Russia and Eastern European LENR Developments

  • Макс, я подал заявку на нейтрализации радиоактивных жидких отходов на БН-350 Казатомпром в бывшем Шевченко (теперь Актау, Мангистау) за счет электроразрядов, нужна твоя помощь в составлении проекта и самому участвовать с твоего согласия в проекте как иностранцу, в нашем универе это приветствуется, если все получится с проектом твое участие гарантируется! Ответь в моей теме если что, а то на английском, сам знаешь перевод гугла...:(


    Max, I applied for the neutralization of radioactive liquid waste at the BN-350 Kazatomprom in the former Shevchenko (now Aktau, Mangistau) at the expense of electrical discharges, I need your help in drafting the project and myself participating with your consent, if everything works out with the project, your participation is guaranteed! Answer in my topic if that, and then in English, you yourself know the translation of Google

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • You misread the table.

    The Russians wrote in their Nickel-53 scheme.

    "This is rather essential, because nickel-58 has the great "harmful" neutron capture cross-section (seeTable and [6]) and transforms via electron capture to stable Co-59. In turn Co-59, as starting isotope, produces Co-60 which is the gamma-emitting pollutant in the target."

    But then Co-60 and K-40 are both gamma emitters... it depends on the numbers how life threatening they are.

  • It looks like metastable may be the buzzword at Assisi in 2019 ,in English and in Russian.

    A possible abstract

    MACS (Metastable Atomic Controlled Synthesis) -

    This is a revolutionary way to “launch” controlled nuclear reactions.

    synthesis, including LENR. It combines a set of physicochemical

    phenomena based on an external influences on the active components,

    an environment that translates one or more of its components into an excited one

    - a metastable state, as a result of which conditions are created for

    passage of nuclear fusion reactions, accompanied by the release of

    significant amount of energy.

    Of course ,, this will be old 'takeaway' news to the

    China's Ministry of State Security.

  • "Synthestech" Video-stream

    Сегодня, 21:52
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    "Synthestech" Video-stream


    Good day,

    As it was previously announced, we will organize video-stream on Saturday, 01.12.2018 19-00 MSK (17-00 CET).

    Head of «Synthestech» Project Vladislav Karabanov will tell about the project development, prospects and answer questions.

    You will find link to video-stream below:

    (The language of translation is Russian.

    Translation in credits into English will be posted later.)

    Join our translation, we will be glad to answer all your questions.

    Online chat will be available on the link on our page.

    You can ask your questions online in the chat on our page (questions can be asked both in Russian and in English):

    News of project «Synthestech»

    Please, note, that project tokens can be purchased with a bonus of 44%. Project Token costs 1,5 USD, but today, given the provided bonus, you can buy it for a bit more than 1 USD. This is a temporary offer. So do not miss your chance!

    Learn more and sign up for newsletter at our web site

    Also subscribe to our telegram:

    phone: +41 22 501-30-40 (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CET)

    e-mail: [email protected]


    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • No particulars.

    By the end of 2019 we will be in commercial negotiations, we will cost millions if not billions. We are so serious that we built 5000 sqft lab in just 4 month. We see all many things with our mass spectrographer and on two XFS we have. That is it.

    You have forgotten the discount coins. Pay less get less for sure...

  • "Synthestech" - Why there is medicine in our plans?

    Сегодня, 16:20
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    Why there is medicine in our plans?


    In our recent newsletter, we reported that one of the directions of commercial implementation of “Synthestech” project would be medicine. Moreover, this direction is in our immediate plans - to use the elements obtained as a result of Cold Transmutation, to create biologically active additives. This information has caused a very big and positive interest among the public. At the same time, many questions, regarding the arguments of prospects of this direction, were received.

    In the material below we want to give information on various aspects, explaining our confidence in the medical direction. In the White Paper of “Synthestech” project, a part of the information on this topic was outlined. Then, in the articles posted on the project sites, other materials were also provided

    1. Using Cold Nuclear Transmutation Technology in Medicine

    Platinum in Healthcare industry

    But today we want to tell about the modern practice of using the elements obtained by Cold Synthesis of elements, as well as the scientific grounds of biological activity of the elements, obtained during Cold Transmutation. And thus we can argue the relevance of this direction.

    One example is the discovery of David Hudson. In 1975, Hudson, a large American landowner, accidentally received a certain amount of substance as a result of processing his land, in which an unknown reaction occurred. The performed tests gave a phenomenal result. The substance contained platinum metals - rhodium, ruthenium, palladium, iridium, osmium, platinum, as well as other elements, which were not found in the soil. This was the result of Cold Transmutation of Elements reaction, spontaneously arising on the soil. After a thorough study of the complex of obtained elements, Hudson discovered that these chemical elements have a number of new properties. Among these properties was found a powerful biological effect on living organisms.

    Hudson in his lectures describes the medical experiments, which he conducted in the 80s. First, tests were conducted on a hopelessly sick dog that was cured. Then HIV-infected people who are in serious condition, and then people with cancer, were cured.

    In his lecture, Hudson tells about it in this way: “Understand, that this is not anti something. This is not anti AIDS. This is not anti-cancer. This is for life. It is literally - the spirit. The material here is not to cure cancer. The material is not to cure AIDS. This material is aimed to perfect our bodies. He leads our bodies to the state in which they should be. It is our immune system that fights and cures the disease.”

    Thus, the elements, obtained by spontaneous Cold Transmutation, in fact, breathed life into the body's immune system, which led to a cure.

    Hudson continued his research and put forward a theoretical basis explaining properties of the elements, obtained during transmutation, and explaining mechanism of a powerful positive effect on a living organism. The state of a substance, obtained after transmutation, Hudson defined as “Orbitally Rearranged Mono-Atomic Elements (ORME)” (orbitally rearranged monatomic elements) (also “ORMUS”). This theory is called “ORMUS”. Subsequently, a term was proposed that describes the state of elements atoms as “m-state”. According to Hudson and his follower’s theory, the "m-state" element is not an ordinary chemical element or isotope, it is atoms with an unusual (excited) state of the nucleus. These atoms are not detected by conventional physicochemical methods.

    "M-state" elements, according to the research and conclusions of "ORMUS" theorists, demonstrate a quantum physical model of behavior, superconductivity, superfluidity, Josephson tunneling current (the phenomenon of flow of superconducting current through a thin layer of dielectric separating two superconductors). These "m-state" elements are also present in biological systems. They can enhance the flow of energy along the acupuncture meridians, and in microtubules inside each living cell.

    According to “ORMUS” theory, Cold transmutation processes constantly occur in the surrounding space. Therefore, microscopic impurities of atoms in the "m-state" state are present in the air, in the water, in organic substances.

    Accordingly, when a person finds himself where the intensity of natural processes of Cold Transmutation is higher, he feels an influx of energy and an improvement in well-being. This usually happens on the sea, in the mountains, especially not far from volcanoes. Fertility there, as we know, is exceptionally high.

    David Hudson, based on his discoveries in the 1990s, registered a number of patents. Hudson today has many followers developing the theory and practice of “ORMUS”. There is a lot of information about this in the net.

    However, the problem for the followers of “ORMUS” theory is that they did not set a goal to master the keys to Cold Synthesis of elements. They focused their efforts on isolating elements in the "m-state" state from water, air, etc. That is, - selection of elements - the results of natural Cold Transmutation from the environment, as well as attempts to carry out little dispersion of valuable elements. All this can not give some tangible number of active elements. Although this task today covered a lot of people in the world, followers of Hudson.

    We have cited a very brief summary of “ORMUS” theory. Some of its provisions seem to us to be clarified. However, we do not set a task to somehow disassemble it. We are interested in the main trend and fact, that this is quite modern theory and practice. They quite convincingly prove biological activity of the elements, obtained as a result of Cold Transmutation - the highest usefulness of these elements for the human body. The developers of “ORMUS” provide a rather convincing theoretical basis for understanding the mechanisms of action.

    “Synthestech” project, as already reported, will focus efforts in the medical field. There are reasons for this. In our opinion, this direction can give the fastest commercial effect. Of course, work in this direction will be carried out in compliance with all necessary security rules and measures. The elements, which will be used, will definitely receive safety certificates for the human organism. The first, who will test them themselves, will be the founders of the project.

    There is a certain confidence that this will give an effect and then a good result. This will be a real breakthrough.

    We want to highlight that the medical direction is only a part of the project. In the just constructed new Center, which we are now exploring, Cold fusion installations will be created and tested for all promising directions. We are moving in full accordance with the declared plans.

    News of project «Synthestech»

    Please, note, that project tokens can be purchased just now with a bonus of 44%. Project Token costs 1,5 USD, but today, given the provided bonus, you can buy it for a bit more than 1 USD. This is a temporary offer. So do not miss your chance!

    Learn more and sign up for newsletter at our web site

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

    • Official Post

    Thank you Gennadiy for posting that Synthtestech update.

    What better way to bring in the investors, than making a loose connection with what they are doing, to the potential for health benefits! In this case more energy, and better well being. I guess the next update will be about erectile dysfunction and cold transmutations. :)

    Maybe we should put these guys back in the "buyer Beware" thread?

  • "Synthestech" - Answers to current issues

    Сегодня, 16:18
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    Answers to current issues


    Our previous release regarding the plans of medical direction in our work has caused a lot of positive feedback. Some of our subscribers have expressed their willingness to participate actively in this part of the project. We are grateful very much to everyone for their support and understanding of the promising direction.

    At the same time, the plans of medical direction of “Synthestech” project were understood by some part of our public as an intention to focus only on this. That’s why, we consider it necessary to give a more detailed explanation of this direction role and place, as well as the general architecture of the entire project.

    Our researches create a number of basic directions in modern technologies. Our achievements are globally important. Valuable chemical elements which we have to obtain due to Cold Transmutation technology, are in demand around the world. This is a big project, a global project that will grow into a large-scale structure. From here we want to clarify that medicine is only a small stage of the project. Beginning of the realization of opportunities for the nearest period is to ensure the project’s self-sufficiency on the existing base.

    Though we are confident that  investing boom regarding the project is just around the corner. But then we must be discerning in choosing partners, especially large ones, and for this, self-sufficiency is necessary. Medical direction will be a good confirmation of Cold Transmutation and the ability to implement some of our tasks. At the same time, we definitely want to say that this element that will show the most outstanding results in the field of medicine, will not scale in global production. The list of valuable items  for scaling in production, however, will remain rather wide.

    But the most important thing that we would like to highlight is the creation of a global production structure ensuring  use of our technology in our plans remains.

    News of project «Synthestech»

    Please, note, that project tokens can be purchased just now with a bonus of 44%. Project Token costs 1,5 USD, but today, given the provided bonus, you can buy it for a bit more than 1 USD. This is a temporary offer. So do not miss your chance!

    Learn more and sign up for newsletter at our web site

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • "Synthestech" - No holidays. We are mastering our center

    Сегодня, 14:32
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    No holidays. We are mastering our center.


    In these days we are mastering our laboratory Center. That’s why, we are extremely busy. Our work at the project will accelerate many times in the coming days. We will have no new year holidays.

    It is probably symbolic that our Center is activated in the winter solstice. From this point on, daylight hours will increase. And "Synthesteh" project will be closer to its goal.

    News of project «Synthestech»

    Please, note, that project tokens can be purchased just now with a bonus of 43%. Project Token costs 1,5 USD, but today, given the provided bonus, you can buy it for a bit more than 1 USD. This is a temporary offer. So do not miss your chance!

    Learn more and sign up for newsletter at our web site

    Video stream with subtitles

    Good day,

    As we promised earlier - we have added subtitles to our Video-stream.

    You can see a full version of video-stream with English subtitles here:


    News of project «Synthestech»

    Please, note, that project tokens can be purchased just now with a bonus of 43%. Project Token costs 1,5 USD, but today, given the provided bonus, you can buy it for a bit more than 1 USD. This is a temporary offer. So do not miss your chance!

    Learn more and sign up for newsletter at our web site

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • "Synthestech" - Brief about the big results of 2018

    Сегодня, 16:40
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    Brief about the big results of 2018


    Brief about the big results of 2018

    “Synthestech” project is moving according the planned roadmap.

    In brief I would like to tell what we have done.

    - In 2018, we conducted a key round of our ICO and raised funds to implement the Project of Cold Transmutation of Valuable Chemical Elements.

    And then we began to make plans into reality.

    - In an incredibly short time, we have created a modern instrument-analytical complex for in-depth analysis of chemical elements. Perhaps this is the best laboratory focused on the tasks of Cold Transmutation. We fully mastered the work on this complex.

    - We have built a laboratory and design center that meets the most demanding requirements. There you can safely invite the Nobel Committee.

    - In the process of working at creation of an analytical complex and construction of the Center, we continued to conduct scientific and practical research in the field of Cold Transmutation and in the field of application of the obtained elements and isotopes.

    - Additional data on the prospects for medical use of the elements were obtained.

    - In addition to the target valuable elements, a method for producing scandium (Sc) through Cold Transmutation has been found. Scandium is very promising in the framework of “Synthestech”project, since the method of its synthesis can provide an extremely high added value. Only this is quite enough to make a big concern. And we also have a lot of interesting things.

    We also demonstrated evidence of our implementation of Cold Transmutation — titanium (Ti) with a modified isotopic composition.

    All this is done in ONE YEAR.

    There are commentators among those who follow the project, who think that we are moving slowly. However, in order to move, build, we need tools. It is impossible to produce something out of thin air. We created these tools in record time.

    At the same time, as before, we are absolutely sure that those who invested in the project will receive their first profit in early 2020. We are grateful to all those who believe in the project.

    The boom in the world which «Synthestech» will raise is still ahead.

    A few photos after the working day from our laboratory and design center, which we are mastering. A few more days and everything will work at full capacity. Of sure, we will make a short photo tour (though not revealing the main secrets).

    Photos: 1) Entrance to the center; 2) 2nd floor; 3) Analytical laboratory in the dismantled form; 4) Office

    News of project «Synthestech»

    Please, note, that project tokens can be purchased just now with a bonus of 43%. Project Token costs 1,5 USD, but today, given the provided bonus, you can buy it for a bit more than 1 USD. This is a temporary offer. So do not miss your chance! The boom of “Synthestech” project will definitely be ahead.

    Learn more and sign up for newsletter at our web site

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

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