​New E-Cat QX Picture and New Rossi-Gullstrom Paper (Very high COP reported with Calorimetry)​

  • TTM - You have different currency. Speaking of - what is the value of bitcon cash coin on PR these days?

    You guys could start your on crypto-platform and even call them quatloos. Give it a go but remember - don't hint at equities or securities or

    someone(s) may end up in jail faster then the present track.

  • Next Ethereum ICO: quatloos, with ticker QTS. The QTS token will be used as a decentralized application token redeemable for either e-Cat units of heat energy or IH-Cat units of heat energy: your pick. No expectation of profits in either Leonardo or IH is associated with the QTS token, and therefore, it doesn't run afoul of the Howey test, i.e., it isn't a security. And since it does not represent any ownership in either company, it doesn't represent equity either. So, it is compliant with U.S. law (and that of most developed nations). Expected ICO raise: $30 million of ETH. Ready?

    (This might seem like jumble bumble to some of you, but I'm sure at least Dewey gets it, and perhaps more of you than I think.)

  • I've seen the emails Alan - its a gig alright.

    Try and stay credible - cool stuff is coming and you still have time to neutralize your bias.

    I just want to point out here that Eric as usual moved all my comments about these serious accusations about the swedes out of context here

    Clearance Items

  • Quote


    August 15, 2017 at 6:12 AM

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Your measurement system described in the Gullstrom-Rossi paper is perfect. The circuit is very simple, the plasma is a conductor, as everybody knows, therefore placing a resistance with a known ohmage and measuring the voltage across it, the current is obtained by the Ohm equation, as well as the wattage.


    Andrea Rossi

    August 15, 2017 at 7:47 AM

    Warm Regards,

    Well there we have it, 'the plasma is a conductor'. Just one more step to assume its near or is zero ohms and we have a scientific revolution.

  • ... thats true, but those fakenews almost never have a valid scientific background and even if some users claim that Rossi has fooled the Professors, I have not read one single statement by these scientists that they withdraw their reports, or any criticism about Rossi.


    It is also true that you have not heard, seen or read 1 word of support from any of these scientists that validated Rossi's Ecat claims since the Lugano "test" they attended.

    You'd think if these people really truly believed the Ecat test data they would

    step up and say something, anything,

    to lend credence to this data, but nothing.

    It appears that want to distance themselves from "All Things Rossi" hoping the scientific community forgets their involvement.

  • ... and with the shitty stuff, we have got from Rossi until now, they should avouid being called with the name of Rossi in one and the same sentence.

    It is a mess, what this guy revealed until now, and no, not one really reliable scientist, who cares about his repo, would ever harm it by supporting Rossi on that databasis, which Rossi has delivered until now. No, never.

  • Hehe. You wish!

    Maybe they simply do not want to share their work with you guys ... which I find somewhat understandable. Rumour is they are financed and doing very well. ;)

  • Quote

    Rumour is they are financed and doing very well. ;)

    Rumor is that my unicorns are financed and doing well. Of course, the unicorns aren't talking so it's... well... just a RUMOR!

  • Rumor is that my unicorns are financed and doing well. Of course, the unicorns aren't talking so it's... well... just a RUMOR!

    Exactly, so why do you even bother to repeat it? Is it perhaps due to the fact that you fear that this particular "rumour" might be true?

    Oh, and I'm really happy for your unicorns, beautiful creatures they are.

  • @Mary Yugo

    Despite your claims in very large red print, that there is good news to come from not one but two sources in Sweden is not a rumour, but a fact. What do you thinf FF has been doing all those weeks in Upsalla and elsewhere, rewiring Hanno Essen's Sauna?

    Good news in this case is at best an interpretation.

  • Quote

    What do you thinf FF has been doing all those weeks in Upsalla and elsewhere, rewiring Hanno Essen's Sauna?

    I don't know who "FF" is. Let's start there.


    But despite your obvious hopes, I am pretty sure they will be dashed before too long.

    What are TTH's hopes that will be dashed?

    Is there some merit to be cryptic? Why don't you, Alan, and Ascoli get a room. Maybe you'll be able to understand each other and translate for the rest of us.

  • All news requires interpretation THH, especially when it is in Swedish. But despite your obvious hopes, I am pretty sure they will be dashed before too long.

    Well I have no strong hopes from the Swedish guys. it would be fun, but a bit sad, if they continue to use the (not admitted wrong by Levi or any possible Levi poster here) wrong IR thermography that would as P points out easily give them COP = 3-4. But I can't really imagine that. In which case we have the excitement of reading what they do say, always assuming they are willing to write it up properly for criticism. I'd hope for a substantive and interesting report.

    I would not bet that...

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