MacGyver (aka JohnyFive) LENR experiment

  • Yes, when I written silver foil I meant 99,9% Ag 0,05mm thick foil.

    But I think it has no relation. The point is it did not allow evaporation of the water out of the paper and the paper become completely wet.

    Maybe tomorrow I will try to replace paper with other materials. There are many things to try.

  • I tried to make few different moderators with different kinds of foils and plastic foams. But no change.

    The particles I am measuring can be registered only from close vicinity or direct contact.

    From what I observed it look like they like a movement in order to react. So to be able to measure them it is beneficial to wait until they accumulate enough and then to move pancake detector as close as possible.

    I guess the paper is working well because it is semi-permeable for water.

  • @JohnyFive: If it is possible under the physical constraints for your system, why not do some basic research on the nature of the particles that appear to be registering in the pancake? For example, set electrostatic fields in place that might divert the particles' trajectories. And/or a permanent magnet, looking for similar diversions of path. I am reminded of an interesting talk at this past Pittcon in Orlando, where a significant electrically charged entity was detected via a quadrapole mass spec and a electrometer (I recall correctly) was then used to measure/integrate the charge accumulation. Chemical reactions can produce ions that might escape a reaction milieu, even protons (muons?) especially when they are shielded by hydration or other structures spreading their charge density (normally nearly infinite for a "naked" proton, for example)-- can escape especially from a liquid surface. There is no reason to belittle such results as "mere chemistry". At the very least a source of noise or artifact can be suitably identified. And at best, a whole new fundamental phenomenon might be understood.

  • I believe it could be possible, but first I need to find more about behavior of the particles.

    Actually already I was thinking about electrostatic charge and that vicinity of the cell is charging somehow. The behavior is actually very similar and if I am not wrong I actually heard some discharges when manipulating with a various materials around and in one case I think I was hit by static discharge.

    But since it is not verified I don't wanted to talk about it. It is just plain guess.

    Well, if muons are produced they could charge the materials, right? Then it could be enough to build a kind of capacitor to store the charge more efficiently.

  • A simple test would be to hang a small metal-leaf type electroscope probe from the paper cover. This would show if charge is being carried by water vapor or droplets inside the cell.

    I have some suitable silver leaf and will try it during my replication.

  • May I suggest to try several layers of carbon copy sheet paper...

    That might work, but gold or silver leaf is several orders of magnitude thinner (typically 0.1 um) and thus far more sensitive for charge detection.

    Metal leaf is also very fragile and thus hard to handle, so carbon copy sheet might be an option, though I suspect it isn't conductive.

  • magicsound get Titanium Sponge from ThermoFisher, no license needed. At least here in Europe. And it is surprisingly cheap.

    This is what I have

    After I ordered, Alfa Aesar repied:

    "Thermo Fisher Scientific limits the sale of chemicals to established chemical companies, universities and government labs."

    So unless someone has some Ti Sponge they can send me (safely!) I will have to use Ti swarf, which I have in hand.

  • Ouch. We are buying from them for many years and I am pretty happy, except restock of some materials takes months sometimes.

    Try to find a local dealer. At least in Europe there are few in each country. And they will not care about who you are. They like money.

    Try to ask their staff for a dealer. Quite bad reply from them...

  • Yes, that is from China. I ordered some, to arrive by October 1. I also found and bought some from a US seller on eBay, but it looks thoroughly oxidized from the picture below.

    The image shows a dark gray coloration, probably TiO2, though that is usually lighter. TiO2 is notoriously hard to reduce.

    Cleaning Ti is done in boiling Nitric Acid, not something I want to try. One comment on the net suggests vacuum at 500C, which I can try though it doesn't seem likely to reduce the oxide.


  • UPDATE: I replaced the paper with a kind of EPE foam sheet that is over 10mm thick. The foam seems to be water tight from top and bottom but is porous from cut side. So there is small chance the water will soak inside.

    Anyway after over 10 hours of exposure I am getting 2 times background even with this thick foam and even that current was decreased to just 20mA so that power is barely 0,1W.

    Interesting results.

    The measurement was performed at the TOP side which is not in contact with the cell. At the bottom side there is condensed water vapor.

  • It would be really interesting to see what you get when you put the activated foam or paper sheet into a cloud chamber.

    Here is a simple DIY cloud chamber using alcohol and dry ice:…e-a-cloud-chamber-4153805 With an applied magnetic field, spiral tracks would show if the radiation has positive, negative or neutral charge. (Be sure to take movies for us to see.)

    It would also be much harder for skeptics to dispute tracks emanating from the sheet than radiation counts. No one could claim that your equipment is reacting to EMI or background radiation or that your counts are not statistically significant.

  • It might be fun to try to get the "LENR ACTIVE AGENT" (LAA) that is producing the gammas to stick to a magnetic sheet of plastic. This may cause the radiation level to increase as more LAA is trapped by the magnetic field produced by the magnetized plastic sheet.


  • I already played a bit with magnets but nothing interesting was found yet.

    Now I am testing another kind of foam, thicker and less porous. I still have no idea what the particles are and what kind of radiation it is.

    Behavior during measurement is relatively unstable. Counts are not steady, sometimes decreasing, sometimes increasing in bursts.

    It is rather localized and activation is occurring mainly where hydrogen is coming out off the cell.

    But sometimes a soft bursts are measured also in close vicinity but usually just for a few seconds without a repetition - seems to be dependent on air flow.

  • I already played a bit with magnets but nothing interesting was found yet.

    Now I am testing another kind of foam, thicker and less porous. I still have no idea what the particles are and what kind of radiation it is.

    Behavior during measurement is relatively unstable. Counts are not steady, sometimes decreasing, sometimes increasing in bursts.

    It is rather localized and activation is occurring mainly where hydrogen is coming out off the cell.

    But sometimes a soft bursts are measured also in close vicinity but usually just for a few seconds without a repetition - seems to be dependent on air flow.

    This is the fuel that ME356 has produced and was kind enough to show us on the forum. He said that there was radiation coming off that fuel. You can see that the LENR active agent is eating its way out of the fuel containment particles and traveling across the SEM carbon sample tape. Zoom in to see details. As the LAA moves over the surface of the carbon tape, it is transmuting the carbon in the sample tape into metals as it travels along the tape. The white tracks are produced by higher atomic number elements like aluminum and calcium. This is most likely the condition that you are seeing.

    Also see

    me356: Photos of AURA control unit

    And to see the original SEMs:

    me356: Photos of AURA control unit

    The LAA is a super fluid and very hard to contain. Being a super fluid, It will even flow out of a closed container.


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    High speed video of the fountain effect in superfluid helium-4. The fountain is produced due to two properties of superfluid, the ability to flow through very small pores and the ability to flow due to temperature gradients (thermomechanical effet).

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