QX Concepts - A less critical Rossi thread.

  • Anyone here want to discuss these topics?

    There is one important factor that you have not yet incorporated into your thinking. That is, the electron is a fermion and does not stay together as an aggregation, since electons repel each other. They must be converted into bosons. This is done by entanglement with exitons, phonon. or plasmons.

    Now being a boson, the converted electron (aka polariton) can now form a Bose condensate. This allows the electron aggregation to have a long communal life.

    It is very hard to tell that this boson conversion is happening, but there are about a dozen indicators that this transformation occurs. One of these indicators is that the Rossi QX fireballs (tiny specks of light) seen floating in the plasma changes color (blue, yellow.red) in response to the power level that the QX is generating.

    Another indicator is the onset of lowered electrical resistance. this might indicate the onset of superconductivity. The EVO is most likely superconducting. The hole theory of superconductivity posits that a double layer forms where the core is positive and the electrons form a spic wave on the exterior of the core.

  • @Director

    From what I was aware of so far, negative resistance usually implies (in a more readily understood form IMHO) that the larger the current applied to a circuit is, the lower its resistance gets, so if the power supply is a voltage source (i.e. tries to provide a constant voltage, which is what most common ones do), current keeps increasing in a positive feedback loop up to self-destruction of the weakest component if no limiting is present.

    Ordinary arc lamps / HID lamps operate in the negative resistance region of plasmas and because of this they need so-called ballasts to prevent such destructive condition. These can be as simple as a resistor or also comprise complex electronic circuitry.

    What I'm saying is that negative resistance alone doesn't seem to be that much of an unusual condition for controlled electrical arcs, so there must be something else involved. From my own point of view, if there is LENR somewhere, it must be in generally disregarded or avoided phenomena, so if anything perhaps it might be more interesting to provide all the current the arc wants until something fails, the failure point being in this case a variable under control.

  • 1) For a negative resistance to happen in a plasma there must be a source of energy to power the phenomena.

    As said many times before: Negative resistance means a counter current is canceling the current, what makes the current look like flowing at no resistance. Just use Ohms law and instead of writing -R write -I ... But I agree negative resistance sound much more interesting/fascinating...

    Why can it happen that the counter current is stronger than the current we measure?- what looks like negative resistance. The resistance in the plasma is not uniform, because the plasma usually adopts some structure. There is no energy source needed (Except the external one we provide to generate the plasma.).

  • Interesting thread which i don't take time fo follow closely.

    Therefore, beyong balls, negative resistance how people here considers the high temperature needed by QX ?

    I know above 2500° H monoatomic remains stable in duration, would that be the reason ?

    Does QX use Argon or neon both with LI+H ? Because in relation with their higher first ionization state , discharge current should be concentrated to LI+H.


  • I think he is referring to his latest E-Cat, so supposedly the SK. He apparently modulates power in a PWM fashion.

    * * * * *

    Joseph Fine January 12, 2019 at 10:58 AM

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    In the past you have said the ‘temperature’ of the core of the E-Cat reaches 1 eV (or about 11,600 deg K).

    1) Is this an average temperature during normal operation, self-sustained operation or a maximum temperature that should not be exceeded?

    2) What is the initial temperature following normal startup (for example, ten minutes after you push the START button) ?

    3) Does core temperature reach 1 eV if the E-Cat produces only 10% of rated power, or is this temperature reached at 90-110% (??) of rated power?

    Happy and Healthy New Year,

    Joseph Fine

    Andrea Rossi January 12, 2019 at 2:00 PM

    Dr Joseph Fine:

    1- average/ssm operation

    2- 1 eV

    3- the modulation of the energy generated is made by on/off series, the temperature is always 1 eV

    Happy and Healthy New Year also to you,

    Warm Regards,


    * * * * *

    On a loosely related note, the electric arc in MIG welders is quoted to have temperatures up to 24000°C:


  • The QX plasma temperature is always exactly 11604K ("=1eV") according to Dottore Rossi....doesn't matter in which mode it runs.

    Edit: Maybe Rossi talks about his SK, not the QX...?

    As all Lenr phenomenoms turn around 1 Ev , Rossi doesn't seem to tell important things here. Basically, his plasma ( if plasma) seems common if you consider running temperature, in this case.

    You seems lost between SK or QX like me therefore to try to improve our understanding we should do a flash back up to Ecat Ht.

    Ecat Ht ( as Bt before) seems to use H monoatomic so i can not imagine that next Rossi's technologies are far away from this.

  • I am trying to build up an understanding of what's happening from as far down to the basics of reality as I can go. In my mind, that is Dirac's Sea of Negative Energy which is composed of electron positron pairs. Mainstream science tries to say the vacuum is only composed of virtual photons, but in reality photons ARE electron-positron pairs that are tightly orbiting each other.

    When it comes to electrons, I tend to think that under some conditions electrons can form condensates or at least get very close to each other. For example, Hal Puthoff has a paper on how this could be possible. Are you trying to say a single electron can be transformed into a single boson (having it's spin changed) by interacting with other electrons or atoms? You see, I don't really like the terms plasmons or phonons, because I don't think they are descriptive enough. A plasmon is simply a continual undulation of a group of electrons, and I don't understand the mechanism by which they become entangled with an electron to change it's spin. Whats doing the entanglement? What structure is reaching out and entangling the electron? Since I view the smallest possible structure to be electron positron pairs, are there lines of Don Hotson's EPOs grabbing a hold of the electron and changing its spin?

    Can you describe the exact structure in terms of the basic units of whatever you consider to be the vacuum and how this explains the hole theory of superconductivity? You see, I'm trying to understand more than just terms. I want to know what's going on.

    Could you also please explain how you think a double layer of electrons and positive ions induces LENR in more detail?

  • For the negative resistance to exist a plasmoid with a double layer must form. I think it's something about this double layer or something about the plasmoid that is allowing LENR. I think the key to producing LENR in plasma based systems is to try and keep the out of equilibrium condition going for as long as possible and see what happens. With the QX, I think Rossi is allowing the plasma ball to continue existing for several seconds. I also think he is feeding it the proper mixture of gases that allow it to form and be more stable. My understanding of spheromaks is that when you use multiple gases the different weights aid the stability of the plasmoid.

  • As said many times before: Negative resistance means a counter current is canceling the current, what makes the current look like flowing at no resistance. Just use Ohms law and instead of writing -R write -I ... But I agree negative resistance sound much more interesting/fascinating...

    Why can it happen that the counter current is stronger than the current we measure?- what looks like negative resistance. The resistance in the plasma is not uniform, because the plasma usually adopts some structure. There is no energy source needed (Except the external one we provide to generate the plasma.).

    I agree that a plasma only needs heat from the energy we supply to produce a negative resistance. From the papers I'm reading, the space charge structure that develops (the plasma ball) actually absorbs heat and transforms it into electrical current. So LENR Is not needed to have a negative resistance. However, I think the double layers or other properties of the fireball may actually allow for LENR reactions or extraction of zero point energy.

  • I still think the E-cats are not the optimal structures for generating plasmas (or LENR) - their effective plasma volume is very small compared with eg the SAFIRE system. Further, once running the QX/SK are sealed so none of the reactant concentrations can be modified as the reactions proceed. Which is all because none of this E-cat enterprise has been worked out from any rational first-principles basis, it has rather evolved historically from gadgets that 'kinda' worked' over long periods of AR messing around in the lab. Why link together lots of E-cats QX or SK's together to produce a MW reactor when you could simply have one scaled up more efficient SAFIRE-type reactor do a much better job? I guess its all down to patent restrictions and continuing the E-cat branding that's been set up which will only ever make any sense to AR disciples. Just look at the double-layers generated by the plasmas in the SAFIRE videos-they're massive compared to the possible QX or SK plasmas.

  • About how vacuum energy is extracted. LENR does not extract particle pairs from the vacuum, it is all about photons in the QX and SK..

    I have been asking professional scientists how energy can be extracted from the vacuum and the best explanation I have received so far comes from Dr. Paul M. Sutter’s blog: ask a spaceman.

    My question:

    Highlighted comment

    Axil Axil

    A photon/anti-photon pair created by pair creation through quantum fluctuations at the event horizon of a black hole produces Hawking radiation when the photon escapes to the far field and the anti-photon is absorbed into the black hole. How does that anti-photon decrease the energy content of the black hole to evaporate it since to the best of my understanding the anti-photon has positive energy…but negative frequency? Furthermore a photon with negative frequency and one with positive frequency are identical. Is the issue that allows the anti-photon to annihilate positive energy in any way related to the stoppage of time at the event horizon? Otherwise, the black hole just gets more energetic over time from this influx of anti-photons.

    Dr Sutter’s responce:

    Paul M. Sutter replied: "Great question! I've discussed this before - just search my channel for hawking radiation!"

    After my search, here it goes


    Essentially, because the black hole traps virtual photons in a time event that stops time at the instant that the event horizon is formed, these trapped photons escape based on their position that they were at relative to the event horizon when that horizon first formed.

    The key concept about the Hawking radiation based energy productivity of an electromagnetic analog black hole is its lifetime. The shorter that this type of black hole lasts, the more vacuum energy that it can extract from the vacuum. The following insight comes from the explanation about the way Hawking radiation is produced and behaves that Dr. Sutter has explained in the reference above.

    Few people understand how hawking radiation actually works with regard to vacuum energy extraction. The most efficient black holes are the micro black holes with extremely short life times. Polariton condensates produce these analog EMF based black holes.

    This is very complicated and difficult stuff due to the complications that general relativity imposes on the event horizon. But according to Dr. Paul M. Sutter, all particle and photon based hawking radiation is predetermined at the instant of black hole creation. This is the result of time dilation at or near the event horizon.

    Like a scoop of ice cream with sprinkles on its surface, as the ice cream melts over time, the sprinkles are freed from the surface and move away from that surface. The time that this release happens is a function of the position of the sprinkles at or near the surface when the ice cream scoop first forms.

    This is why small black holes radiate with much more intensity than big ones do since time dilation is less intense at the time of small hole formation as compared to large hole formation.


    Believe it or not, the hutchison effect is a form of LENR that produces anti gravity on the surface of objects through the use of polarized RF. The polariton condensate has been shown to produce negative mass/energy.


    Physicists Say They've Created a Device That Generates 'Negative Mass'

    This effect is actually anti gravity produced by polaritons as they extract energy from the vacuum. . Polaritons are actually extremely short lived EMF analog black holes that extract energy from the vacuum through hawking radiation.

    The Hutchison Effect, levitation

    Preview YouTube video The Hutchison Effect, levitation

    The Hutchison Effect, levitation

    The polariton just exists for a few pico-seconds. When the polariton forms in the dark mode, it surrounds an aggregation of vacuum perturbations: (aka virtual particle) and stores them for release based on a general relativity time distorted horizon that delays the release of those “photons” until the polariton decays. When the polariton decays, the time distortion goes away and the photons derived from the vacuum become real.

    The reason that the polariton can produce so much photon based vacuum energy is because it is so small and short lived. Two types of vacuum perturbed photons come from the vacuum, the positive energy photons that are low frequency heat guys, and negative energy ones that have a negative frequency whose energy level is in the ultraviolet energy range. The polariton condensate holds onto the negative gravity property of the negative photons that are being constantly created by the roiling soup of polaritons aggregation almost instantaneous birth and deaths within the Bose condensate were each member of the aggregation lives and dies in pico-seconds, and the positive photons that are released to the far field as heat. The storage of negative energy inside the condensate results in its experimentally observed negative mass behavior.

    The bigger the polaritons get… meaning the polaritons store more negative energy, the longer they live but because of the polariton’s increase size(energy content) and longer lifetimes, they produce and release less vacuum energy…they essentially go to sleep. These sleeping polaritons wake up when they are pumped and new short lived polariton start the vacuum energy extraction cycle again.

    Dr Sutter laments that this Hacking radiation stuff is four levels of hard to understand. For the electromagnetic analog black hole, just double that level of hard. You can see that understanding LENR will take some considerable amount of time to become commonplace.


    The reference to double layers is key. Whenever there is a accumulation of free charge as in a double layer, a plasma mirror may form. This structure will produce an electromagnetic event horizon that will serve to extract photons from the vacuum via Hawking radiation. An entangled photons pair is produced by Hawking radiation with the positive energy partner having an energy level in the infrared, and the negative energy photon partner with negative frequency that resolves to an energy level in the ultraviolet.




    Now see where the laser light pulse comes from needed to accelerate the plasma mirror.


    The polariton is a structure that produces the laser like light pulse that serves to accelerate the plasma mirror.

  • Here's a suggestion that exciton or plasmon polaritons may act like muons from 2014 - is their any further evidence now? Maybe red-infra-red:) laser stimulation of LENR works this way....

    Re: Lockhhed claims fusion breakthrough

    Posted: Oct 27, 2014 2:41 pm
    by KitemanSA

    Kirk Sorensen wrote:
    Titanium48 wrote:^ The "amazing particle that somehow acts like a neutron and glues together hydrogen nuclei without being bothered by electric repulsion" was discovered shortly after the neutron. Unfortunately muon catalyzed fusion is also nowhere near energy breakeven.
    No, muons act like electrons.

    Muons make protons act more like neutrons. As it turns out, so might quasi-particles like exciton polaritons or surface plasmon polaritons.

  • Here's a suggestion that exciton or plasmon polaritons may act like muons from 2014 - is their any further evidence now? Maybe red-infra-red:) laser stimulation of LENR works this way....

    Re: Lockhhed claims fusion breakthrough

    Posted: Oct 27, 2014 2:41 pm
    by KitemanSA

    Muons make protons act more like neutrons. As it turns out, so might quasi-particles like exciton polaritons or surface plasmon polaritons.

    A polariton condensate has unique identifying behaviors. One that is amazing and telling is that it accumulates negative mass. The behavior that marks the presence of polariton condensation in LENR is the way that the black EVO floats over an irregular surface when the EMF absorption behavior sets in. This behavior was mentioned in Ken Shoulders' book.

    The other polariton condensation indicator that we have seen is how the EVO behaves in its "tackyon" mode. The EVO that was seen in the ash from the LION reactor shows a strange radiator that floats over a surface and punches holes in the sub-strait when its magnetic flux tube touches the surface. The production of a magnetic flux tube is also a definitive sign that the polariton condensate is at play in LENR. The Black EVO bounces over the surface of the ash like a rabbit due to the levitation generated by the negative energy produced as it extracts energy from the vacuum..


  • yes, one or two rabbit-like paw prints - we must use strategies to increase the density of these quasi-particles and extract more energy from the vacuum. How does the Higg's field fit into the negative mass accumulation since this is thought to confer mass onto all other particles? A negative Higg's field maybe.

  • Why link together lots of E-cats QX or SK's together to produce a MW reactor when you could simply have one scaled up more efficient SAFIRE-type reactor do a much better job?

    IMHO - Small is easier to do. Easier to contain and sink the heat/energy out of it and deliver somewhere else. Less (or lower) technological hurdles to jump over to develop something that works. Scaling up current heat generation reactors is probably not a high priority. Electricity and then jet engines first... The later may require scaling up.

  • yes, one or two rabbit-like paw prints - we must use strategies to increase the density of these quasi-particles and extract more energy from the vacuum. How does the Higg's field fit into the negative mass accumulation since this is thought to confer mass onto all other particles? A negative Higg's field maybe.


    A Unifying Theory of Dark Energy and Dark Matter: Negative Masses and Matter Creation within a Modified ΛCDM Framework

    There is a cosmological theory that the universe has an exactly balanced zero energy content and is balanced between positive energy/mass and negative/ energy/mass.

    The universe formed out of nothing


    A Universe from Nothing


    Zero-energy universe

    There is a problem that exists in cosmology called the flatness problem


    Flatness problem

    In order for the universe to remain flat, the proportions of both positive matter.energy and negative matter and energy must be precisely equal. If this is not the case, then the existence of life in the universe is not possible.


    Friedmann equations

    A flat euclidean universe can only exist in a zero energy universe. In order for the universe to stay flat and also to constantly expand, both positive energy/matter and negative energy/matter must be forming in a precisely balanced continuous process. This currently unrecognized process pumps out matter and energy as well as an equal amount of matching dark matter and dark energy in a continuous and on-going basis.

    There exists as an ongoing process in every star and inside every planet a process that produces polarized energy from the vacuum. This reaction is the source of polarized (Positive/negative) matter and energy throughout the universe. Because this reaction maintains an exact balance in the creation of this polarized energy, the flatness of the universe is exactly maintained.

    This reaction has been discovered and will be utilized in a commercial product that will be introduced on this upcoming January 31. A two hour live demo available on the internet will be held to mark the introduction of this commercial product.

  • The more I think about it, the more I feel it is at least possible the QX and the Suncell are utilizing very similar methods of producing massive output power. I've already written a lot in this thread about the QX, so now I'll list a few features of the Suncell.

    - The device utilizes argon, hydrogen, sometimes water, and molten metal as fuel and/or catalysts. (Compare this to the QX which most likely utilizes hydrogen (maybe enriched with deuterium), argon (most likely), lithium (a BLP catalyst), and nano particles of metal from cathode erosion (platinum, nickel, etc).

    - The device is pulsed through the negative resistance zone to a point just before the true positive resistance portion of the arc discharge so that the arc can be maintained at the lowest possible voltage. Doing this WILL produce a fireball or plasma with a double layer because such a double layer is ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED IN ALL SYSTEMS for a negative resistance to be produced. (Because the QX produces fireballs or plasma balls we can be pretty certain that it is operating in the negative resistance zone.)

    - The device produces a brilliant plasma ball. (The actual plasma of the QX is said to be extremely bright and plasma balls are present.)

    - The device mostly produces light output in the X-Ray to extreme ultraviolet spectrums. (We have evidence that Rossi was working on early QX devices called the Madam Curie that produces copious x-rays. He actually filed a patent with a title speaking about an x-ray transparent reactor for use in jet engines.)

    To bring this all together, BLP claims that the arc discharge is what maximizes the reaction rate of hydrino formation. Since they never go into the positive resistance zone and continually pulse in the negative resistance zone, the fireball produced must have something to do with their technology.

    I'm thinking it is possible that these two technologies utilize similar mechanisms. If so, there is currently a RACE ON to see who can successfully commercialize first.

    If the QX does indeed work like Rossi claims, then I think it is likely the superior technology because the structure is far simpler with fewer parts to go bad. However, due to Rossi's extreme secrecy, BLP could still win.

  • https://www.lenr-forum.com/att…erenko-shoulders-pdf-pdf/

    The above file discusses the usherenko effect in which a rapidly accelerated particle hitting a metal target ends up penetrating far deeper than it should according to accepted physics. The theory is that upon acceleration and deceleration (hitting the target) the vacuum is polarized and electron positron pairs are extracted. Somehow, they manipulate the structure of the metal. I think this same phenomena could be taking place in the QX. In a self oscillating plasma, ions are being accelerated and decelerated constantly as they impact each other. If this is happening over and over again, it seems like the energy extracted from the vacuum could be significant.

  • axil: Mills model very well explains cosmological expansion - much better than Einstein's. GR (ART). The main problem is that no model explains why the gravity constant should be a constant. The same holds for the speed of light, that can be defined as escape velocity of light from the universe with constant?? mass. Mills model explains some possible relations but...

    For me all these theories are nice phantasies and close to ferry tales for well educated people. Our live is just to short to understand the magic basis of the universe.

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