Michael Staker and Post-2012 FP replications

  • Michael Staker https://www.loyola.edu/academi…ring/faculty-staff/staker

    a materials engineering professor at Loyola Uni, Maryland presented

    at ICCF 2018 mid year.

    The published work is from several yrs of research.

    He replicates the Fleischmann-Pons excess heat effect with good precision.

    He also investigates phase changes in the strained PdD lattice

    "The excess heat condition supports portions of the cathode being in the ordered δ phase (Pd3VacD4 - octahedral),

    while a drop in resistance of the Pd cathode during increasing temperature

    and excess heat production strongly indicates portions of the cathode also transformed

    to the ordered δ’ phase (Pd3VacD4 - tetrahedral).

    A dislocation mechanism is presented for creation of vacancies and mobilizing them by electromigration

    because of their attraction to D+ ions which aids the formation of SAV phases. Extending SAV unit cells

    to the periodic lattice epiphanates δ as the nuclear active state.

    The lattice of the decreased resistance phase, δ’,

    reveals extensive pathways of low resistance and a potential connection to the superconductivity phase of PdH/PdD."

    The link to the technical paper is



  • presented at ICCF 2018 mid year.

    The video is here,, portions of transcripts will follow



    Time mark 23.31

    "if you think this is good, this is my data and this data is NOT a line that I drew through the data

    .this is just a series of dots that were taken by the data acquisition card, put in an Excel file,

    and plotted automatically on the curve and

    to get a new data point you just move the electrolysis current up a little bit,

    or the electromigration current up a little bit, to a new set point, and let it come too too steady state

    and acquire a new data set.
    so you could move it every 15 or 20 minutes, three or four times the time constant, and get a new data set.
    so you just bump this thing around, until we acquired all the data that you see here, on the curve,

    and I was delighted when I saw this. I was ecstatic.
    the precision in the power could be measured to plus or minus a half a milliwatt and the delta T to 0.05 degrees C,

    so the power out had a plus or minus fifteen milliwatt precision.

    overall precision for the experiment is a half a percent. "

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  • "so the factors that enabled this are . data acquisition, where I didn’t have take data by hand


    there was no human bias. [it] could gather thousand data points a minute average them,

    and that helped with the precision.
    enclosing the the cell itself into an air sealed chamber was really a key,

    but the biggest and single most important one was the use of

    the medical syringe which allowed approach to steady-state.
    this is a data set, again the same data set, the calibration curve

    but at the end of the experiment, where we had seen excess heat,
    and then I said to myself, “am I still on the calibration curve

    STAKER-3"so the large crosses here that you see were taken after the experiment

    to confirm that we’re still on the calibration curve.

    timemark 25.52"

  • you hit an area of interest and I'm curious what you know, are you just starting to read ,see all this? any one on one with electron config after a gallium hydro rotation field ect?

  • Staker mentions about silver via Liu( 2014)

    "transmission electron microscopy HRTEM to document images at tips of cracks in silver Ag, a low stacking fault metal.

    Pd is a higher staking fault metal (approximately 10 times higher)."

    Silver also affects the saturation with hydrogen..

    Adding silver to MH lattices to increase magnetism should be done in moderation

  • Silver from what I understand will ...CooK

    Juerg said something about it being a magnetic isotope.. .perhaps in the right alloy it works at 0.5 %level.

    You wouldn't need much... if it is an initiator and the magnetic effect is widespread

  • I have hope that sea water will have such a low % it will do the job but as an alloy or oxide i don't think any lab would keep the detector quiet.

  • Pro..siibbly we'll know by Xmas about Ag.

    Perhaps one of the five titanium isotopes is magnetic in TiD.... Ti49?

    In the Deneum ( Sergei's) patent... a gamma phase is important.

  • This is a fascinating well documented replication of F&P style experiments, showing results that would be expected from CCS, and a system that is very possibly susceptible to that.

    Approximate headline data:

    1. 5% average excess heat
    2. Heat spikes (not relevant here due to the options for chemical storage and release of energy)

    Details (I hope I've got this right, please correct me if not):

    • excess heat measured as difference between cell and control cell temperature difference from isothermal calorimeter casing.
    • cells are test tubes with two TCs inside
    • cells are susceptible to differential effective thermal resistance to casing, based on temperature distribution within cell, because some parts (e.g. electrode wires) have different thermal resistance from others.
    • temperature distributions within cell could be affected by ATER or some other electrode reaction dependent effect that alters physical conditions inside the cell

    What would make this data more secure?

    A thorough investigation of how differing in-cell conditions affect temperature for known fixed input and (clearly) inactive cell.

    Enough TCs inside cell to measure all significant differential temperature variations between control and active, combined with an analysis that bounded thermal conductivity changes around cells and established what differential change could result in the given 5% results.

    Regards, THH

  • Gallium isotopes appear to have no metastable states above ground state. Titanium?

    unlike Pd109, Ag107/109 Sn117.Cd111 advised by Wyttenbach.

    I;m using a mix of aluminum and gallium mixed with hematite around 3000 degrees for hydrogen gas at a focus point with other ingredient. its just a step..

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