Clearance Items

  • Siffer - I don't make threats, only promises so reflect on this - you will be held accountable for all the swill that you continue to spread.

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Siffer - I don't make threats, only promises so reflect on this - you will be held accountable for all the swill that you continue to spread.

    Accountable to what Dewey? It sure as hell looks like a hidden threat to me (godfather style). Or maybe you're referring to fantasy forgiving entities (bible stuff you know)? Please tell me!

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Zephir_AWT : yes, assuming that really is her identity. And the rules about doxxing kind of shifted after the Sifferkoll incident with Tom Clarke. The hope is that by allowing genuine anonymity, we'll be able to keep people around with relevant expertise who otherwise wouldn't want their names to be associated with LENR or would simply like to remain private.

  • Hey I want in the bold predictions. Dewey and I had an old convo here is the copy pasta from this thread back in Feb. (comment #1614)

    • Option #1 Settlement (ref. POSTUS 25mill for T. University)

      Option #2 A split on the suit, involving a dismissal then IH decides how much more to spend to recover.

      Option #3 Total victory on both cases, Dewey dances the happy jig, no surprises but in 1 year time Rossi still is walking around on appeal.

      Option #4 Suit gets split up, and still continues in the coming year.

      Option#5 Either side appeal.... and continues.... and cont....

      Option#6 The suit continues in a new form (ref. In 1982, IBM claimed that Fujitsu had illegally copied IBM’s mainframe software wins but is still in court years later)

      Rigel is not a lawyer, and understands this is fictional (hat tip to Mr.SS) And throws Option: F10, IRS driven fraud recovery suit (ref. MaryYugo)

      /\ Hey I gave it a shot, your pick sir?

    /This is a older (SIC) discussion but to clarify a bit #1 is related to Trump paying off for his Trump U stuff. And I think the IRS is coming once the dust settles. I can only bet a Hamiltonian though.

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Sam - did I say that Fulvio "fled to Uppsala"? No I did not. My bet is the Fulvs showed up under somebody's nickel and that Uppsala's years old "replication" effort suddenly started working.

    If that IS the case then we why would we not reasonably suspect the same "magic" that got an excess heat signal from an empty reactor in Raleigh and that fooled everyone in Lugano?

    That is the track record - no reason to expect anything different unless there is suddenly a high value pinball source code project that has been gen'd up in Sweden.

    Well, Dewey. The only thing that seems absolutely obvious here is that you are scared shitless of what's happening with Fulvio in Uppsala. Start whining about fraud and "magic" even before you know anything... Hmm.... How could that be... ;)

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • that somehow a few anonymous posters on obscure forums and blogs can derail and do serious damage to "the invention of our lifetime."

    Wow!!!! You simply do not get it, do you Mary??? It's not a cause and effect issue but an ethical one. And yes, I do believe some of you are somewhat evil, driven primarily by hatred (of something/someone). I actually remember that you Mary confessed exactly this some time ago in an argument. Very scientific isn't it? Having hatred towards Rossi as the prime mover. Nice little girl you are Mary ...

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Some believers are fascinated by what they think someone's identity is. I have no idea why. In my case, if I am who they say, it's their worst nightmare because the individual they think I am was for many years the vice president of a company specializing in heat flow measuring instruments including a variety of calorimeter designs. I guess some people are beyond dumb.

    @Siffer: True, I find Rossi repulsive and abhorrent but that is because he is a scammer. I can't stand scammers. I don't know the man personally. Maybe he loves his children and is good to animals (maybe not) -- I don't know and don't care.

  • Actually Siffer - I'm looking forward to hearing what Uppsala and Fulvio are up to. I obviously need to remind you that I did not flee the country out of fear of anything and you should also know that we are really looking forward to welcoming Fulvio back into the USA for testimony under oath in Florida. I hope he shows up. On a different note, how's your Hydrofusion bet looking these days?

  • @Siffer: True, I find Rossi repulsive and abhorrent but that is because he is a scammer.

    I have to give you credit on this one Mary. Most people don't have the guts to see and acknowledge their own faults. And here you are, even proud of them... But tell me, how does this hatred of yours influence your judgement? The way I see it, it is actually more likely that it brings you to make deductions in the wrong direction; ie.-- I find Rossi repulsive which makes him a scammer ... This is actually quite normal for girls with your condition.

  • The visual I have of Kevmo is now in ruby red brogans clicking his heels and endlessly repeating ...."there's no place like home and Rossi's faux buyback claim, there's no place like home and Rossi's faux buyback claim, there's no place like home and Rossi's faux buyback claim......." Suddenly, Kevmo's faraway dreams came true but, sadly, only on Planet Rossi. Don't go running any red lights in R's honor this afternoon Kev.

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • So you put us through all this, because of that?

    Who BTW has: "seen Rossi's claim"? And what may I ask was his claim? And who is this "someone"?

    You really like to make people go play fetch. I've done it a few times on this thread. I'll give your request the priority it deserves.

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Shane D - Defending Siffe' and Kev in the same cycle I see- they don't need your help but surely must appreciate your compassion.

    Kevmo is stringing everyone along with fodderchumbaiting - he made his own case against himself and just lost his own argument (with himself nonetheless - you don't see that very often on Planet Rossi). Fits a typical pattern though which makes it not boring.

    Ordinarily I would answer your baseless insult with another insult but it turns out that in this forum only certain people are allowed to insult, and the moderator basically said he agrees with the notion that "some farm animals are more equal than others". Have fun with that while you continue to overlook a basic and agreed upon fact.

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Kevmo - I don't know where you get this stuff from or why the moderators continue to allow you to spin the lie but it sure is getting tiresome. My guess is that you're trying to get your signature comment on every page for some particular reason or other. For this pages sake, there was no buyout offer

    from Rossi to IH and thusly, no offer to turn down by IH.

    Is that your hand on the bible Dewey, or is it you spinning a lie?

    BTW, there seems to be a confusion about the offers. Yes IH seems to have offered Rossi a buyback in june 2016 (after they were sued and their license was nullified...) But the Rossi offer we're discussing (to buyback the IP from IH) is supposed to have happened one year earlier about the time, and as a response to, IH making Rossi an offer to scale down the GPT for some immediate smaller amount of cash (a couple of millions maybe), which was conveniently after IH/Darden had pocketed the Woodford money. Go figure...

    Edited 2 times, last by sifferkoll ().

  • Actually Siffer - I'm looking forward to hearing what Uppsala and Fulvio are up to. I obviously need to remind you that I did not flee the country out of fear of anything and you should also know that we are really looking forward to welcoming Fulvio back into the USA for testimony under oath in Florida. I hope he shows up. On a different note, how's your Hydrofusion bet looking these days?

    What are you talking about? Why would you flee the country? You live there, dont you? If I was Fulvio (who btw is not American if you can envision that concept) I would see no reason for staying in the US. Is he even allowed to stay with all the rules applied? Going home seems like a much better option to me. And as an EU citizen, he can live in Sweden if he like.

    (On a sidenote, going thru US airport customs is worse than in any other country in the third world I've visited. A nightmare vision of three hour queues , eye scanners, fingerprints, photographs, etc. etc. You guys are paranoid ...)

    Oh, and thanks. I'm sorry to disappoint you though, my HF bet is very small so that one is getting you nowhere. It just happened that I have some spare time at the moment, and I chose to spend it here for my amusement (while keeping the other eye on TdF at Eurosport. Dont we just love Peter Sagan!). You guys are kind of funny actually ... ;)

    Edited 2 times, last by sifferkoll ().

  • if you think one of the gadzillion blog lies of Rossi paraded in front of Jurors

    I'm trying to figure out the psychological strategy of your FUD posts and it comes to me that it is all about to state in every possible way and as often as possible that Rossi is a liar. Include some FUD-traps (legal or technical) and that is all there is to it.

    I suppose this is done to establish the idea that Rossi should have also lied under oath, which is critical for your work, isn't it?

    In reality we know that the professional liars (sales people lawyer types) in this story are Dewey, Darden et al. I've read some of the court docs and I do not believe any of them dare lie under oath - as Dewey so clearly points out by refusing to say anything with the hand on the bible here ... In that case the thing to watch for is what is the squirming and what is dodged and not clearly answered... And in that case Darden/Vaughn testimonies takes the price without any competition.

  • So do you believe Rossi is lying under oath? (I'd like an answer)

    My argument is that you are pushing to paint a picture of Rossi is a liar, using as you say "misdirections, rather than outright lies" as arguments. And no I do not believe Rossi is lying on JONP. I believe him to sometimes state his plans and hopes prematurely (plans and hopes are subject to change as you might know), and maybe exaggerate them - you can call it misdirections - fine, but it can also be called a blog. And that, fudmaster T, is something completely different from a testimony under oath. I believe you are working very very hard here on LF to blur that distinction in anyway possible.

    a highly deceptive and technically incompetent person

    And, almost forgot. You keep stating this one as well as a mantra... My question is then if you have met him? Or, what kind of remote psychological profiling are you using?

    None, except Darden et al AFTER they absolutely had to for legal reasons, have profiled Rossi as deceptive and incompetent. On the contrary Darden had this to say in an interview early 2015.


    Rossi is a smart guy. The thing I’ve always been interested in Andrea is how intensely theoretical he is. I’m not smart enough to know what theories are right. People have a visualization of things they can’t see. I have no earthy idea if what they are seeing is correct. I had assumed he was more of an experimenter, a tinkerer, trying this and this and this, in more of a random fashion. But not at all. He is laser like in his attention He is very theoretical, very knowledgeable. He’s hard working and driven and we’re pleased with the investment. In any given setting if you are sitting with Andrea Rossi and there’s a down moment, in most of those situations he’ll be reading a physics book or physics paper. At any given moment he has five minutes between when he is doing that and doing that he’ll be sitting there reading. People see him like that in photos and think it’s staged. It’s not!

    Edited once, last by sifferkoll ().

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