Michael Staker https://www.loyola.edu/academi…ring/faculty-staff/staker
a materials engineering professor at Loyola Uni, Maryland presented
at ICCF 2018 mid year.
The published work is from several yrs of research.
He replicates the Fleischmann-Pons excess heat effect with good precision.
He also investigates phase changes in the strained PdD lattice
"The excess heat condition supports portions of the cathode being in the ordered δ phase (Pd3VacD4 - octahedral),
while a drop in resistance of the Pd cathode during increasing temperature
and excess heat production strongly indicates portions of the cathode also transformed
to the ordered δ’ phase (Pd3VacD4 - tetrahedral).
A dislocation mechanism is presented for creation of vacancies and mobilizing them by electromigration
because of their attraction to D+ ions which aids the formation of SAV phases. Extending SAV unit cells
to the periodic lattice epiphanates δ as the nuclear active state.
The lattice of the decreased resistance phase, δ’,
reveals extensive pathways of low resistance and a potential connection to the superconductivity phase of PdH/PdD."
The link to the technical paper is