FP's 30 years later: how much has LENR progressed?

  • Sketchy question IMO. Point is, there is no firm and well supported theory and no demonstration of power levels consistent and large enough for any practical use or even for a convincing lab demonstration to main line scientists, entrepreneurs and the press. I'll leave it to others to argue about the minutiae.

    • Official Post

    This list is now out of date...Would be good to produce a new version. The source for this document is :-





    • Nicolas Armanet (and colleagues), researching LENR in Hydrogen in Metals

    Industrial Heat LLC, USA. : ACTIVE

    • Cherokee Investment Partners LLC formed a subsidiary called Industrial Heat LLC to commercialize LENR.
    • Their first major investment was in E-cat technology developed by Andrea Rossi. They have since parted company following disputes over IP, money, and verification of the tech.
    • Woodford Investment Management LLP invested around US$20 million and has an ongoing interest in LENR development
    • Support a number of research projects in external labs -details unclear, clarification welcomed.


    • Founded in NC USA in 2015 Antonia La Gatta and J.T. Vaughan (IH) are directors. Also some possible association with Industrial Heat/ Texas Tech/Seashore Research


    • One of the presentations at the recent ICCF-21 conference was by Edward J. Beiting of the Aerospace Corporation, a California nonprofit research and development center. The title of his presentation was “Investigation of the Nickel-Hydrogen Anomalous Heat Effect”
    • Privately funded with support from others inc NASA (?).


    • Published a couple of LENR-linked patents, hosted a conference at their Tolouse HQ, research under supervision of J-F Geneste who is now working elsewhere.


    • Working on hydrogen isotope/mixed metal cold fusion, Ecalox also works on hydrogen catalysis and production and has interests in recycling difficult materials.
    • Cold fusion lead Russ George, working with Alan Smith, Martin Moore and others.

    Brillouin Energy. :ACTIVE - Robert Godes: Founder, President and CTO

    • Proprietary Q-Pulse technology based on Ni/H LENR
    • Wants to introduce a commercial LENR reactor into the energy market and as of March 2019 seeks further funding to do this.
    • Engaged with leading scientists and national labs, including Drs. Michael McKubre and Francis Tanzella formerly of SRI International to report on developments.
    • Carl Page (brother of Alphabet/Google CEO Larry Page) invested in Brillouin Energy and is one of its board members

    nicHenergy, Italy : BELIEVED DORMANT

    Founded and lead by: Prof. Francesco Piantelli

    • Shares of its commercial subsidary “Metalenergy” can be bought by investors. (perhaps no longer?)
    • Holds two European patents

    BlackLight Power Inc., USA :ACTIVE

    • Founded and lead by Dr. Randell L. Mills
    • attracted more than $75 million of venture capital
    • Mills claims, their devices are not based on LENR, but on “Hydrinos” (shrunken hydrogen atoms)


    • Prof. David J. Nagel
    • Offers consulting services, very much a friend of the field.

    JWK International Corporation :ACTIVE

    • Dr. Larry Forsley (Lawrence Parker Galloway Forsley), physicist, president
    • JWK is an American contractor of the DoD and the government
    • Dr.Forsley is also the Senior Scientist of Global Energy Corporation (see below)
    • Dr.Forsley holds a LENR patent (US Patent 8,419,919) together with Pamela A. Boss, Frank E. Gordon and Stan Szpak.
    • The company is hiding its web site from search engines by having written it completely in Adobe Flash

    Global Energy Corporation :ACTIVE

    • Dr. Jay W. Kim, CEO and Chairman
    • Dr. Larry Forsley (Lawrence Parker Galloway Forsley), Executive VP and Senior Scientist
    • Forsley is also the president of JWK (see above)
    • Builds upon 20 years of R&D and product development in conjunction with US Navy SPAWAR (Space and Naval Warfare Command) carried out by Pamela A. Boss, Frank E. Gordon, Stan Szpak and other SPAWAR scientists
    • “Genie” hybrid fusion-fission reactor is the first available product
    • A 50 MW (electrical) Genie helium-gas cooled reactor was contracted in 2012, which is presumably located at the isle of Saipan (present status unknown)
    • GEC is negotiating 250 MWe and 5 GWe reactors, to be deployed on-site of nuclear power plants using nuclear waste as fuel
    • Genie is claimed to be inherently safe and clean (no chain reaction based on fast neutron generation. Genie can be fuelled with used fission fuel rods from atomic plants
    • Wants to offer Hydrogen Energy pellets (fuel additive) and NanoStar Battery/Generator, both in development
    • Subsidiary GEC Global LLC is building conventional power plants (coal, gas, diesel, hydro power, solar, wind, bio, geothermal, and wave energy)

    Coolescence, LLC, USA :DORMANT

    • Privately funded cold fusion research company founded by Rick Cantwell
    • Glow discharge with Pd alloy cathodes

    Permanetix. BELIEVED CLOSED

    • Research, development and consulting in LENR headed by Nikita Alexandrov, currently working at 'Molecular Warehouse' a biotech company.
    • Web site is no longer visible.

    Etiam Oy, Finnland : INCORPORATED INTO NORRONT FUSION.Secured private funding for development of LENR

    • Patent on creating Rydberg matter (EP2783369
    • Principals include Leif Homlid and Sindre-Zeiner Gundersen.


    • Mark L. LeClair, CEO & Founder
    • Commercializes cavitation re-entrant jet-based tools and processes
    • Discovered strong LENR effects (fusion, fission, transmutations, excess heat) based on cavitation in ordinary water
    • A 1.25" inner diameter by 12" long reactor produced 2.9 kW of hot water using only 840 watts of input (COP of 3.4)
    • Provided microscopic evidence of condensed plasmoids in their device:
    • https://nanospire.com/

    Lenuco LLC: ACTIVE

    • USA, founded by Prof. Emeritus George Miley, raised DARPA funds in 2015
    • LENR cells using Ni alloy nano-particles
    • Holds several patents on LENR core technology

    LENR Cars, Switzerland ACTIVE

    • Developing mobile LENR electric generators to power electric vehicles

    Lightstone Technologies Inc. STATUS UNKNOWN

    • President/CEO Dr. Sergio Calqueiro has connections to Eco Energy Europe
    • Anticipates to merge with an existing private company that has three German subsidiaries developing applications for a certain patented form of nuclear fusion
    • The Company has built two prototype systems which produce electricity on demand

    Lattice Energy LLC

    • President and CEO: Lewis Larsen
    • Integrated thin-film LENR power devices with high-temperature electrodes as heat source

    Hope Cell Technologies :DORMANT

    • Robert Vancina CEO
    • Was working on oxy-hydrogen electrolysis and plasma systems. No news since search for investors 2010

    Energetics Technologies LLC, Israel  BELIEVED DORMANT AND IP SOLD.

    • Len Danczyk, Founder & CEO
    • Pulsed electrolyses of heavy water with palladium cathodes

    Defkalion Green Energy CLOSED

    • Alex Xanthoulis MD. Controversial interactions with investors and others including Andrea Rossi & Prof. Christos Stremmenos.

    NANORtech Inc. and JET Energy ACTIVE

    • CTO: Dr. Mitchell Swartz
    • NANORtech is a spin-off of JET Energy
    • Has support from Peter Hagelstein, MIT

    Clean Nuclear Power STATUS UNKNOWN

    • Alan Widom, Yogendra Srivastav , working with LENR Cities Suisse funded by George de Montmollin

    Clean Planet Inc. ACTIVE

    • Hideki Yoshino, investor, founder and CEO. Co-operates with Japanese government and major Japanese companies/universities. Mixed private/corporate/government funding.

    TSEM, Italy

    • Antonio La Gatta, founder and president
    • Focusing on energy, security and healthcare technologies
    • Organizer of ICCF-19
    • Seems to cooperate with Tom Darden of Industrial Heat, the MIT, and Texas Tech University

    LENR Investors

    Cherokee Investment Partners LLC

    • In 2013 bought the rights for the E-cat LENR device and Leonardo Corporation from Andrea Rossi for $11 million Relationship discontinued after litigation
    • Cherokee formed a subsidiary called Industrial Heat LLC to commercialise Rossi's E-cat initially but now working with other scientists.

    Baoding Sino-US Science and Technology Innovation Park STATUS UNKNOWN - NO RECENT NEWS.

    • From public press release in Chinese, there was a partnership between a partner of Rossi, Industrial Heat LLC and Cherokee fund, and this state supported park.
    • In the press release, Nickel Hydrogen Energy is clearly named
    • Other sources claim, Tom Darden has family ties with a rich Chinese family.
    • Recent suggestion from Dewey Weaver (IH) is that due to IP concerns this relationship has been terminated.

    LENR Invest, Switzerland and USA ACTIVE

    • Tyler van Houwelingen, CEO
    • Invested in LENR Cars, Brillouin Energy, Lenuco LLC, NicHenergy
    • Sponsor of E-Cat World
    • Investments mainly to bridge the gap between lab demonstration and industrial prototype. Also interested in development and cross promotion of compelling LENR related Intellectual Property

    Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance (SKINR) at the University of Missouri

    Sidney Kimmel, billionaire and philanthropist, donated $5.5m

    • Funding LENR research

    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    • Close contacts to ENEA via Vittorio Violante
    • Observes the ICCF meetings via Lowell Wood (who formerly worked with Edward Teller)
    • No investments announced yet - rumored to have donated $5M to 'Seashore Research / Texas Tech (Rob Duncan)

    Sunrise Securities, USA

    • NYC investment bank who was cited by Brillouin as their investor

    Woodford Investment Management LLP

    • In 2015 invested in Industrial Heat around US$ 20 million after a due diligence of 2.5 years

    Kiva Labs

    • Edmund Storms is working for Kiva Labs on LENR research
    • Sponsored by large companies like Cisco, HP, Citi Bank, Moody's, Deutsche Bank, Pepsico, and others


    • Provides micro credits specifically for renewable energy technologies via its peer-to-peer banking process
    • Scott Tudman, CEO and Co-founder, is a physicist and ex cold fusion researcher

    Carl Page

    • Is the brother of Alphabet/Google CEO Larry Page
    • Strong supporter of the field, which he knows well
    • Invested in Brillouin Energy and is one of its board members

    LENR Associations

    Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project Bob Greenyer (Europe), Alan Goldwater (USA) and others. ACTIVE

    • Group dedicated to researching LENR while sharing all procedures, data, and results openly online
    • Wants to overcome the hurdle of institutional bias by crowd-funding

    The International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ISCMNS), England. Dr. Bill Collis -Secretary. ACTIVE

    • Its stated mission is to promote the understanding, development and application of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science for the benefit of the public
    • ISCMNS publishes the peer reviewed Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (JCMNS).

    LENR Cities and LENRG: CLOSED

    • Initiative launched by Michel Vanderberghe and Didier Pelluet



    • LENR hydrogen energy, nuclear waste mitigation and more
    • Its founders include Angelo Ovidi who worked with Piantelli & Celani
    • Was a startup, but seems to be an association , website 'under construction'.

    Breakthrough Energy Coalition

    • Initiative launched in 2015 by Bill Gates, John Doerr, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Hasso Plattner, Richard Branson and many other rich/influential people
    • Does not name “cold fusion”, “LENR” or “hydrogen&rdqo; at its web page, but nonetheless seems to be the response of the super-rich to the LENR threat on the status quo
    • Claims to invest in countries, where the governments participate in the initiative Mission InnovationThe public wording pushes for “clean energy” in the flavor of the traditional renewable energies (solar, wind, hydropower, etc.)
    • The chosen direction thus helps to steer governmental and investor funds away from LENR and to stabilize the status quo

    LENR Big Companies Engaged in LENR

    • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Yasuhiro Iwamura
    • Toyota / Technova, Akito Takahashi
    • Nissan
    • Airbus Defence and Space (Possibly not currently)
    • Boing Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research (SUGAR) (silently)
    • STMicroelectronics (SGS-Thomson), Dr. Mastromatteo
    • National Instruments, Dr. James Truchard, Dennis Cravens
    • Siemens (silently)
    • Exxon (silently)
    • Shell (silently) Probably no longer active at all.

    Some LENR Experts and Research Organizations

    • Julian Schwinger, Nobel Prize Physics, Berkeley, Purdue, deceased
    • Dennis Bushnell, NASA chief scientist, Langley Research Center, LRC
    • Dr. Joseph Zawodny, NASA senior research scientist Langley Research Center
    • Dr. Michael A Nelson, NASA LENR Space Applications Lead
    • David Wells, NASA LRC, Aeronautical engineer
    • Gustave C. Fralick, Arthur J. Decker, and James W. Blue, NASA Lewis Research
    • George Miley, University of Illinois, Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering
    • Dr. Mike McKubre, SRI (now retired from SRI and working independently)
    • Dr. Francis Tanzella, SRI (now retired from SRI and working independently)
    • Dr. Brian Ahern, Ames National Laboratory
    • Prof. Peter Hagelstein, Electrical Engineering, MIT
    • Dr. Mace, Los Alamos National Laboratory
    • John O'Mara Bockris (deceased), electrochemist Texas A&M University
    • Dr. Francesco Piantelli, University of Siena, Possibly retired
    • Dr. Sergio Focardi, emeritus professor University of Bologna deceased
    • Dr. Giuseppe Levi , University of Bologna
    • Dr. David Bianchini, University of Bologna
    • Dr. Christos Stremmenos, University of Bologna, Dept of. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, retired
    • Francesco Celani, Working with Japanese researchers.
    • Dr. Frank Gordon, US Navy's Space and Naval warfare systems (SPAWAR), retired
    • Eugene Mallove, Professor of science MIT, deceased
    • Dr. Sven Kullander, chairman of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' Energy Committee, Professor emeritus High Energy Physics Uppsala University deceased
    • Robert V. Duncan, Texas Tech University, Vice President for Research
    • John Gahl, University of Missouri, Director Material Science Engineering
    • Mark Prelas, University of Missouri, prof Nuclear Science
    • Dr. Yeong E. Kim, professor physics Purdue University
    • Prof. Koltick, Purdue University
    • Prof. Reifenberger, Purdue University
    • Richard Oriani, Professor Emeritus, Univ of Minnesota
    • Hanno Essén, theoretical physicist Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, former chairman Swedish Skeptics Society
    • David J. Nagel, Professor of Engineering & Applied science George Washington University
    • Dr. Andres, Purdue University
    • Dr. L. Magro, ISPRA, the Institute for Protection and Environmental Research
    • Martin Fleischmann (deceased)
    • Stanley Pons, University of Utah & Southampton (retired)
    • Akito Takahashi, Osaka University, retired professor
    • Professor Yoshiaki Arata, Osaka University deceased
    • State Senator, Bruce Tarr, Massachusetts
    • Allan Widom, prof. Northeastern University
    • Professor Violante, ENEA
    • Dr. Vladimir Vysotskii, Kiev National University, Head of physics department
    • Dr. Iraj Parchamazad, Chairman of the Chemistry University of LaVerne
    • Dr. T. W. Grimshaw, Energy Institute, Univ of Texas
    • Professor Michael Melich, US Navy.
  • All those folks working away and nobody can produce a device with a combination of power, COP, reproducibility, consistency and duration, compared to size and mass, which is practical for anything. And that includes demonstrating the concept to industry, mainline science, and entrepreneurs. After thirty years of work and millions of dollars, that is pretty strange.

    BTW, anyone familiar with the story of Theranos's billion dollar scam? And their Board of Directors, not unlike GEC, had the most illustrious possible people from government and industry including:


    In July 2011, Holmes was introduced to former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz, who joined the Theranos board of directors that month.[110] Over the next three years, Shultz helped to introduce almost all the outside directors on the "all-star board," which included William Perry (former U.S. Secretary of Defense), Henry Kissinger (former U.S. Secretary of State), Sam Nunn (former U.S. Senator), Bill Frist (former U.S. Senator and heart-transplant surgeon), Gary Roughead (Admiral, USN, retired), James Mattis (General, USMC), Richard Kovacevich (former Wells Fargo Chairman and CEO) and Riley Bechtel (chairman of the board and former CEO at Bechtel Group).[110][111][112] The board was criticized for consisting "mainly of directors with diplomatic or military backgrounds."[24]


    Ironically, it was Shultz's grandson, who worked for a time at Theranos, who blew the whistle, against his grandfather's pleading, and assisted the Washington Post in breaking the scam. (see various networks' documentaries on Theranos)

    Some rely on GEC's Board of Directors, for example, to validate it's legitimacy. It's not a reliable method.

    ETA: and for all those large companies supposedly investigating LENR "silently," one should add "supposedly." Sort of like I have flying pigs in my garage but they are very silent. Some of those companies may really be spending appreciable amounts of money that way but being that these companies are public and all their non-classified work is reported annually to stockholders, I doubt that they can be all that silent if the amounts spent are substantial.

  • All those folks working away and nobody can produce a device with a combination of power, COP, reproducibility, consistency and duration, compared to size and mass, which is practical for anything. And that includes demonstrating the concept to industry, mainline science, and entrepreneurs. After thirty years of work and millions of dollars, that is pretty strange.

    ***That is actually an excellent point, and it should be extended to the CHF boys. After 60 years and hundreds of $Billions, they don't even have ignition nor break-even. Let's extend that harsh viewpoint to them, shall we? Then you can go around and find all KINDS of scams to throw people in jail, since y'all are in such a huff about it. And it's your tax dollars being pissed down this rathole, not just private funds.

    Cold Fusion is 25 ORDERS of MAGNITUDE better bang for the buck than Controlled Hot Fusion (CHF).

  • Every time a huge leap is made inventor's syndrome blocks further progress. The result is that the claims are never universally accepted, the technology is never commercialized, and the world gets zero benefit.

  • This article is nonsense. The author knows nothing about cold fusion. He says, for example:

    "Except for the colour of the researcher’s shirt, almost any variable, whether imaginable or not, seems to influence the possibility that cold fusion works."

    Completely wrong. The control parameters are well understood.

    ". . . but until then, it’s only science that works exactly the same on Wednesdays as on Tuesdays."

    So, top quark experiments, cloning, sending rockets into space are not science? Earthquakes are no part of science? Medical treatments that work only a fraction of the time for unknown reasons are not science?

  • All those folks working away and nobody can produce a device with a combination of power, COP, reproducibility, consistency and duration, compared to size and mass, which is practical for anything.

    That was also the case with electric generators 50 years after they were discovered, semiconductors 25 years after they were discovered, and high temperature superconductors 31 years after they were discovered. And many other discoveries. What is your point?

    Reproducibility, consistency and duration have been greatly improved. When you consider how much opposition there has been, and how little funding, progress has been remarkable. More money is spent on plasma fusion and Star Wars every week than has been spent on cold fusion for the entire history of the field. I am sure that cold fusion has made far more progress than plasma fusion does every week. Actually, as far as I know, plasma fusion and Star Wars have made practically no progress despite tens and hundreds of billions of dollars invested in them.

  • Every time a huge leap is made inventor's syndrome blocks further progress.

    That is incorrect.

    1. There have not been any huge leaps. Only incremental progress.

    2. Most progress has been interrupted because the researchers were not funded, or they retired, or died. Most researchers are government employees, so they have no stake in the invention, and no case of inventor's syndrome.

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