me356: Photos of AURA control unit

  • Being a musician, I regularly use these cables from my primary amplifier to my speakers.

    They are rated lower voltage <50v, but fairly high amp at a max of 40 RMS I believe.

    I find it interesting he is using PA speaker cable connector in his application. They come in 2 and 4 pole versions. An 8 pole is available but looks nothing like the one in the photo. I suspect the one in the photo is a 2 pole version. I believe the Nexan 3G 2,5 is a 3 strand cable, 2.5 mm, which would match the 2 pole Speak On connector. (2 pole plus ground)

    He is either a musician or someone working with him possibly is. These connectors would probably not be well known outside those circles.

    @Bob: I noticed this too. May be he found a very good, highly linear amplifier for the signal shape he needs! May be one that everybody can afford!

  • Where does THEDEBATEISUSELESS get his news about me 356 from?

    Bob Greenyer writes.
    "I think both testing and claimant parties are nearly ready for the verification."

  • Where does THEDEBATEISUSELESS get his news about me 356 from?

    Bob Greenyer writes.
    "I think both testing and claimant parties are nearly ready for the verification."

    I have it on good authority that Me356 plans to share NOTHING about how the technology actually works. Even if the MFMP verifies his technology, he will keep the know how to himself. He has indicated this in the recent past. The simple truth is that his desire to be "open" about the technology (over and over again he promised that he would tell replicators everything they needed to know to make Ni-H systems work) is a thing of the past.

  • OK - but what would you personally do, if he would publish detailed recipe? Lenr-canr,org repository is full of them and nobody does something. The BrilliantLight technology is still fully disclosed - did someone bother to attempt for its replication? Bazhutov plasma fusion is also described well - but who attempts to replicate it?

    I know multiple individuals who would most likely drop everything they are doing now to test a formula that is basically guaranteed to work. I'd get all the information to them and help in any way I possibly could. I'd also try to spread the information far and wide. If there was someone replicating close by in the United States, I'd volunteer to help out in any way they thought they could use me -- as long as they agreed to be completely open about their test results once it was complete. But he won't be sharing his know how any time soon.

    I have little to no interest in the BLP technology. I'm only interested in Ni-H. Although he is not using nickel at this time, Me356 claimed that he had the know how to push Ni-H to an infinite COP. This is far more interesting to me than BLP tech or anything else I'm aware of.

  • Exactly. Most people realize words are cheap so they don't value them much. Most people realize that life is complicated and it almost always turns out differently than planned. Many people seem to enjoy the discussions (even with trolls!) knowing full well it won't change things even a little. Except you?

    While I appreciate your contributions it seems you've made up you mind about things that are not turning out. Remember life is a journey, not a destination.

    I don't care one bit about the journey. What matters to me is the destination which is a guaranteed to work formula posted that results in hundreds or thousands of high powered Ni-H replications on YouTube. This would end all debate about the reality of Ni-H and start an energy revolution. Me356 holds the power to end the bickering, arguing, and debating once and for all. Can you imagine a situation in which we can't keep track of all the new replications that are happening? Can you imagine a situation where Ni-H technology has made it to all the news networks? Can you imagine a situation in which the current energy paradigm is shattering? Can you imagine a situation in which solar and wind stocks crash because LENR is a hundred times better?

    I can. And all of this could be happening in a month or two, tops, if Me356 released his know how today.

  • I don't care one bit about the journey. What matters to me is the destination which is a guaranteed to work formula posted that results in hundreds or thousands of high powered Ni-H replications on YouTube. This would end all debate about the reality of Ni-H and start an energy revolution. Me356 holds the power to end the bickering, arguing, and debating once and for all. Can you imagine a situation in which we can't keep track of all the new replications that are happening? Can you imagine a situation where Ni-H technology has made it to all the news networks? Can you imagine a situation in which the current energy paradigm is shattering? Can you imagine a situation in which solar and wind stocks crash because LENR is a hundred times better?

    I can. And all of this could be happening in a month or two, tops, if Me356 released his know how today.

    Speaking of 'Imagine', John Lennon once said: "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." You have to be pretty arrogant to think that you can know, let alone can determine, the destination of your life or even how LENR works out. You are also in for a world of hurt. What will happen will happen and you have to learn to accept that without anger or frustration.

  • When Jack Cole gets off his butt and tries to duplicate it my ears will pick up. For now these are just claims. One thing I have learned in this field it is easy to believe in your own test rig, but it does not matter until others prove and validate this work. This goes for the whole field. So far in general (not even speaking about me356) we at best have one off results that can not be duplicated beyond setup errors. Unless I am confused with a COP of 10 we are discussing overunity here. Something that is clearly not in the error bars or noise but something like OU that has not been achieved by and/or proven by anything other than a fusion weapon regardless of scale.

  • Quote
    I have little to no interest in the BLP technology. I'm only interested in Ni-H. Although he is not using nickel at this time, Me356 claimed that he had the know how to push Ni-H to an infinite COP. This is far more interesting to me than BLP tech or anything else I'm aware of

    Once the BLP technology utilizes water as the main consumable, then the actual COP doesn't matter. I think, that Me356 could utilize lithium fusion in hydrogen corona discharge at nickel substrate ala Lipinski, because just this fusion is opened to electrostatic stimulation with low voltage (under 10 kV). From practical perspective of us, end users every technology which can be miniaturized is interesting. As far I know, the BLP technology doesn't bring the risk of any radiation, so it may be more interesting for amateurs or small dealers at the very end (in form of Energoniva clone or something similar). I don't think, that lack of information prohibits the people in experimentation on their own.

  • I've attempted a transcription of that section.

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    [0:51:50] Me356 is somewhere in Eastern Europe. He's an absolutely fantastic intelligent guy, we hope to be testing his 10 times greater than input technology; he's got a 10x10x5 cm controller that is able to be, you know, monitoring, you can control the reactor by wi-fi or online... this is because of his expertise from his other business. So, he will have the best New Fire controller in the business. But he actually seems to have one of the best technologies. He had one of the reactors running for I think 3 1/2 months between last year and this year; and he's now got a sort of commercial, sort of fabricated design.

    These are SEM images of his earlier technology and he is deliberately not going to use Nickel and Hydrogen, because there are so many patents out there in this technology. So he went through all the transition metals which are capable of taking part in this process because of their interaction of the D-subshell orbitals; so he's not using that but he does say it's cheap. Like, 6 months of power, you'll get from like a few cents for the fuel load, and he's got a 7 grams fuel load. So it can't be Palladium, it can't be Gold, it can't be... you know, it's going to be cheap. So I suspect it's something like Titanium or Manganese or whatever... Chromium.

    His objective is first, having verified, then he's going to send to an official verification body, then he's going to do a three-way replication - this is what the plan is so far - then a 100-way replication, which we have a philantropic donor that says he will fund that, and then from that bit point -- uh, you know, the greed bug might hit, but it might not [laughs] and he says the commitment has always been he would release the technology, but at that point it's everywhere so it can't be stopped, and that's the idea.

    Edited 2 times, last by can ().

    • Official Post

    Because the MFMP team is planning to verify me356's claims:

    Is someone like THHuxleynew able to summarize a few important key points which the MFMP team has to consider during their tests and measurements?

    This could help them to establish a test setup which satisfies most uf us.

    This is not against me356, but for the proper scientific spirit Rossi missed completely.

  • As we know it will be a black box test. The most rock solid and well thought out results from a black box test will NOT be accepted; conversely, they will be challenged and ridiculed. There will be accusations of hidden energy sources in the box, speculation about external sources of energy beamed into the box, and allegations of collusion between the MFMP and Me356. The test is being conducted on Me356's property in his buildings and as far as we know he is going to be around for the duration of the test. There is no way to design such a test that will do more than spike the interest in a minority of people: the howling voices of the cynics will drown out anything positive that is said. Because, as they will claim, the results are impossible and a hoax is a hundred times more likely than a positive result.

    The only satisfactory way to prove this tech works to EVERYONE is to spread the know how far and wide. When there are hundreds of replications of this technology popping up on YouTube, even the staunchest critics will have to back down. Because once something is universally accepted, they usually back down and claim they knew it real from the start. One black box test in an undisclosed location on the inventors property with him around won't prove diddly squat. I already predict that Mary Yugo will do her job very well by pointing out a hundred different aspects of the test (mostly made up) that are insufficient at best or fraudulent at worst.

    Mass replication is the only way that any LENR tech will ever be proven. Thinking anything is is only deluding ourselves with false hope.

  • If you notice there's not going to be a "control" reactor: another nail in the coffin of this test to the cynics before it even starts. Now, personally, I think that excess heat can be determined in a test without a dummy unit, although it is always far better to have one. But this is yet another aspect of the test that will be a huge target of cynics and skeptics.


    Apparently this is going to be a calorimetric test, so a control reactor isn't really strictly required, in my opinion. Calibrations are of course welcome.

    To be honest what bugs me off the most is the past and ongoing relationship between MFMP and "me356"; just thinking of the implications makes my stomach hurt. The suggestion in another thread was that if MFMP shows that his results are true maybe he can get patent protection.

    How are people NOT going to see this as an "indipendent" test?

  • Quote

    I suspect it's something like Titanium or Manganese or whatever... Chromium

    Russians are engaged with fusion at titanium a lot and titanium also forms hydrides. But chromium is close to tungsten, which Me356 already experimented with. Personally I do consider discharge plasma experiment easier to research and replicate than the LiAlH4 based in Parkhomov style. The LiAlH4 is extremely reactive compound, it requires alumina or zirconium oxide reactors instead of just quartz, it reacts with oxygen, nitrogen, humidity and IMO it's impossible to keep it from these contaminants at high temperature in air-tight reactor for prolonged time. It's extremely demanding configuration even for trained professional equipped with vacuum line and dry boxes = no chance for success in amateur conditions.

    With compare to it, the plasma discharge experiments look way simpler for me and they also provide much wider range of activation via electrical signals, which every trained electrician shouldn't have problem with.

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