Demonstration of the E-Cat QX - 24 November - Summary thread

    • Official Post

    In six years of this eneterprise, has there ever been a member of Rossi’s “team” reliably identified? Even CIA field agents are outed from time to time. If half of what Rossi says about his facilities, relationships and personnel is remotely true, he has achieved levels of secrecy that no other organization of the planet has ever approached.


    The only reason I give it a chance that Rossi has someone else working with him, is because Alan mentioned a few months back something about a "new team member". Other than that, yes, he has never had what I would consider a team. When he says that, it could mean just about anything.

    The only one I know of who stayed with him all along, was the handy man from Bologna who followed him to Doral, and who doubled as the security guard there. 1 person though, does not make a team. Nor does collaborating with someone like Gullstrom from afar count.

    Bruce H. makes a good point...the most interesting part of the demo will be talking with the others there. Should be some good gossip floating around the room. Let us hope that Alan and his friend are sociable, and take a lot of notes.

    • Official Post

    Speaking of teams, have you forgotten about Fulvio?

    No, I was thinking of him when I posted. Fabiani was an IH employee BTW. Even if you consider that he worked for Rossi, teams to me are a little more than a plumber, and friend (Fabiani) from the old country. Something along the lines of what Mills has at BrLP, and Godes at Brillouin. That would not only include the other scientists/engineers working alongside on payroll, but also an independent BODs, and advisors...none of which Rossi has ever had.

    His Leonardo has always been a joke as a corporation, and there has never been any photo of an employee. He never even had a brick and mortar headquarters until he leased Doral. Nor does he have a website, other than the one Hydrofusion hosts for him.

    So does he have a team now?...well, that is why we are all glad you are attending, so as to find out that and more. Hopefully there are drinks served, so everyone is in a talking mood. Especially those Swedes! :)

  • Alan Smith

    AFTER you ask everything you really want to know, you might want to ask Rossi how the military has used the megawatt plants they bought in 2012. Also, to confirm, that it was the US Military and what branch. And if he pleads secrecy, how does that work when the IP was given out commercially to IH? Then, if you want some serious trouble from Rossi, ask where the robotic manufacturing plant is being built and would it be possible to pay it a visit. Better bring a soft pad to cushion the cement when you land after he has you forcibly ejected for asking those questions. But aren't they reasonable questions, actually?

    While we are at it, I'd like to know how old COL Fioravanti is doing? If he's still active duty or reserves, he surely must have made general by now due to his heroic work on the ecats and plants. So where is he working and what is he doing these days?

  • ALan SMith,

    The thread has deteriorated again. How about removing these off topic boring opinions?

  • Yes, we wouldn't want to hurt Il Dottore's tender feelings. He might call you a clown and a snake. You're expecting Rossi's demo to be fun? Me too. But not quite in the way I think you mean, Alan.

  • Another set of possible attendees who would be interesting to talk with would be any of the original Lugano report authors. Have they indeed been working away trying to refine or add to the evidence that they published in the report? Have they had any success ? I suggest that the upcoming demo on Friday would be a highly suitable time for the Lugano authors to disclose what progress they have made, if any.

  • Quote

    Another set of possible attendees who would be interesting to talk with would be any of the original Lugano report authors. Have they indeed been working away trying to refine or add to the evidence that they published in the report? Have been successful? I suggest that the upcoming demo on Friday would be a highly suitable time for the Lugano authors to disclose what progress they have made, if any.
    Shane D. likes this.

    You seriously expect the "Lugano authors" to be present at the Quark QX demo?

  • ROTFWL! Ask Roger Green how many ecats he has sold so far, despite having advertised them as ready to deliver (within several week time lines) for over 5 years! What a comedian that guy is. He's hilarious unless you're one of the silly people who gave him money.

    • Official Post

    He's just another one of those aggrieved licensees. I thought you pitied them.


    He says "the Ecat Licensees, for Africa, ... wish Rossi good luck", not "the EX, or former-Ecat Licensees...wish Rossi good luck". So sounds like he is still a licensee? As I recall, he and the others bought their Ecat dealerships for about $10,000, or maybe $100,000. Not much anyways. That alone tells you something about the value Rossi placed on the tech.

    Plus, Roger I think was the dealer for all the same regions he just mentioned. Funny. There were only he, Proia, and the HF guy that I knew of that were licensees. Roger was a work of art himself. Only solid licensee Rossi sold to was Aldo Proia of Italy, and he did take the buyout offer.

    • Official Post

    LOLs. Yes, Roger Green IS the owner of all those regions he mentions:

    He may as well have said instead: "I, Roger Green, the Ecat licensee for Africa, India, Japan, Korea, SE Asia and Spain - wish Andrea good luck with the upcoming demo, and eagerly await a independent validation in the near future. I have supported Andrea now for many years thru thick and thin, and wish him the best- he deserves it !'

    What an entertaining story. Such a cast of characters!

  • I just posted a new run of the Gamma L pump.

    Bottom line : near 0 bar the pump delivers 1.83 times the "faceplate" value of 32l/hr : using Penon's formula the output would be 0.94 MW.

    (Note : and my old pump seems to be under-performing compared Prominent's curves between 1 and 2 bar).

    Bottom line : the Gammas could deliver Penon's flow values.

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