1) The people like Yugo don't bring any arguments, simply they have none. The lack of replications of cold fusion isn't the evidence against LENR - only the lack of counterevidence.
To the contrary. Mary almost always has an argument. The argument is often repetitive and annoying, and even vacuous. But it's there. If you don't like an argument she might make about a lack of replications, it falls upon you to calmly rebut the argument and explain why it is fallacious. That will even advance your goal of promoting LENR, by dispelling incorrect impressions.
2) The arguments AGAINST LENR don't belong at the forum ABOUT LENR, because they cannot contribute with anything substantial to subject of this forum.
The people who are interested about mainstream physics opinion about LENR have way better forums where to go.
The LENR Forum team is the one to decide what arguments belong here, and we've decided that we want a diversity of opinion. We disagree with you that counterarguments cannot contribute anything substantial to the discussion in this forum. This is the perfect place for people to go and hash out why they think this or that experiment is good or no good. You probably want a forum whose aim is different than ours.