me356: Photos of AURA control unit

  • To the contrary. If by "naysayers" you're referring in broadbrush strokes to people who are pessimistic about Rossi, we're saving the party, despite the wishes of his enablers.


    I was referring to the people who are unduly pessimistic about most Ni/H work.

    You are kidding yourself if you think you are protecting anything.
    Grants to do good open research onLENR are not going to suddenly appear. The DOE is full of people like you and if you have a strong stomach you can look at where they spend your dollars.

    I don't expect much change until commercial reactors surface. They will probably be Ni/H (or the SunCell) despite your protestations. I suspect there are now dozens of groups working on it just because of Rossi, not because you are "protecting the field" by running him down.

    Edited 3 times, last by Adrian Ashfield ().

  • Adrian,

    I would ask you consider a possible different view.

    I do not think many here are negative about LENR at all. What most of the thoughtful posters here are, is negative against bad science and bad behavior!...........

    IH was not Rossi's first rodeo. He when through the IP mill with Defkalion who tried to leverage his IP and eventually became a competitor. Rossi might rightfully mistrust sponsors like Deukalion and IH, It might even be that Rossi wanted to correct the mistakes that he made with Defkalion; he might have wanted to take another bite at the investment fund apple and do unto the investment fund what he should have done to Defkalion. After all business is war. If you lost your first battle, and you are a good shoulder who knows that the war will be a long one, you try to win the your next battle by not making the same mistakes.

  • Ok, Adrian. Since you are all confidence in your assessment, I have an investment opportunity you might want to get in on.

    Eric, you are arrogant. What with "protecting the field" and claiming to know what I think.

    My position is wait and see and not insult those that are actually trying to do something.

  • Adrian, please cut the ad hominem. Enabling behavior of the kind you proudly display is creating scope for LENR scams and is leaving a mess for us to clean up after.

    Eric wants to REGULATE the conduct of business. The process of regulation is an encumbrance to deal making and the vigorous flow of capital. Regulation is imposed to protest the interests of various parties in the conduct of bisiness. Whose interests does this regulation serve. Which parties are being protested and for want reason? Why is it Eric's job to regulate? Is Eric a self imposes regulatory body in the LENR field? What are the rules with regards to this regulation? What is its charter?

  • Why is it Eric's job to regulate?

    Axil, I was moved to comment by a rant from TDIU. This degenerated into an off topic discussion that is not serving any useful purpose, so I will leave it.

  • It is not an off-topic digression, unfortunately. It bears on how much information we should expect from me356 in order to allow this place to serve as a forum for his claims. If it is true, as you proclaimed above, that me356 owes us nothing, then he should be able to say whatever he wants here without complaint. While if it is true that neither do we owe him anything, then those who wish to look into the matter are justified in asking that he either work in stealth mode or provide genuine support for his claims, rather than work in the gray area in public, where there are lots of claims but who knows what could be true, as Rossi has conspicuously done for years.

    As I said, having Brian with MFMP look into the matter, even if the test is a black box one, will be a good thing.

  • By undercutting the testing methods of LENR systems, opponents of LENR seek to undercut LENR. Downing LENR tests have been used by LENR opponents to undercut progress in LENR since 2011. LENR companies have been put out of the business using testing criticism. I hope Me356 knows what he is in for as he exposes himself to the ravages of the opponents of LENR. It sounds like the moderation on this site is supportive of the methods of LENR opposition...I hope this is not the case.

  • Dear LENR readers,

    I am sorry for not responding for long time. If you want to succeed, it always costs you something. I am dedicating all of my time to allow what I think is the best.

    First from all, I would like to put things right. Important key points that were written about my work or what I have said were not always true. This also happened due to lack of detailed information from my side. Secondly - there is misinterpretation in many areas.

    Some claims that were written for months as my were not written by me. Fortunately major part of the claims are usually right.

    Again, this problem is happening, because I am often deliberately not giving a specific and clear answers to others that are asking me - I don't want to do nor I have time to do so.

    I have taken the route of not being open due to few main reasons:

    • This work is not done as hobby anymore.
    • One that is in the same position as I am, will not earn anything real by this, but unfortunately loose. Even if some can help, cons are significantly dominant.
    • I have spend milions on the research and expecting some return reward.
    • There is no insurance, that the world will get better if the knowledge will be public with no device, that can prove to be usefull. Are you able to guarantee that it can't cause any very bad scenarios sooner?
    • Only competition will profit in reality from the knowledge - there is already enough competitors. Nobody else will create units for similar purpose in the mass scale.
    • Theoretical papers will not help you with heating your building.

    From the beginning of the research

    • I have never wanted anything from anyone.
    • I never wanted to convince anybody.
    • I am not teasing or announcing anything.
    • I have never given any specific date.

    If you don't believe, you can completely ignore any related posts.

    If one believe, it is enough. And one can do everything. Blessed are those who have not seen and believed.

    Thank you for the support.

  • I remain optimistic for exciting demonstrations this Summer and commercialization starting in 2018


    I can understand your inclination to "wait and see". I also agree 100% that people should really try to be courteous and respectful of others! (Even though I sometimes get irritated with some!)

    However, I believe there is a big difference in giving a platform to someone with unabated ability to make claims with no responsibility to answer questions or face legitimate critique and "wait and see". If a person wants to remain completely anonymous and secret until they are ready for public release, that is certainly their prerogative. However, if they choose to publicly announce fascinating claims, they should fully expect to receive questions and honest critique. Why else would they come out public?

    Unfortunately, there is a tendency in this field for unsupported claims and actual harm. Defkalion was not a harmless venture. Rossi certainly has not been and continues to be very questionable. For some to say, "let's wait and see", is like watching two people in an intense fight. If we wait ad see if one gets harmed, it is too late. In some cases, it is very justified to intervene and see if truth can be revealed early on... before damage is done. A side note is that it is interesting how things are perceived. It appears that IH DID take a "wait and see" attitude on the Doral event and look how that turned out! Many are really criticizing them for that very thing. They probably look back and are thinking they should have stopped it many months earlier!

    Again, I use Bob Higgins as an example. Exemplary. Even if he does not succeed, his work will be taken seriously! If he does succeed, his work will certainly be viewed with credence because of how he approached it. If me356 states that he has positive results, good luck in getting many to accept that statement with the approach he has taken thus far!

    I too have had major engineering responsibilities within corporations. I must say, that if any of the engineers working under my responsibility had acted such as Rossi has over the past 5 years, he would not be working for me any longer! This is not libelous inference! Rossi's own actions as revealed by his own under oath testimony have warranted the strong criticism! To deny this and say we need to wait and see.... wait for what? If the eCat works it absolves him of his nefarious actions? The ends do not justify the means in my opinion.

    I therefore think that honest questions and critique are good for the system, not bad and certainly not to be avoided. One can ask questions and critique and still be polite and courteous. Not a bad thing at all! Read the thread on Bob Higgin's latest research. This is how it should be! People are asking questions and he is GLAD to answer. Those asking questions learn from his response and Bob also gains important insights. It is a win, win situation. The way it should be!

    Without the questions, there can be no learning!

  • he exposes himself to the ravages of the opponents of LENR.

    I must disagree. My evidence? Simply read the thread on Bob Higgin's latest test. Positive, supportive and certainly no "ravages"! :thumbup:

    (I understand that there always may be one or two trolls in the mix, but you simply ignore them)

  • I am not teasing or announcing anything.

    When you say, I'm seeing X amount of excess heat, and I'm seeing neutrons, and I'm seeing transmutations, and then someone asks for some kind of evidence, and you say, "sorry, this is very dangerous technology, I cannot reveal anything more about it," you provide LENR Forum readers with no further basis to assess your claims about excess heat, neutrons and transmutations. For the next two years hobbyists will say, "me356 was using lithium, and he saw excess heat, neutrons and transmutations, so we should use lithium." You may have noble intentions, but someone else with exactly the same behavior could have the intention of pulling a prank, engaging in misdirection, or simply be confused as a result of measurement errors. The situations are indistinguishable. We do our readers a disservice by allowing unfettered speculation on claims you make without mentioning this point, over and over if necessary.

  • I must disagree. My evidence? Simply read the thread on Bob Higgin's latest test. Positive, supportive and certainly no "ravages"! :thumbup:

    (I understand that there always may be one or two trolls in the mix, but you simply ignore them)

    Bob Higgins has not been sucessful so he is no threat. When the LENR system works, then that is when the knives come out.

    Most LENR believers want to run a LENR system without any external power to eliminate all question of scam. How can you question a system that powers itself. But the Papp engine could run without external power and that has never got that system any credibility. The only way for Me356 to get credibility is to get his system into the marketplace.

    For example,

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    Papp removes the power cables from the batteries at 4:40 and the Papp engine continues to run on a concrete floor with no external wiring.

  • When you say, I'm seeing X amount of excess heat, and I'm seeing neutrons, and I'm seeing transmutations, and then someone asks for some kind of evidence, and you say, "sorry, this is very dangerous technology, I cannot reveal anything more about it," you provide LENR Forum readers with no further basis to assess your claims about excess heat, neutrons and transmutations. For the next two years hobbyists will say, "me356 was using lithium, and he saw excess heat, neutrons and transmutations, so we should use lithium." You may have noble intentions, but someone else with exactly the same behavior could have the intention of pulling a prank. The behavior is indistinguishable. We do our readers a disservice by allowing unfettered speculation on claims you make without mentioning this point, over and over if necessary.

    However it looks to me that me365, after lifting thing on the forum, went quite, which he should, it do look like there was a change of mind that can explain this and he is free to make this choice, and is something I would do If I would do something serious for millions of cash. Let's pat em a little as well and not patronize too much although you are right in many ways.


    As a bystander many are skeptical and me to but open minded. we will accept your work with proofs that are fair. Good luck and I hope you get a return of your investment and effort. People here will look forward to discuss and suggest improvement of these test when they are due, if it works it works and you'l be a hero.

  • Dear LENR readers,


    You don't owe anything to anybody! Let the haters hate and let the facts (test of MFMP) speak for itself :D

    I donated a lot of money to make this test happen and i am really putting a lot of hope in you and the other guys who are willing to let their claims be verified. I don't mind if it takes a few more months / years until the technology is used in everyday life as long as i know it will happen at some point.

    And I am totally fine with you getting your reward (in money) if the tech really works. Extraordinary people with extraordinary achievements deserve to get paid.

  • Most LENR believers want to run a LENR system without any external power to eliminate all question of scam. How can you question a system that powers itself. But the Papp engine could run without external power and that has never got that system any credibility. The only way for Me356 to get credibility is to get his system into the marketplace.

    Axil: I think you wrong, if MFMP will test they surely would produce such hard evidences if it has a COP of 10 that it will be very hard to ignore. And then there will be enough proofs for professors and departments all over the world to want to start experimenting with it. All with no product in place at all, just a simple good independant test with a kW in and 10kW out. I think very few here would say it is a hoax with such strong evidences. If Rossi had anything this should have been his path.

  • Axil: I think you wrong, if MFMP will test they surely would produce such hard evidences if it has a COP of 10 that it will be very hard to ignore. And then there will be enough proofs for professors and departments all over the world to want to start experimenting with it. All with no product in place at all, just a simple good independant test with a kW in and 10kW out. I think very few here would say it is a hoax with such strong evidences. If Rossi had anything this should have been his path.

    The goal is to remove any calorimetry malarkey from the test tha is usually used by Jed Rothwell: pressure (differential), pumping (half filled), bubbles in the steam, wet steam, and the like.

    Use two large identical insolated tanks.

    Feed the output of the system into one and measure the electric power consumed by the system at the wall plug.

    Feed that power measured at the plug of the system into a resistance heater inside the second dummy tank placed on the bottom.

    Measure the water temperature of the water in the system tank. When the temperature of the water temperature reaches a predefined temperature, (180 F) stop the test and measure the COP of the system.

    The COP of the system is determined by comparing the heat content of each tank: the system tank and the dummy tank. Measure the temperature in both tanks in the same way.

    Build or buy two large insolated heat storage tanks and fill with the same amount of water.


    Use a heat transfer coil in the system tank placed on the bottom. Any heat loss errors are to the detriment of the system since the water in the system tank will be hotter that of the dummy tank.

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