Details of the experiments and results will be reported.
We will have to wait some more years...
Details of the experiments and results will be reported.
We will have to wait some more years...
We will have to wait some more years...
dec2019...dec2020.... dec 2021... maybe dec 2022?
maybe Itoh is developing analysis software?
I sent Iwamura info about some.
It is good that they made their own calorimeters. At this stage, that is more important than making their own reactors. In fact, their own reactors probably would not work. "Unpaid validations" does not sound good. Who is not paying? Mizuno is not paying them? Or their own companies are not paying them -- and the work is being done after hours. If you mean the latter, that tells me the companies do not take this seriously. It could be bad news.
The validation is being done officially during office hours. MTI supplies the reactors and the validator does the calorimetry with their own equipment. The report will be official. So far, no bad news...
No compensation flows in either direction between the validator and MTI is what I meant by "unpaid validations". So there are no conflicts of interest.
The validation is being done officially during office hours. MTI supplies the reactors and the validator does the calorimetry with their own equipment. The report will be official. So far, no bad news...
No compensation flows in either direction between the validator and MTI is what I meant by "unpaid validations". So there are no conflicts of interest.
Isn’t better to say then that they are impartial validations of MTI’s reactors?
Personally i was very sceptic at beginning of this R20 business, probably for "french" reasons.
Now, i think this R20 way is technically very similar to the LEC one, palladium and hydrogen involved in both cases.
This is why i do not well understand why some people ask full time for proofs and proofs in the R20 case then remain only positively amazed by the LEC case ?
Ne vaut-il pas mieux dire alors qu'il s'agit de validations impartiales des réacteurs de MTI ?
Well the validations we are doing now have moved beyond R20 technology. R20 was a very important stepping stone on the path to commercially feasible LENR. There are still many barriers we will face on that road but we will do our best to move in the right direction.
We should say R22 now ??
Well the validations we are doing now have moved beyond R20 technology. R20 was a very important stepping stone on the path to commercially feasible LENR. There are still many barriers we will face on that road but we will do our best to move in the right direction.
Here is both the calibration data and the test data with the regressions and R^2 calculations shown. Maximum ESH was 12.4% and it increased with temperature. At 250C, COP was about 1.068 and at 650C, it increased to 1.124. Statistical significance of this data is very high. Mizuno is also very pleased to see a good third party validation done finally. This same validator will continue experimenting by adding both active and non-active reactors.
Here is both the calibration data and the test data with the regressions and R^2 calculations shown. Maximum ESH was 12.4% and it increased with temperature. At 250C, COP was about 1.068 and at 650C, it increased to 1.124. Statistical significance of this data is very high. Mizuno is also very pleased to see a good third party validation done finally. This same validator will continue experimenting by adding both active and non-active reactors.
Have to say that this is still in the ballpark of what the MFMP did when reproduced the work of Francesco CELANI around 2011-2012, around the same excess heat. As always, seeing excess heat reproduced by a third party is really encouraging but 1,12x vs 3x in the original experiment is a long way to go.
As I have said many times, COPs can be easily hacked. You either understand this or you don’t. It’s an irrelevant number. Yes Exh per cm2 was about 1/5th of what we got in our own lab but 80W which is 25x the st Dev is something we are all happy with.
I repeat myself but the objective here is not to prove practical use. That will come in next one or two steps.
We may still run into problems in that development but an outside validation with completely separate equipment is a nice step forward.
The R^2 of the test data was 0.9998. That’s a damn good regression line!
Hopefully we can start moving up the food chain with better lab equipment and bigger budgets in the progress to a practical device.
Exh per cm2
I don't know about Japan now but the Babcock boiler engineers I met thirty years ago were extremely
un R&D oriented and tended to follow a script.
the validation at 500W is great given these circumstances.
Do you have a figure for W/cc?
A certain Swiss diplomat has mentioned up to 20W/cc with REE Pd/Ni...
When you click on the image titled "Here is both the calibration data and the test data with the regressions and R^2 calculations shown" it does not display correctly. This link works:
. This link works:
My rough calcs at ~580C...650 W in , 670W out.. ratio =1.03
Perhaps the heating regime by the MTI engineers was not kind to LENR
or perhaps my roughcalc is wrong.
or perhaps my roughcalc is wrong.
No one awake on the other hemisphere.?.. took the dog for a walk.
I thought someone would correct my 1.13 for the 592.9 when I got back at 9.15am..
..temperature dependence of radiative heatloss..
I get a ratio =1.09 at temperature 581C using a factor of 1.16
which is consistent with
"At 250C, COP was about 1.068 and at 650C, it increased to 1.12"
Robert, here is the correct way to calculate excess heat. To properly calculate excess heat you need to relate watts input to the corresponding watts that would be required to reach the higher temperature with the reactor inside. Your calculation is not correct because it is not comparing watts, it is comparing temperature. I hope this is clear.
This again is impossible to evaluate because LENRs are occurring presumably on the pycnonuclear scale and it is the sum of (in watts) of millions of fusions occurring at the cathode. Same problem that Fleischmann & Pons had not thinking in or indeed converting watts into electron volts or vice-versa! Its so simple if we drop SM particle physics for a moment and think in relativistic terms (as Einstein and Sternglass proposed). ie E energy from a nuclear reaction = mass lost (ie m) X c (speed of light in vacuum) to any power you want (n) and the units are in electron volts (giga - electron volts if applied to fusion in the sun or in an exploding H-bomb). On Earth we are simply with cold fusion attempting to allow the same reactions to occur but slowed down with n values just above zero using catalysts like Fe(KOH) as discovered by Holmlid's group so we release the energy at a controllable slow rate of reaction.
This again is impossible to evaluate because LENRs are occurring presumably on the pycnonuclear scale and it is the sum of (in watts) of millions of fusions occurring at the cathode. Same problem that Fleischmann & Pons had not thinking in or indeed converting watts into electron volts or vice-versa! Its so simple if we drop SM particle physics for a moment and think in relativistic terms (as Einstein and Sternglass proposed). ie E energy from a nuclear reaction = mass lost (ie m) X c (speed of light in vacuum) to any power you want (n) and the units are in electron volts (giga - electron volts if applied to fusion in the sun or in an exploding H-bomb). On Earth we are simply with cold fusion attempting to allow the same reactions to occur but slowed down with n values just above zero using catalysts like Fe(KOH) as discovered by Holmlid's group so we release the energy at a controllable slow rate of reaction.
I’m sorry I don’t know what this means but I can say clearly the units we use are irrelevant. Watts, joules, KeV etc makes no difference. The number of reactions is estimated to be about 10^8 per second but again it means nothing. We create 80W of excess heat on a background of 644W. Some people will appreciate the meaning of this and some won’t. Anyway we keep going forward. I don’t know why a cathode is mentioned because we don’t do anything electrolytically. Perhaps you are remembering technology from 20-30 years ago?
The relevance is simply that Fleischmann & Pons were the first to discover the effect using a Pd cathode. Your most recent deliberations are based on this effect even if you are using higher temperature powder mixtures or like SAFIRE using an anode to mimic the sun. The technology has advanced, I agree, but still a relativistic scientific theory is still somewhat underdeveloped. Wyttenbach with his novel SO(4) physics is good and more accurate than the old SM model, but still has a long way to go.
My own expertise is in the bio-physics of vision. Therefore, not being qualified in nuclear physics, I am only making possible suggestions, like Piantelli who was also a biophysicist trying to use radiation to cure cancer.