LENR is occurring in SAFIRE

  • axil : So far we only have experimental prove for LENR. Theories with no experimental backing are not worth to be discussed.

    The paper you mention is interesting for cavity based LENR in a classical Rossi like setup but all experiments I looked into a year ago are at very low pressure. This is a prerequisite if you understand the Bose-Einstein formula. This also explains that extrapolating any temperature is not quite easy and just mathematical...

    When Alan runs his plasma tube experiment with the foil sparking away, he will find a very high temperature in that foil. Alan should have reported that foil temperature when he described that experiment...that is... if that experiment was finalized.

    By the way, Alan, what was the temperature of that sparking foil?

  • Why do Axil and other people keep their identity secret. Does anyone know what temperatures the SAFIRE team states their plasma gets to and what temperatures they think the electrode or other materials get to. How can people believe what they say if they keep their identity secret.
    As I keep trying to tell people: temperature isn`t related to phenomena people consider ``melting,`` and it isn`t related to material disappearance in these experiments involving BL-like plasmoids. That is the error that many in the field have such as people who`ve studied pits and ``sloshing`` markings. But no one on this blog listens to me when I say that the atoms change state to behave much differently than the normal dormant state in which such ideas such as temperature might apply. Does anyone agree with me on this blog about plasmoid and atom state changing.

    When people write anomalously, they seem to write many things that don`t make any sense.

  • Why do Axil and other people keep their identity secret.

    My entry is my true name also on researchgate. I qualify statements of anonymous people just as interesting noise. Axil is just very noisy and sometimes finds a good paper reference. But don't take him to serious. He already proposed 1001 LENR theories none with a paper quality analysis.

    Thus just enjoy or ignore...

  • SAFIRE has nothing to do with cold fusion, the disintegration of tungsten electrode observed is common ion sputtering effect. AxilAxil lacks better experiments so that he combines wildly.

  • SAFIRE has nothing to do with cold fusion, the disintegration of tungsten electrode observed is common ion sputtering effect. AxilAxil lacks better experiments so that he combines wildly.

    Transmutation of tungsten was seen in the probe. That means LENR.

    • Official Post

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    "The SAFIRE PROJECT at the Electric Universe - United Kingdom
    International Conference & Symposium
    7th - 11th July 2018, Somerset, UK

    see: http://www.safireproject.com

    Montgomery Childs and Dr. Michael Clarage present a review of The SAFIRE PROJECT to date, which includes some new discoveries of the past year."

    We talked a little about the shortened version of this presentation here Simon Brink "Subtle Atomics" Discussion Thread

    This is the full length version, and contrary to popular opinion that Safire is "tight lipped", they are very generous with what they know in this video.

  • timemark 25.02

    "what our eyes can't see is the stored energy,very high frequency, in the plasma"

    Perhaps SAFIRE's Michael Clarage needs to have a Swiss 4D- GigaTesla magnetic flux consultant.

  • timemark 25.02

    "what our eyes can't see is the stored energy,very high frequency, in the plasma"

    Perhaps SAFIRE's Michael Clarage needs to have a Swiss 4D- GigaTesla magnetic flux consultant.

    DGT via Dr. Kim measured these magnetic strength levels years ago and THEY did not beleive Defkalion (aka scam assertion), Experimental observations are valid only when the correct people do them.

  • DGT via Dr. Kim measured these magnetic strength

    "the magnetic fields at ~18 cm from the reactor at all three locations rose from

    ~0.6 Tesla to ~1.6 Tesla (DC peak) during each reaction period.

    Such anomalous peak signals were maintained for approximately

    3-4 sec after the HV currents were cut off.

    Kim measured only 0.6 Tesla to 1.6 Tesla..using Hall sensors.

    The strong B field from just one fusion event is calculated

    to be 10,000,000,000,000 T and 1T at 1cm by Wyttenbach.

    For 1000 close-spaced fusion events the "B" will be much more than 1 Tesla

    and will be unable to be measured by Hall devices much

    because of the UUHF frequency of the alternating flux.

    These high B fields are probably what destroyed the $20,000

    SAFIRE temperature probes at relatively cold plasma temperatures.

    far below the Melting Point of tungsten

  • The other possibility couldn't have happened that the trode was made of junk to make money ,like so many rolls of wire listed as one thing but seem to be another money making forest~

    todays world.

  • Induction fun in Paris

    More fun than smoking $20.000 worth of SAFIRE sun probes

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  • What is more reliable, a calculation or an experimental measurement?

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