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  • Quote

    NO Jed as we have a long history including being in business together I can testify with absolute confidence that you are a self serving backstabbing jerk of nearly uncomparable [sic]disgust, anyone who pays attention to anything you say is a fool beyond measure. You should really get some mental health treatment for your years of being a petulant groupie... however I very much doubt that for an old dog like you there is any hope.

    To Admins: what would happen to them and to the post should a hapless forum participant, other than Mr. George, post such baseless invective and ad hom ?

  • And every one of those statements about what was there and what was done was a absolute fing lie. There was never a JM customer; there was never a process where anything used the alleged heat; there was never a process to produce anything.

    "Yes, I made all the technology, I invented their production plant, and I made the plant." How the hell do IHFB, Axil, Kevmo, steppenwolf, Samwise or any other Rossi suck up defend these statements, What fing production technology did Rossi invent, what production plant did he invent and make? What happened to all the "product" made from this new technology at this new plant -- oh wait there was never any fing product. How do the acolytes defend any of this and still believe that they, or Rossi, retain even the smallest iota of credibility, or integrity?

    Edited once, last by Shane D.: Edited the salty language. ().

  • I apologize to all for my intemperate language, both on this thread and the others.

    Just remove the "fucking" and you are in the temperate zone. I see nothing intemperate about the rest.

    (I do not like that word, and I wish people would stop using it. I especially don't like it in the original sense of "sexual intercourse," because it derives from the German meaning "hit." I don't like that nuance. The word has a harsh Teutonic metallic crashing sound, a bit like "Hitler.")

  • Thanks.

    Nice work.

    IHFB will not accede to this strong evidence.

    He will go for days about an imagined missing pane of glass to great extent because he thinks it supports Rossi.

    Yet when THH post factual math showing the Rossi provided exchanger parameters could not dissipate the heat, IHFB ignored that but still pursued the missing pane.

    He will not answer about your video, or if he does, it "will seem to him" that Rossi's steam is adequate. Just like he propsed the silly claim the pumps were sufficient, regardless of the evidence that 18 were shut down.

    He is as biased as AA is, but hypocritical in that he states he only looks at the facts. Hah! Only if his percieved facts support Rossi.

    It is OK for Rossi to cheat and lie. It is OK to present unlikely scenarios to support Rossi. But IH is evil, you must have black and white proof for them and you cannot excuse them for anything.

    I am still waiting on him to respond on the number of known Rossi lies to known IH lies and the serious nature of the lies.

    He will not because he cannot. Yet ge still "seems to think IH is the devil in this story"

    Poor,poor Boeing engineer. Those evil IH dudes! 😖

  • This is my last post here on Lenr Forum. I have found it too much trouble with the trolls and malcontents who frequent here to bother with. I have gained benefit from discovering friends and colleagues, people of good will and good intentions, and even kindred spirits, here but the positives have been far outweighed by the negatives. I will from now on only share details on my work and exchange ideas via my Atom-Ecology blog and a new Atom-Ecology Google Group that I have set up today... The group is open to all who are willing to fully identify themselves in a verifiable fashion it will absolutely prevent the nere do wells from access. Here's the link!forum/atom-ecology

    I'd suggest you have everyone sign a lifetime NDA before they join your google group. You can't protect that technology enough, you know?

  • We rehash Rossi because he is still an ongoing story. We don't need to rehash FP's, because that is settled science.

    Rossi took inspiration from F&P. His ongoing story is just the natural continuation of that of F&P. IMO, you avoid rehashing F&P because you have no argument to rebut the criticisms on their claims.

    Sorry to say, Shane, but by preventing any discussion on this topic, L-F resembles the ECW of F&P.


    If you want to take on another challenge for the upcoming 30th anniversary, you might try and help us convince IHFB, and Steppenwolf/JTomas that the mezzanine heat exchanger did not exist.

    I'm not going to waste time convincing people that Rossi was wrong. No need to do that. He had no credibility since his first appearance in the field. All the credibility for the Ecat results was provided by some European professors and by most of the experts in the LENR field. I only spent my time in debunking those Ecat tests in which UniBo was somehow officially involved, that is, until the end of 2011. After that date, the Ecat affair remained only a business and political issue.

    In any case, the upcoming 30th anniversary deals with F&P, not Rossi and his farces. The only challenge that makes sense in this weeks is to reach a deeper understanding of their experimental results and possibly a broader agreement on the reality of their claims.

  • This is my last post here on Lenr Forum.

    I once heard someone say, "I have been in five car accidents in the last year, and not a single one was my fault!" I thought, "that's statistically impossible."

    When your business arrangements end in a shambles; you leave discussion groups in a huff; and when your friends become enemies, it is probably your fault, not theirs.

    • Official Post

    In any case, the upcoming 30th anniversary deals with F&P, not Rossi and his farces. The only challenge that makes sense in this weeks is to reach a deeper understanding of their experimental results and possibly a broader agreement on the reality of their claims.

    There is broad agreement that their results are sound. You are one of a select band of F&P deniers, and on the wrong side of a very poor argument.

  • There is broad agreement that their results are sound.

    As always, with the caveat: there is broad agreement among people who have read the literature and who understand the experiments. There is no broad agreement in the larger scientific community, but their views do not count, because they have not read the literature.

    That is true of all scientific claims, but in other fields you don't have to add this caveat. People take it for granted that a particle physicist cannot write a professional critique of neural network artificial intelligence, or vice versa. I do not understand why the DoE and Scientific American assume that plasma physicists are qualified to critique calorimetry and electrochemistry. I get that the claim is fusion, and plasma physicists do fusion. But it is not the same kind of fusion, with the same rules, investigated with the same instruments.

  • Just remove the "fucking" and you are in the temperate zone. I see nothing intemperate about the rest.

    (I do not like that word, and I wish people would stop using it. I especially don't like it in the original sense of "sexual intercourse," because it derives from the German meaning "hit." I don't like that nuance. The word has a harsh Teutonic metallic crashing sound, a bit like "Hitler.")

    will do going forward. My bad.

  • Quote

    There is broad agreement that their results are sound.

    "broad" is a weasel-word but aside from that, if the evidence pointed to a likelihood of a new source of plentiful and cheap energy, entrepreneurs would be all over it like... well, you know.

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