LENR Patents, Dr. Schwarz and the USPTO.

  • anyone know what happened to Schwartz's NANOR devices

    He is hosting :

    2019 LANR/CF Colloquium at MIT

    Sat., March 23, and Sun. Mar. 24, 2019


    Tentative program/speakers include:

    Peter Hagelstein

    Mitchell Swartz

    Thomas Claytor

    Mel Miles

    Jean-Paul Biberian

    George Miley (via assoc.)

    Yasuhiro Iwamura

    Hideki Yoshino

    Francesco Celani

    Fran Tanzella

    David Nagel

    Steven Katinsky

    Louis Dechiaro

    Robert Smith, Jr

    Brian Ahern

    Florian Meltzer

    Thomas Dolan

    contact here: http://world.std.com/~mica/jetenergycontact.htm

  • Well if they granted Brillouin and AR's patents this seems totally unfair since Swartz's work has effectively been replicated by other groups (Takahashi and others). One wonders if it might be academic politics at MIT rearing its ugly head?

  • Quote

    Nice to know - looks like patenting problems have prevented his NANOR device development or any possible marketing?

    There always seems to be some excuse other than that the device and/or the testing are not impressive to anyone outside the "usual suspects." BTW, the participant list for the MIT get together is a nice list of "Usual Suspects." I would distinguish them from "the BigGuns" which would be those with more than $1M in funding. Big Guns are getting rather rare, it seems, since the Rossi debacle. In fact, aren't Brillouin and BLP the only ones, if BLP is even in the same business?

    ("usual suspects," of course, is a reference to the classic film "Casablanca.")


    ETA: Well if they granted Brillouin and AR's patents this seems totally unfair since Swartz's work has effectively been replicated by other groups (Takahashi and others). One wonders if it might be academic politics at MIT rearing its ugly head?

    I don't know about Brillouin's patent but Rossi's is worthless unless you want to make ordinary electric heaters and probably even then. If you have evidence that the impartiality of the US Patent Office is swayed by politics at MIT, you'd better contact the Inspector General's office. I am sure they would love to know your evidence. They have little patience for politics influencing supposedly objective and impartial federal agencies.

  • All that NANOR work is now in the public domain - have you and Russ had similar success using ZrO2 etc? Transition metal oxides (TMO's) seem to be the way to go in ultracapacitors, and mixtures with perovskites look favourable for a new generation of solar cells and maybe superconductors. If you want a mineral compound which seems to have just about every TMO combination possible, have a look at the pyroelectric tourmaline crystals. (can be found around here in Cornish granite!)

    • Official Post


    Biberian is putting out his word for this months MIT LENR conference. A power line-up with some of the big names in LENR, so there should be some good information to be heard. If you are nearby, I would hope you try and attend. Have to sign up by the 14th though.

    "The 2019 Cold Fusion/LANR Colloquium at MIT marks the 30th anniversary of the initial CF announcement. This Colloquium is also one of a series of Scientific and Engineering Colloquia discussing Cold Fusion, its theory, physics, electrochemistry, material science, metallurgy, and electrical engineering. These Colloquia have been organized for more than a decade by JET Energy Incorporated and the Energy Production and Energy Conversion Group at MIT, with additional support of our colleagues involved in the study of lattice assisted nuclear reactions.

    Our goal is to increase public cooperation and excellence of science and engineering among colleagues and improved public awareness of the development of this important field. The organizing theme in 2019 involves the actual scientific and engineering “road” from achieving the hydrided lattices in nickel and palladium and similar metals, to releasing the desired Excess Energy.

    Attendance to the Meeting requires pre-Registration. The room size for the Colloquium is space-limited, and due to this limited size, there will be no walk-ins. Please note: The DEADLINE for REGISTRATION WILL BE: Mar. 14th"

    • Official Post

    Here is the list of speakers and topics for the MIT LENR Colloquium (23/24 March). I see our Ruby and Gennadiy are giving speeches also...Way to go! I do not recall such a power line-up as this for the previous events. Hopefully we get some people in there to give Ruby a hand in reporting. I believe they extended the registration date to the 19th, so if you are nearby...

    Mitchell Swartz - Welcome, Brief Introduction

    Yasuhiro Iwamura - Recent Advances in Heat Generation Experiments using Nano-sized Metal Composite and Hydrogen Gas

    Francesco Celani - Advanced version of the "Capuchin knot" geometry

    Florian Meltzer - Update on MIT phonon-nuclear coupling experiments

    Mitchell Swartz - Two States Characterize and Control Active CF/LANR Systems

    Brian Ahern - Anharmonic Motion and Magnetic in LANR

    Anthony Zuppero - Applications of the model to experimental data

    Dimiter Alexandrov - Cold Fusion Synthesis of Helium Isotopes in Interaction of Deuterium and of Hydrogen Nuclei with Metals

    Mel Miles - Production of Helium in Cold Fusion Experiments [NAWCWD, China Lake, California]

    Francis Tanzella - Update from Brillouin Energy

    Konrad Czerski - Crystal Lattice Defects and Threshold Resonance of the Deuteron-Deuteron Fusion Reactions at Room Temperature

    Gennadiy Tarassenko - Cold Fusion on the Basis of the Model of the Planet Earth

    Mitchell Swartz - D-Line Emission from Acive CF/LANR Systems

    Vladimir Plekhanov - Experimental study of the strong nuclear interaction via re-normalization

    Peter Hagelstein - Phonon-nuclear coupling, excitation transfer, and applications

    Thomas Dolan - Heavy electron catalysis model.

    John Wallace - Baryon Charge Density

    T.W. Ciarlariello - The Earliest muon catalyzed fusion

    Hideki Yoshino, Tadahiko Mizuno - Clean Planet Updates

    Thomas Grimshaw - LENR Research Documentation Initiative

    Robert Smith, Jr. - Impacts on the Rate of Knowledge in LANR

    Carl Page - Athropocene Institute, Clean Energy and Cold Fusion

    David Nagel, Steven Katinsky - Status of the LENRIA Experiment and Analysis Program (LEAP)

    Ruby Carat - Update from Cold Fusion Now!

  • Whooopee, Yoshino will be there. I am struck by how often extravagant claims are made or imaged and nobody asks about what happened to them when the claimant is available many years later. Think anyone will ask Yoshino what happened to this?


    From: The 15th Japan Cold Fusion Research Conference

    in Sapporo, Japan on Nov. 1-2, 2014

    He's had five years to complete the 1kW and 10kW power reactors he showed in various stages of construction in the above document and which photos are reproduced here:



  • I hope they have scaled up their reactors by now, be nice to see if Kg quantities of nanoparticle Ni/H work better than the small scale experiments so far...ie is a critical mass required?

  • They are the sizes of reactor one might expect for 1-10 kW outputs, unlike AR's tiny QX/SK creations which I very much doubt could ever work in the real world. But they do on Planet R as everyone says on ECW.

  • Quote

    They were prototypes for scaling that hasn't happened yet

    Really? The slides didn't explain that. Aren't you a bit curious how that worked out five years later and how those reactors have progressed in the years since the photos? Think you will find out a positive result at the meeting?

  • SOT has a requirement for 5 years ... why not 2 years why not 10 years.

    Pick any number between 1 and 30.. In the ITER world of the great billion$ fusion folly

    this number will not be enough

    • Official Post

    This is an interesting description of NANOR events as of 5 yrs ago - maybe we can update this with newer theory? All been nicely replicated by the Japanese groups recently although they didn't observe such high COP's (maybe this is irrelevant / the absolute levels of excess energy measured are probably more important)

    For those interested, here's a list of Mitch Swartz' papers - mainly NANOR related.

    [2] Swartz, M. R., G. Verner, J. Tolleson, P. Hagelstein, Dry, preloaded NANOR®-type CF/LANR components, Current Science, 108, 4, 595 (2015); http://www.currentscience.ac.in/Volumes/108/04/0595.pdf

    [1] Swartz M. R., Verner G., Tolleson, J, Energy Gain From Preloaded ZrO2–PdNi–D Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Components, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 13, (2014), p 528 http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol13.pdf

    [3] Swartz M. R., Hagelstein P.I., Demonstration of Energy Gain from a Preloaded ZrO2–PdD Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Device at MIT, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 13, (2014), p 516 http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol13.pdf

    [4] Swartz, M.R. P. Hagelstein, G. Verner, Impact of Electrical Avalanche Through a ZrO2-NiD Nanostructured CF/LANR Component on its Incremental Excess Power Gain", ICCF-19, JCMNS, 19, (2016)

    [5] Swartz, M.R. "Optical Detection of Phonon Gain Distinguishes an Active Cold Fusion/LANR Component", JCMNS, 20, 29-53 (2016); http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol20.pdf

    [6] Swartz, M. R, Increase of an Anti-Stokes Peak at the Cathode of an Electrically-Driven, Active Aqueous Nickel/H2O/Pt System, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. ( 2018).

    [7] Swartz M. R., Verner, G., Tolleson, J., Wright, L., Goldbaum, R., Hagelstein, P., Imaging of an Active NANOR®-type LANR Component using CR-39, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 15, (2015), p 81; http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol15.pdf

    [8] Swartz M., Incremental High Energy Emission from a ZrO2–PdD Nanostructured Quantum Electronic Component CF/LANR, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 15, (2015), p 92; http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol15.pdf

    [9] Swartz M. R., Verner, G., Tolleson, J., Wright, L., Goldbaum, R., Hagelstein, P., Amplification and Restoration of Energy Gain Using Fractionated Magnetic Fields on ZrO2–PdD Nanostructured Components, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 15, (2015), p 66;http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol15.pdf

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