I trust this poll as much as I trust the consensus opinion on JONP and Chinese state media.
Poll: Does Andrea Rossi have what he claims?
Wow, 350 idiots on ECW. Who would have guessed?
Not clear what Mats is looking for from this pool. May guess is how long he can pay bills writing about A.R.
Mats Lewan speaks and writes on many topics at some important venues. I suspect his Rossi accout is in the red, and has been for a long time. His interest is I am sure a genuine one, and absolutely nothing to do with selling books.
It is hard to believe that he has deceived others (and himself) for so long (years).
After the trial, he could have disappeared (with 10 million), but he just continue?
The man was also sick, plus many negative reactions, why continue?
I think Mr. Rossi is chaotic and a difficult man (to say the least)
But, because he is so persistent, I still believe that he has (something ?)
I believe that the only reason Rossi keeps Matt warm is that he sees him as a direct way to access some serious Swedish cash fortunes. According to the poll, majority of people do not believe Rossi's recent claims. It is hard to understand why that Matt still believes him when Rossi says that all he wants is not money but recognition while there are things like reverse engineering protection, paranoid secrecy etc. If one looks closely at recent claimants in lenr field all of them, starting from me365, had higher honorable intents starting form saving the planet and oil conspiracy not to hush the invention to not letting replicators hurt themselves , all but money. The only guys who admittedly want to get money are Mills and Saffire people.
This idiot is optimistic that Rossi is making good progress and will get there eventually.
For the record John O You are
one of the smarter commentaries.
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