LENR is occurring in SAFIRE

  • They don't seem to acknowledge it but Holmlid has a way of producing -muons at much lower energy than 5000 MeV - same thing may be occurring with hydrino-based systems.

    The nuclear fusion reaction can be catalyzed in a suitable fusion fuel by muons (heavy electrons), which can temporarily form very tightly bound mu-molecules. Muons can be produced by the decay of negative pions, which, in turn, have been produced by an accelerated beam of light ions impinging on a target. Muon-catalyzed fusion is appropriately called “cold fusion” because the nuclear fusion also occurs at room temperature. For practical fusion energy generation, it appears to be necessary to have a fuel mixture of deuterium and tritium at about liquid density and at a temperature of the order of 1000 K. The current status of muon-catalyzed fusion is limited to demonstrations of scientific breakeven by showing that it is possible to sustain an energy balance between muon production (input) and catalyzed fusion (output). Conceptually, a muon-catalyzed fusion reactor is seen to be an energy amplifier that increases by fusion reactions the energy invested in nuclear pion-muon beams. The physical quantity that determines this balance is Xμ, the number of fusion reactions each muon can catalyze before it is lost. Showing the feasibility of useful power production is equivalent to showing that Xμ can exceed a sufficiently large number, which is estimated to be ∼104 if standard technology is used or ∼103 if more advanced physics and technology can be developed. Since a muon can be produced with current technology for an expenditure of ∼5000 MeV and 17.6 MeV is produced per fusion event, it follows that Xμ ≈ 250 would be a significant demonstration of scientific breakeven. Current experiments have measured Xμ 150. Therefore, the energy cost of producing muons must be reduced substantially before muon-catalyzed fusion reactors could seriously be considered. The physics of muon-catalyzed fusion is summarized and discussed. Muon catalysis is surveyed for the following systems: proton-deuteron, deuteron-deuteron, deuteron-triton, and non-hydrogen elements. The idea of muon catalysis in a plasma medium is also presented. The formation of mu-atoms and mu-molecules and their disintegration in a condensed plasma are calculated. It seems that in a homogeneous plasma, there are no values of temperature and density appropriate for achieving the desired Xμ ≈ 1000. New ideas that might lead to the goal of 1000 fusions per muon by the use of laser beams or selective electromagnetic radiation are suggested.

  • There might be a way around the alpha particle sticking problem too ...

    Contribution of Muon Catalyzed Fusion to Fusion Energy Development
    K. Nagamine 1, 2), T. Matsuzaki 1), K. Ishida 1), S. N. Nakamura 1, 3), N. Kawamura 1),
    Y. Matsuda 1)
    1) Muon Science Laboratory, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama, Japan
    2) Meson Science Laboratory, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK),
    Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
    3) Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi,
    e-mail contact of main author: [email protected]
    Abstract. Recent experimental studies on muon catalyzed fusion (µCF) process of D-T mixture have uncovered
    anomalously large muon (µ–) regeneration from the (µα) + stuck atom formed after nuclear fusion in dtµmolecule.
    The result has opened a new direction towards a realization of the break-even. In addition, highintensity hadron accelerator projects for neutron source etc. will realize kW µCF reactor once advanced muon
    generator be installed. Considering these new trends, we may be able to develop the fusion energy related R&D
    program based upon the µCF process such as materials irradiation facility, tritium breeding, fundamental plasma
    physics, etc.

  • Fusion is way denser, but damages materials with particles produced. The hydrino formation (if real as described), while not as energy dense, would be safer at high energy outputs with a simpler reactor than a muon catylized fusion system of the same energy output. I could imagine a small system where you have a long lived sipping 3MWth muon catylized fusion reactor with shielding and such designed for that level of flow. The catch would be that to load follow or increase power output you could have a "less efficient" but still remarkable hydrino reaction "afterburner" pushing it up to 12MWth or something.

    So at high power you trade burning more cheaper hydrogen, but save on shielding weight and the complexities of high energy nuclear effects. Small amounts of dense D-T and D-D fuel reactions will form a long lasting compact baseload. Fuel flexibility and higher load capacity if propelling a mobile system, lovely?😁

  • Use strategies to increase UDH/hydrino formation in a Mizuno-type reactor then, or couple it to the muon-generator?

    Good Morning, Yes! More a compact muon based fusion reactor like Holmids research coupled with the compact Z-pinch reactor research at LLP, but in order to stay compact and release shielding bulk when throttled to higher output you have a UDH/Hydrino heavy mode. Seems like it should work from a moment skimming related proposed theories on a surface level. *shrugs*

    Edit: Now i see what you are saying with the Mizuno type reactor hybrid with a Suncell type reactor. The Mizuno one has a known COP of 5-10 while the Suncell has a known COP of about 5. If one powers or is engineered as the "afterburner" of the other that is a theoretical cumulative max COP of 50.

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    SAFIRE project wants to develop technology from their results.

    New Mandate of SAFIRE Project video

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    I know this might be perceived as “off topic” as it has no direct relationship to the SAFIRE project but as the project was designed to test the electric sun model and that falls within the confines of the so called “electric universe” model, of which I have been aware and acquainted for over 14 years, I wanted to share here another aspect of the model that answers some of the unexpected (and incoherent with the gravitational based model expectations) observations that keep puzzling astronomers and don’t surprise at all the electric engineers that have delved into plasma cosmology.

    This is about the puzzling observation of counter rotational disks of matter near the center or galaxies.

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  • From axil post #72

    SAFIRE shows the basic LENR causation mechanism revealed in its most basic form. Within the outermost double layer of the plasma double layer shell structure, fusion of hydrogen is occurring.

    From axil post #81

    I think that phase 1 of SAFIRE is doable for an amateur. A glass enclosure that holds hydrogen as seen below might be within the capabilities of the the amateur scientist.

    I have been intrigued by the SAFIRE Phase I experiment for a long time. I follow E-Cat World daily and posed some of my questions/ideas about it but didn’t get very far. A few days ago I happened onto this thread and found the answers to most of my questions and much more.


    My primary interest is in the potential development of small, safe, cheap, stand alone sources of energy. Energy boxes that can be utilized anywhere by anyone. I am hopeful that hydrogen fusion within the double layers of the SAFIRE plasma may be the key.

    The core SAFIRE Phase I apparatus is not much more complicated than the one I used in my 1963 high school physics lab. I do not remember what I was trying to do but I recall it generated very pretty plasma glows.

    I’m assuming that this group might see merit in and encourage some open, independent SAFIRE Phase I ‘like’ experimentation. I’m with Axil and believe that SAFIRE Phase I experiments are doable by an amateur. That said, it is very unlikely that any amateur is going to come up with the idea of doing such a thing on their own. Perhaps this group could help in that endeavor by brainstorming to come up with an experiment design…


  • I'm thinking towards a small reactor and it is my assumption that most of the gas can be argon with very small amount of hydrogen infiltrating into the reactor through the metal of the anode. Yes, I'm doing a lot of assuming... There is lots for all of us to learn. I'm also interested in the Mizuno thread and hopeful those already experimenting will have positive results.

  • John,

    To keep the system simpler, I would simply utilize a single cathode and a single anode. There's really no need for three electrodes like with the SAFIRE Project's device. As you enter the negative resistance regime, a complex space charge configuration will form on either the anode or the cathode depending on the properties of the circuit. As you tune the circuit into resonance, the complex space charge configuration will start to move off the electrode until it's only connected by a tether. What's happening is that it's achieving better and better self organization. Eventually, it will move off the electrode all together and become what I have read referred to as a, "free floating fireball." With the complex space charge configuration or macro-EVO not touching anything material, I believe it is far easier to avoid melting down or vaporizing critical components. You could still have ports to control the input of gases into the device. I would suggest there are many combinations to try. First, you would have to consider the electrodes you are using because they will at least to some degree produce nano-particles that will become part of the complex space charge configuration. I suggest materials such as Tungsten, platinum, palladium, and nickel. Also, I would suggest a combination of a heavy noble gas like argon with various percentages of hydrogen and/or deuterium. Other interesting combinations could be hydrogen and mercury, hydrogen and carbon and argon, hydrogen and lithium, hydrogen and lithium and argon, etc.

  • I'm thinking towards a small reactor and it is my assumption that most of the gas can be argon with very small amount of hydrogen infiltrating into the reactor through the metal of the anode. Yes, I'm doing a lot of assuming... There is lots for all of us to learn. I'm also interested in the Mizuno thread and hopeful those already experimenting will have positive results.

    You are probably on right track. There are some over complicated versions of what you want to attempt called a Papp engine. https://www.integrityresearchi…org/PappEngine-Valone.pdf

    I suspect that basic parts are: the arc, a preferred fuel created by a so called activation process (likely hydrogen or other nuclear fuels introduced into the noble gas) and the engine cycle to harvest the energy.

  • Director,

    I am thinking single flat cathode and single, hollow spherical anode. I'm also thinking, along the same lines as axil, to attempt to test whether or not there is P+P fusion going on within the double layers around the anode. I'm thinking a DC supply with tunable resistor in series with the supply and reactor/tube. For a given setup (gases, pressure, spacings, etc.) the DC voltage and resistor will be tuned to put the plasma into the negative resistance (so called) region causing it to oscillate at its natural frequency. First step would be to get concentric double layers as seen in SAFIRE and start playing with parameters from there. My thinking is to avoid introducing of other metals and creation of EVOs.

  • I believe that the latest SAFIRE videos are revealing. But first some background.

    SAFIRE operators control the SAFIRE reaction by adjusting the pressure of the hydrogen gas and the voltage/current applied to the electrode. In this way, the operators can make the plasma assume the various modes of plasma behavior.

    A replication of the SAFIRE system requires a reverse engineering of this pressure/current/voltage control mechanism.

    In the latest SAFIRE videos, there was mention of the case where transmutation was produced on the surface of the anode. The current/voltage was pushed to the top of the range then the current was set back to 7% when it looks like things were getting out of control. These transmutation as accompanied by a huge burst of energy. In this case, the double layers collapsed onto the surface of the anode so that the surface glowed brightly and began to meltdown. Transmutation and energy production appeared to coincide.

    see at 15:00 into the video

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    The theory I like deals with polariton formation on a metal surface as the cause of the LENR reaction. IMHO, polaritons produce bubbles of a false Higgs field that destabilize the vacuum and break matter apart. Google the Higgs abyss. This is where the quark plasma is made that reforms into new elemental configurations when the state of the vacuum is restored to normal.

    The types of transmutation that SAFIRE produced was equal to that produced by a supernova explosion. But an out of this universe process is at work in SAFIRE transmutation. A perfect ball of transmuted elements must have been produced by a zero gravity, very gentle, no energy, reaction process.

  • SAFIRE shows the basic LENR causation mechanism revealed in its most basic form. Within the outermost double layer of the plasma double layer shell structure, fusion of hydrogen is occurring. The only thing that exists in that double layer is hydrogen. The fusion that is occurring is devoid of any secondary mechanisms that confuse the causation mechanism. The LENR reaction is happening as a result of the organization of the hydrogen in that double layer.

    Specifically from your post #72 above and from a number of your other posts on this forum and e-cat world, it has been my belief that you were referring to P+P fusion to H3 and that it is happening within the double layers. Simple, elegant, clean, doesn't destroy the reactor, etc... Though information from the SAFIRE public reports is sparse, from my reading/interpretations, I believe it likely that they were generating slow, steady, excess energy, much in the form of heat, from the reactor while operating it in a stable, concentric spherical double layer mode. And they weren't looking/ measuring for it, assumed it was from the power they were putting in and that it was an over heating problem they needed to deal with. That's the reaction that I'm interested in pursuing... Am I barking up the wrong tree?

  • The first mention of the detection of He3 occurred a few years ago when its appearance was connected with the generation of a huge burst of energy that ranged between 2 and 20 million watts of power. But at that time SAFIRE did not describe the details of how this burst occurred. In fact, they were secretive about how this energy appeared except to say that it appeared at the top end of the electrical input protocol.

    Then a year or two later, they mentioned the distruction of the tungsten probe which occured when the probe was inserted into the double layer. The tungsten in the tip of the probe exploded in nanoseconds and produced a shower of transmutation elements and a large amount of energy.

    This leads me to beleive that the transmutation and the energy production occurs through the interaction between a metal surface and the double layer.

    Now this year they reveal that when the double layers drop to the surface of the anode, the anode melts down and the huge spike in energy appears together with the appearance of transmuted elements on the surface of the anode.

    It looks like the active mechanism that carries transmutation and energy production is the interaction of the plasma with a metal surface.

    The PP fusion may be occurring but also many other elements are being produced from transmutation including magnesium vapor in the plasma. The secret elements might be silver and gold. They may want to patent this silver and/or gold transmutation before they go public on gold production.

    Keep in mind that in the early SunCell design, a 100 lb tungsten electrode was used before Mills was forced to go to a liquid metal electrode, That electrode vaporized in about 10 seconds.


    A SAFIRE based power reactor may also need to use a liquid anode to keep the anode from vaporizing.

  • Director,

    I am thinking single flat cathode and single, hollow spherical anode. I'm also thinking, along the same lines as axil, to attempt to test whether or not there is P+P fusion going on within the double layers around the anode. I'm thinking a DC supply with tunable resistor in series with the supply and reactor/tube. For a given setup (gases, pressure, spacings, etc.) the DC voltage and resistor will be tuned to put the plasma into the negative resistance (so called) region causing it to oscillate at its natural frequency. First step would be to get concentric double layers as seen in SAFIRE and start playing with parameters from there. My thinking is to avoid introducing of other metals and creation of EVOs.

    You can create the same double layers on either the anode or cathode of a system without any hollow spherical electrode. The only reason that the SAFIRE Project is using a hollow spherical electrode is that they were testing the electric sun model. Well, although I'm interested in that model, it's not my primary focus: what I want to see is a practical device that can produce excess energy. What you're not able to conceptualize is that in the SAFIRE system the round anode, from one point of view, is at the center of a form of macro-EVO. However, you don't have to create an EVO around such a spherical electrode. You can tune a system into resonance and create one that is free floating between the electrodes. Personally, I wish this is what the SAFIRE Project would start working on because it would get to the root of the phenomena. Oh, and by the way, it is a true negative resistance region. It's not so-called. The people who love to say that's it's not a true negative resistance are full of sh*t and don't deserve to be called scientists. The complex space charge configuration or macro-EVO that's formed during such a period is absorbing heat from the environment and converting it into electrical current.

    • Official Post

    axil , you got it wrong, the silver was already present in the foil before the ultrasound treatment, read the comment from magicsound with care.

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