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  • Well this thread is turning into ECat World but a better version without censorship. To be honest I kind of like it, but I am sure the forum minders are distressed :)

    Axil, if you believe all the things Rossi says are true, and even more important if you believe everything you say is concrete true, you better check with a psychologist,

    These are very obvious signs of Manic Depressive behavior, and you are obviously on the manic side currently. You disappeared for a while now come back with even better understanding.

    I was dating such a person. Great person. Smart. But you need to deal with these episodes. We all wish we understood everything and our sudden realizations would change the world.

    But those realizations are rare. If you send me publications explaining your physics with equations and not buzzwords, I might change my mind.

  • Well this thread is turning into ECat World but a better version without censorship. To be honest I kind of like it, but I am sure the forum minders are distressed :)

    Axil, if you believe all the things Rossi says are true, and even more important if you believe everything you say is concrete true, you better check with a psychologist,

    These are very obvious signs of Manic Depressive behavior, and you are obviously on the manic side currently. You disappeared for a while now come back with even better understanding.

    I was dating such a person. Great person. Smart. But you need to deal with these episodes. We all wish we understood everything and our sudden realizations would change the world.

    But those realizations are rare. If you send me publications explaining your physics with equations and not buzzwords, I might change my mind.



    Psychologists use the term “gaslighting” to refer to a specific type of manipulation where the manipulator is trying to get someone else (or a group of people) to question their own reality, memory or perceptions. And it’s always a serious problem, according to psychologists.

    Moderator: Is this not behavior that deserves corrective action?

  • I never said you weren't really smart Axil. I am sure you are smarter than me. I am just saying that you should seek help for mental issues related to mania. I am sure you have heard this from others in your dealings in the real world, not just message boards.

  • "Ground-State Properties of the Hydrogen Chain: Dimerization, Insulator-to-MetalTransition, and Magnetic Phases"

    Accurate and predictive computations of the quantum-mechanical behavior of many interacting electrons in realistic atomic environments are critical for the theoretical design of materials with desired properties, and they require solving the grand-challenge problem of the many-electron Schrödinger equation. An infinite chain of equispaced hydrogen atoms is perhaps the simplest realistic model for a bulk material, embodying several central themes of modern condensed-matter physics and chemistry while retaining a connection to the paradigmatic Hubbard model. Here, we report a combined application of cutting-edge computational methods to determine the properties of the hydrogen chain in its quantum-mechanical ground state. Varying the separation between the nuclei leads to a rich phase diagram, includinga Mott phase with quasi-long-range antiferromagnetic order, electron density dimerization with power-lawcorrelations, an insulator-to-metal transition, and an intricate set of intertwined magnetic orders.

    PHYSICAL REVIEW X10,031058

    Received 17 March 2020; revised 14 June 2020; accepted 13 July 2020; published 14 September 2020

  • Neutron generator patent - international class G21B 3/00 [cold fusion reactor]

    Applicant: Mission Support and Test Services, LLC / Honeywell International Inc.

    Mission Support and Test Services is a dynamic team of experts and leaders from Honeywell International Inc., Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., and Stoller Newport News Nuclear, Inc. – a subsidiary of Huntington Ingalls Industries selected by the National Nuclear Security Administration as the Management and Operating Contractor for the Nevada National Security Site.

  • Competitors

    ... "Much smaller and simpler than any of the high-temperature fusion generators, HB11 says its generators would be compact, clean and safe enough to build in urban environments. There's no nuclear waste involved, no superheated steam, and no chance of a meltdown." ...

  • I wonder if we will become the 51st state of America after Brexit?

    Be careful about that. It is like a Roach Hotel: you can come in, but you can't go out. Years ago, the Canadians were talking about breaking up (yet again) at the Meech Lake conference. The western provinces said they might join the U.S. if the plan went through. A Canadian who had immigrated to the U.S. warned them that cannot be undone: "You do Meech Lake; we do the Battle of Antietam."

    Would that be England, or England and Wales? States 51 and 52? Would they be Democrats or Republicans? If they are Republicans, we don't need them, thanks all the same. Or at least, let's give Washington DC statehood first, because after all it has more people than Wyoming and Vermont. Plus they are Democrats.

    If this includes Wales, can we make Welsh our national language? English is not the national language of the U.S. We don't have a national language, and I think it is high time we get one. I figure making the national language one that nobody actually speaks (or can speak, in the case of Welsh) has some advantages. It would put us all at the same starting line. Like English as the lingua franca of India. People are not going to complain so much about pressing 7 for Spanish ("Para español presione por favor el número 7") when the phone response starts off in Welsh and you have to press 6 for English. People will hang up in confusion. A win-win! It will keep pesky customers from bothering Customer Service.

  • Be careful about that. It is like a Roach Hotel: you can come in, but you can't go out. Years ago, the Canadians were talking about breaking up (yet again) at the Meech Lake conference. The western provinces said they might join the U.S. if the plan went through. A Canadian who had immigrated to the U.S. warned them that cannot be undone: "You do Meech Lake; we do the Battle of Antietam."

    Would that be England, or England and Wales? States 51 and 52? Would they be Democrats or Republicans? If they are Republicans, we don't need them, thanks all the same. Or at least, let's give Washington DC statehood first, because after all it has more people than Wyoming and Vermont. Plus they are Democrats.

    If this includes Wales, can we make Welsh our national language? English is not the national language of the U.S. We don't have a national language, and I think it is high time we get one. I figure making the national language one that nobody actually speaks (or can speak, in the case of Welsh) has some advantages. It would put us all at the same starting line. Like English as the lingua franca of India. People are not going to complain so much about pressing 7 for Spanish ("Para español presione por favor el número 7") when the phone response starts off in Welsh and you have to press 6 for English. People will hang up in confusion. A win-win! It will keep pesky customers from bothering Customer Service.

    Weren’t there like 5 million more democrats then republicans in the last election?

  • Weren’t there like 5 million more democrats then republicans in the last election?

    Yes! And that still wasn't enough, because of the Electoral College. Itty-bitty states are over-represented. We're looking at you, Wyoming. That's why Democrats want to make Washington DC a state. It seems reasonable to me, since there are more people there than Wyoming.

    In recent decades the over-representation has favored the Republican party, which is popular in rural states with small populations.

    The Electoral College is spelled out in the Constitution, making it difficult to change. A work-around national law has been proposed. Most states now nominate electors on an all or nothing basis. Nebraska and Maine are the only two that allow a spit decision, some Democrats, some Republicans. If they all had split decisions, that would reduce the gap between the popular vote and the Electoral College. Wyoming might nominate 2 Republicans and 1 Democrat, for example.

    Another work around is to somehow have states agree to nominate just the right number of people to represent the popular vote. This would be voluntary. States would agree to it. Thus, for example, Florida has 29 electors. Suppose they are allocated by vote with split decisions, not all or nothing. Suppose Florida votes for 19 Republicans and 10 Democratic electors. But, Florida is part of the national agreement to make total electors equal the popular vote as closely as possible. In this case, there is a national gap of 5 electors in favor of the Republicans. Florida would agree to send 14 Republican and 15 Democrats. Not all states would have to enter into this agreement to make this work. Still, I do not think it will happen. Allowing split decisions is more likely.

  • Another advantage to England and Wales joining the U.S. is that we have already agreed to suspend -- or ignore, anyway -- Clause 8 of the Constitution. The part about Nobility and Emoluments. Nobody remembers what "emolument" means. I think it is a cream that softens and soothes the skin. So, anyway, England can keep the Royal Family! However, there will be a condition. They have to make Meghan Markle the Queen. I don't mean when the present Queen dies. I mean right away. Now. This will be televised and sponsored by People magazine. She can be Queen of the U.S. and Canada too.

    Clause 8. No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress accept of any present, Emolument [lanolin moisturizer], Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

  • ... "Such a general scheme can be optimized significantly if the crystal lattice containing these particles is

    in the stressed (quasistationary) state. In particular, in the case of a rather large degree of hydrogen and deuterium

    saturation of metal hydride, large internal mechanical stresses appear in it; they, reaching the

    critical value, can lead to the formation of microcracks and lattice cracking. The coherent correlated states of

    deuterons located in the volume of the formed crack also form in each event of the formation (opening) of

    such a microcrack. An analogous process of the formation of coherent correlated states can also be stimulated

    by microcrack “collapse” (“healing”). Because the number of such deuterons can be rather large in

    the region of the microcrack, the effect of microcrack “opening” and “collapse” can give intense ejections of

    particles and radiation accompanying nuclear reactions. Such a microcracking process is usually spontaneous

    and sporadic, and the instants of opening of different microcracks are usually independent. At the

    same time, a very short shock wave, which formed as a result of the thermal wave, leads to synchronization of

    the process of opening of such microcracks and increases sharply the efficiency of nuclear reactions."

    Kornilova 2020

  • It would probably be no more effective than a good old English pub.

    A few years ago I had a tooth extracted and the surgeon asked if I wanted some laughing gas to take my mind off the procedure.

    I said I didn't need it, but I decided to try it anyway just out of curiosity.

    What a mistake. I don't regard myself as a panicky person at all, but nitrous oxide produced what I can only describe as pulsing waves of panic in my brain.

    Thank god for a higher mind that can see what is going on in the lower animal brain and keep it together.

    I told him to turn off the gas, and then my brain returned to normal and I was fine for the procedure.

    I also had assumed the laughing gas administration was free but I was later dinged $200 for that experience.

    Let's just say that was the first and last time I saw that oral surgeon.

  • Mark, reminds me of the few of times I tried pot. Never want to do that again. I don't like the feeling of not being able to hold a train of thought. It's already hard enough with my feeble brain. Too bad it's the fashionable "healthy" drug now.

  • Corbett Report: I am a conspiracy theorist

    "If you are afraid of being called a conspiracy theorist, then those words are having their intended effect. I will not censor myself to appeal to the Normie McNormiesons of the world. Yes, sometimes I theorize about conspiracies. And guess what? So do you! Now let’s discuss some evidence, shall we?"

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