• Brand new (today) Business Plan (etc)

    GEM-2023 | BOSTON, MA | MARCH 06-08, 2023

    Presenter: Randell MillsSession I: Renewable Energy-Parallel Session – I, March 7th, 8:20-8:40 AMAffiliation: Brilliant Light Power, Inc., 493 Old Trenton Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512, USAPresenter Contact Details: [email protected]

    edit: https://globalenergymeet.com

    United Scientific Group a non-profit organization takes the honor to invite you to the Global Energy Meet (GEM) which will be held on March 06-08 (Virtual: 09-10), 2023 at Boston, MA. GEM-2023 hosts important gathering and foster connections that will spur the innovations in Energy fields.

  • New video on YouTube that shows the optical intensity of the reaction, without the photovoltaic array that will eventually be used to harness the light. I don't know how long it can run, but Mills claims the power gain is sufficient to convert the light to electricity with a substantial net electrical gain.

    BLP is ready to demonstrate the prototype to potential corporate partners and investors. I am told this prototype will make it very easy for 3rd parties to do their due diligence.

    External Content youtu.be
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  • They went from MHD generator to capture the energy to PV array in a couple of iterations. I suspect any arc submerged in water could also get some interesting results if someone tried to recover the light emitted by the arc.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Well...the main takeaway from this latest of 32 years (and counting) BLP/BrLP updates, is there is (if my source is correct) a prototype that should be easily testable by potential investors and buyers. That should be of some comfort to those interested. Little, if any, risk IMO in checking it out in that case. The potential return on investment of course, is huge. Not just for them, but the planet.

  • Well...the main takeaway from this latest of 32 years (and counting) BLP/BrLP updates, is there is (if my source is correct) a prototype that should be easily testable by potential investors and buyers. That should be of some comfort to those interested. Little, if any, risk IMO in checking it out in that case. The potential return on investment of course, is huge. Not just for them, but the planet.

    I don’t doubt is worth it. It totally is,

    I just have always had some doubts about Mills personal business model.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • His business model is beyond reproach…

    32 years and counting, no?

    No reason to be sarcastic about it. Most agree that he is a lousy businessman. Even some of those around him feel the same, and would agree that if he stepped aside, BLP would be the better for it.

    Tell me though how he has fooled so many credible people, institutions, and his own highly qualified employees, who have validated and successfully tested his tech, or worked side by side with him developing the tech/theory, and I will be done with him.

    Even a pessimist such as yourself must be curious? He has never fit the scammer profile like a Rossi to me. It may turn out that he is, but if so, his story will be different. Much more sophisticated. Truly brilliant. He would have to be to fool the likes of me. :)

  • Investors aren't idiots anyway, so if they gave money for him ( or Rossi) a while, that means they have seen something interesting which existing.

    At contrary Mizuno have had so many pbs with them...

    No reason to be sarcastic about it. Most agree that he is a lousy businessman. Even some of those around him feel the same, and would agree that if he stepped aside, BLP would be the better for it.

    Tell me though how he has fooled so many credible people, institutions, and his own highly qualified employees, who have validated and successfully tested his tech, or worked side by side with him developing the tech/theory, and I will be done with him.

    Even a pessimist such as yourself must be curious? He has never fit the scammer profile like a Rossi to me. It may turn out that he is, but if so, his story will be different. Much more sophisticated. Truly brilliant. He would have to be to fool the likes of me. :)

  • 200W LED floodlight $50 or so

    plus solar panel ..

    electricity output 46W?

    perhaps a bit more output than ITER after35 years.

    but that is the grand concerted European folly...

    not due to individual brilliance

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  • I don’t doubt is worth it. It totally is,

    I just have always had some doubts about Mills personal business model.

    Is it really? 30 plus years of a couple of videos a year and then another round of funding? Same thing year after year and it's still interesting? Mills has created a perpetual money making machine for the purpose of promoting his theory not to save mankind. Commercializing is not part of Randy's thought process.

  • Shane, I realise you Americans have a difficult time detecting sarcasm, so let me explain a little more:

    If you manage to gather enough money from other people to sustain a business for 30 plus years, with zero to show for it…

    (Other than some Rossi-esque videos of boiling water and alleged bright lights, a Rossi-esque endless cycle of supposed improvements, and a couple of independent evaluations written by nobodies from nowhere, who are presumably more desperate for funding than Giusep the typical academic.)

    You’re a genius. End of argument. Who wants to be forced to work a job to survive, when you can just get people to endlessly give you money.

    Sure, there’s maybe an adjective or two that can be prepended to the word ‘genius’…

    Although as one of those words is ‘litigious’ - its probably best to just leave it at that.

    Edited once, last by Zeus46 ().

  • With a kind of pseudo you seems to be a greek frustrated by an.. italian ahahaha ( former defkalion team member probably).

  • Give it a rest David - if only for your own sake… At this point in time it appears you are performing a very good mimicry of someone driven to madness after having failed to convince a wealthy donor to allow you to become the next Rossi.

  • Remarkably few shadows....though there is a shadow of the technician's legs cast by the overhead lights behind him.

    Unless that guy behind was wearing a welding mask, it suggests the other side of the "cell" was shrouded - and so it wouldn't have filled in the shadow of his legs anyway.

    As mentioned in a previous post, this thing clearly gives off a lot of UV. The arc welding screens are probably not there for fun. They seem to have used a more modern camera this time (which will probably filter out most of the UV), but as they seem to have switched off any auto-exposure controls, the rest of the room is still visible, and the CCD has simply maxed-out from whatever visible light is coming from the cell (it wouldn't have to be very intense). So, yeah, it doesn't really tell us much.

    As for using this thing to power solar cells, they are going to have to buy some specialist cells - maybe similar to those used on space vehicles. That's because most earth-based commercial cells don't bother with the UV end of the spectrum. The article below highlights why:

    The Solar Spectrum And Why 'UV Solar Panels' Are A Con Job
    If anyone offers you a special 'UV Solar Panel', run don't walk to a reputable solar company. This post explains why there is no such thing as a UV panel.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

    Edited once, last by Frogfall ().

  • Best not to look at it that closely!

    That's because most earth-based commercial cells don't bother with the UV end of the spectrum

    No spectra for BrilliantLP recent output is available

    maybe its "under the hood" :)

    but back in the day as Black LP there was plenty of peaks with EUV

    90 ev = 15 nm

    a long way from the comfort zone of solar panels

    unless there is significant filtering, the panels will fry?

    Role of UV in solar cell degradation
    US scientists have tested a range of modern cell designs under strong ultraviolet light and have found that many of them, including p-type PERC and n-type…

  • unless there is significant filtering, the panels will fry?

    I guess they can always resort to using a "wavelength shifter" - such as a phosphor coating (like the inside of fluorescent tubes), or some other kind of scintillator - followed by a UV filter layer.

    If we ever see an actual product, that is.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • No spectra for BrilliantLP recent output is available

    As discussed in the EUV chip etching article I posted a while back, at EUV everything is an absorber. The specially designed mirrors on the 1 MW machine absorbed 98% on the first pass.

    Oh, yeah. And it was a silicon chip etching machine, so imagine what it would do to a solar panel in a short time. 🙂

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