1 M electrolyte, the device showed extremely large consumption, though the plasma light up with a deafening roar and a bright glow, the device current was consumed more than 20A, and after 10-15 seconds of work, the built-in high-voltage power supply protection, and these kontsenratsiyah author of 5M, the device and consumed even more protection and fire a couple of seconds after the start. As such a system works in Bazhutova not very clear for the power supply circuit is the same as ours - up transformer with a diode bridge output, current limiting devices without? There was a question whether he did not falsify the results because he claimed the current consumed by the installation of a maximum of 2A, and we have more than 20 ..

    In order that-be to dot the I employee S.Salnikovym our laboratory was designed and built a unique adjustable high voltage PWM converter 220 \ 700V, which lets you restrict and regulate current to the cell. With maksimuumom no more than 1.5A. Experiments with this device is connected plasma electrolysis to the reactor cold fusion "HYaSogrey" mounted on a measuring teplostend gave the first positive results in the anode plasma electrolysis managed to get COP slightly greater than 2, but when you consider the extra energy released during the burn-in is allocated tungsten anode, the realny COP It will be approximately 1.7-1.9 at 5M NaOH solution, but not a claimed 7 Bazhutov. It is interesting that at the cathode during c the same high-voltage power supply fixed maximum COP was the same about 2. However, to avoid the erosion of the electrodes did not manage that at the anode that the cathodic variant powering the cell. Repeating this eksperment nature of the erosion of the electrode was determined to open the cell - at the cathode during tungsten rod destroyed microexplosions and overheating - active the surface is literally boiling dropping molten tungsten particles in the electrolyte, while the anode rod is really burnt out in allocated to him oxygen to form the yellow tungsten oxide - WO3 sediment which accumulates on the bottom of the cell ... In addition, we decided to check the presence of "Erzion" radiation when working on open-radiation cell Bazhutova method using a dosimeter and a Teflon plate. However, indications of growth during measurements with a Teflon plate has not been fixed, but instead recorded a slight decline from 16-24mkR \ h to 12-14mkR \ h.

    Author - Mikhail Mironov

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