Clearance Items

  • @kevmolenr:

    The moderators are Alan, Rends, Curbina and myself. Anyone with a name in yellow. Do not troll this place. If your intention is to wage battle with evildoers, do that elsewhere. This is a forum for polite, informed discussion. You will be banned if you revert to your earlier behavior, without a second thought on my part.

    The reason I don't have "Moderator" under my name is that I asked for it to be changed when I was invited to become a mod. I like to discuss and debate things with informed participants, and I didn't want to put up a barrier to that.

  • So are you asserting that once Rossi's blog is mentioned in court, all information in it becomes evidence? All those things like his claims that the heat was from endothermic chemistry,,, no wait, vented out the roof,.... no wait out a window..... Rossi's claims of sales of 4 ecat (which would be a violation of contract), his claims of robots making ecats, his even admitting to IH trial testing which is a violation of confidentiality,.... and so on?

    Yup. All of it. Such a thing should make the anti-Rossi folks happy but they are a bit slow on the uptake.

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • kirkshanahan wrote: BTW (by the way), what’s tldr? (You should stop using undefined acronyms…)

    ***Hah hah, touche'. tldr is too long, didn't read. It's how you win an argument on the internet by generating so much bloviating that the other side stops reading it. You're pretty close to winning.

    Moved from the P&F replication thread. Eric

  • zeus

    The one exception being when they are thrust in my face. But generally, I have no interest in low power systems. Measurement error potential is way too large.

    But while I generally don't comment on specific Pd-D experiments, I still reserve the option to comment on the experimenters based on such things as their sky-high promises and dirt-low production over years if not decades.

  • @kevmolenr:

    The moderators are Alan, Rends, Curbina and myself. Anyone with a name in yellow. Do not troll this place. If your intention is to wage battle with evildoers, do that elsewhere. This is a forum for polite, informed discussion. You will be banned if you revert to your earlier behavior, without a second thought on my part.

    The reason I don't have "Moderator" under my name is that I asked for it to be changed when I was invited to become a mod. I like to discuss and debate things with informed participants, and I didn't want to put up a barrier to that.

    If someone insults me, it seems like insults are allowed. By keying up on only one side (especially the side that didn't START the personal insults) your bias is revealed.

    BTW, I only stumbled on this thread out of curiosity. None of the items here got flagged as notifications. You're already at the point of threatening to ban me and it was just a matter of luck that I found out.

  • If someone insults me, it seems like insults are allowed. By keying up on only one side (especially the side that didn't START the personal insults) your bias is revealed.

    You are in probation, unlike nearly any other person here. Use it wisely, or don't use it wisely. The choice is yours.

  • What you call a skeptopath is simply anyone who doesn't stomach bullshit well. When it's YOUR favorite brand of BS.

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Your "ultraskeptical crowd" consists of pretty much everyone on earth apart from the small, zealous LENR community. I exaggerate. It is only everyone else on earth who has paid any attention to the topic at all, which is admittedly a small crowd.

  • The crowds ignore way better evidence than this - for example more than 60% of Americans still don't believe in evolution.

    Yes, it is deeply worrying. But, to be fair, understanding the strength of the evidence for evolution requires all of 4 hours time. And That is from a digested book, not the original sources. Checking all those would take much much longer.

    In today's world of sound bites anything that cannot be understood in 30s has not a chance.

  • That is worse than I thought. 46% take a fundamentalist literal view of 2500 year old Judaic texts. And the trend is towards more fundamentalism (or else, I suppose possible, extreme ignorance).

  • Why such a comments go into clearance thread goes over my head - it's commonly known information.

    Did it start out in a different thread? If so, there might have been a mistake. The admin interface is a little quirky. Alan and I usually put a note at the bottom of a post when we move it.

  • You keep repeating that same statement over and over, yet you never substantiate it. Your criticism rings hollow and couldn't be more wrong.

    If you understood Miles's theory, you would know that there are no such thing as electron 'orbitals' in the way we usually think about them. So-called "electron screening" should not be a problem with proper alignment.

    joshg : I don't know your background. But if you know how to read NIST tables/levels and how to interprete them your statements are close to rubish.

    Experiments - the only thing that counts in physics - show levels, magnetic coupling etc.. If your beloved Miles has a theory to reproduce the tabulated NIST electron levels of simple Helium, then please show it to all... But with at least 4 digits precision!

    Moved from the Miles Mathis thread. Eric

  • But if you know how to read NIST tables/levels and how to interprete them your statements are close to rubish.

    Honestly I don't even know why you bother commenting in a thread on Miles Mathis's work. You don't understand it and haven't really tried to, so there can be no meaningful conversation with you about his theories. Your statements about his work are ignorant rubbish.

    Moved from the Miles Mathis thread. Eric

  • ***And the researchers have responded appropriately. Best of luck to you.

    Moved from the P&F replication thread. Eric

    Jed calls Shanahan a crackpot and the remark stays on the thread. I say that the researchers responded appropriately, wish him luck and the comment gets put over here. Some farm animals are more equal than others.

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