They have a work-in-progress document on their testing plan here:
His objective is first, having verified, then he's going to send to an official verification body, then he's going to do a three-way replication - this is what the plan is so far - then a 100-way replication, which we have a philantropic donor that says he will fund that, and then from that bit point -- uh, you know, the greed bug might hit, but it might not [laughs] and he says the commitment has always been he would release the technology, but at that point it's everywhere so it can't be stopped, and that's the idea.
me356 claims COP=10, and 10kW out. MFMP is right, this is trivial to test without possibility of error, as long as you use agreed and correct methodology for measuring input and output power. Basically, those figures are the Holy Grail which if validated give me356 billions and transform the world economy.
Some sort of a control test would be important to validate these methodologies. After all, Rossi's COP=9 device that IH tested had exactly this apparent performance, but turned out to show the same performance when tested with a null reactor. I'd expect MFMP to do the same thing with their testing and if so it would be easy to get a bomb-proof whole world gets interested test. Actually the whole world would take a while, but it would happen.
However, until such external testing happens me356 claims are highly likely wrong, and should be treated as speculation.