A few more comments.
Thanks to THH, who does seem to understand my points. I find his explanations adequate responses to most of what he is addressing, so I don't need to add more.
To Eric and Alan. I have no obligation to do anything further. You fail to understand the dynamic here. F&P and others have published scientific claims of an unexpected heat source in metal hydrides/deuterides. That represents a safety hazard to me. Therefore I investigated in an unbiased fashion. I found the literature in general to be inadequate to allow deciding if the 'LENR' claims were real or not. Therefore I started searching out the underlying data. McKubre's 1998 report was the first case I found of this, but he had no calibration data included and would not transmit the equations and constants used to me. Then Storms' data popped up. I examined it and discovered a systematic trend that a) suggests the noise level of these experiments is 10-100X what is normally considered to be the noise level, and b) points out that there is likely to be some real underlying chemical effect active. This was novel, as no one seemed to realize the trend was present and what it meant. So, I published it. I went one step further, giving the CFers a freebie. I proposed what the chemical mechanism causing the problem was. That was for them, so they could redirect their experimentation down lines that might be more productive. And that sequence is what a scientist participating in the normal practice of science would do. End of story - or at least it should be.
But instead of following up on the new information, the CFers took the initially legitimate tactic of trying to disprove my mechanism. This is legitimate as long as that activity remained logical and correct. But they left that behind, first in the Storms 2006 supposed rebuttal (that supposedly allowed him to completely neglect my 2006 response in his 2007 book), and then in the 2010 'rebuttal' that Jed keeps quoting, where they invented a random version of my systematic trend, claiming it was what I had said, which they then (correctly) proved wrong (*their* version, not mine). But they still have not absorbed what I have done. Or maybe they have, and they can't emotionally accept it. IMO, that's where Storms is at.
I repeat. I have no obligation to do anything at this point. If I wanted to follow up, I could of course. If I don't, there is no rule, written or unwritten, that I am violating.
The CFers need to understand that the indications are that their signals are 'in the noise' and deal with it.
To everyone: Jed had raised the idea that my work kills all calorimetry if true. Stop for a minute and think...would *anyone's* work be able to do that? No. So what Jed is doing is just grandiose sputtering. All I have done is point out that even with 98+% efficient calorimeters, you still can get a big noise level if you're not careful. Putting all the heat loss pathways in one small area of a calorimeter, and then treating it as a homogeneous lump is 'not being careful'.