In between bouts, do not forget to read the Fleischmann letters. An amazing insight into the CF story through the eyes of the man who started it, and fought it until the day he died. In my reading, it seems to me one of the major obstacles others had in replicating FPs (including GE), was the complexity of their (FPs) calorimetry. It caused many to err, and not understanding they had erred, go on to report yet another failed attempt at replicating.
That clearly frustrated Fleischmann, as he had to frequently point out the way in which those errors occurred -in some cases the correction turned the reports conclusions from negative to positive in his favor, but usually the damage had already been done. Morrison made it a point to use that complexity against them, saying that it invited mistakes. He may be right, but there is no doubt Fleischmann was light years ahead of most when it came to calorimetry. Where others saw complexity, he saw a beautifully balanced process, equipment and calculations which used properly, would ensure a trusted result.
Miles, having the same expertise in the lab, and also having experienced some of the same problems with acceptance, was a natural fit for Flesichmann to turn to.