Mizuno reports increased excess heat

  • Jones Beene on Mizuno and Ultra Dense Hydrogen

    "Basically – this effect in highly unlikely to be based on nuclear fusion. It

    could be bosonic - as H2 as a molecule is a boson but there is no fusion and no

    radioactivity so this mechanism is most likely to be a dense hydrogen effect."

    "Mizuno quotes extensively from Mills and Holmlid. Sure, he does not see the

    great results until he adds the thin nano layer of palladium – but basically

    Mizuno started this line of research as a hybrid between dense hydrogen and P&F."

    "A mass-energy value which keeps turning up in dense hydrogen cluster papers is

    630 eV. It apparently relates to energy released by a cluster of dense hydrogen

    which has become disordered. This is a measured value – not a theory. This

    value is mentioned many times by Miley and also by Mizuno."

    what is special about ~630 eV ?

  • Dr mizuno didn't found XH before doing "porous" Pd layer onto nickel.

    In the past Letts/Cravens didn't found XH before doing " not porous Au" onto Pd substrat in this case.

    Simple people need strong gods to believe in them, such as god Holmlid.

    Holmlid's work is remarkable but I don't expect that truth is already fully written.

  • Probability is a concept well connected to nuclear energy like statistics.

    in order to have a good statistical index, it needs a lot of repetitions.

    Here we talks about ways to confirm/or not Mizuno's last results, so i have a question, who replicated Holmlid results ??

    That assertion was made before Holmlid's recent muon-generating results - making muon-catalysed fusion far more probable.

  • 630 eV is reported by Holmlid being the energy released when D(0) releases a D atom by stimulation.
    With his Time of Flight measurement results he showed that D-D distance of D(0) clusters is approx 2.3 pm.

  • Jack have you had a look at those two spreadsheets? old 120W cal +xsh

    Any obvious signs of error there?

    I looked. It doesn't make much sense to me in general. It's not clear that there is calibration data there. I'd like to see a full range of temperatures and input powers for both calibration and active runs. It's my understanding that IH replications failed to produce any positive results. I suspect that's what will happen in this case as well. At least he has done a pretty good job of detailing procedures for replication. On the current experiment, there's just not enough data available to satisfy me. Even if there was, it still has to be replicated. I wouldn't get too excited about this.

  • Jack Cole You're not excited about a space heater whose output equals that of a 3kW commercial heater and runs on 300W? That could only be for one reason: you think someone is lying or cheating. If there is another explanation for doubt, I'd love to hear it. To me, it looks pretty darn exciting as long as it is eventually proven by good measurements and as long as it's not some sort of sleight of hand.

  • Jack Cole You're not excited about a space heater whose output equals that of a 3kW commercial heater and runs on 300W? That could only be for one reason: you think someone is lying or cheating. If there is another explanation for doubt, I'd love to hear it. To me, it looks pretty darn exciting as long as it is eventually proven by good measurements and as long as it's not some sort of sleight of hand.

    I don't think people are lying or cheating. I think they probably have made some kind of mistake. We don't really have enough information to be able to pour over the details, but someone will try to replicate it I'm sure. If it's replicated by someone else, then I might begin to get a little excited.

  • Quote

    I don't think people are lying or cheating. I think they probably have made some kind of mistake. We don't really have enough information to be able to pour over the details, but someone will try to replicate it I'm sure. If it's replicated by someone else, then I might begin to get a little excited.

    @ Jack Cole

    Geez Jack, if a mistake it would have to be a bruiser-doozer of a mistake.

    I am as hardened a skeptic as one will find about LENR. But look at JedRothwell 's figure in post #642 above. Now this innocent looking piece of gear supposedly was an excellent robust room heater with 300W power input from a voltage and current regulated supply rated at 500W maximum (IIRC from the paper). And IIRC, it does it for long periods (hours ). Now there are not too many ways to account for such a phenomenon or "make a mistake" about it. Which is why I tend to lock on and focus on stories like this. There are only a few explanations, they are simple and they are easy to sort out. Either it's bullsh*t like Rossi's heating a whole factory with an "ecat" in 2007 (!) or it's proof positive of something extremely anomalous (as anomalous as an alien visitor in a flying saucer). As several pointed out, this doesn't require precision calorimetry! Either it's true and valid or it's not. I'd sure like to know which and it can't be that hard to find out! I have to admit I am suspicious. But please get someone reliable to check it out, JedRothwell . Maybe Dewey Weaver is ready to return to Japan or maybe what was his name... ? Murray I think. Maybe it was Moray or Amore but most likely Murray.

    And JedRothwell , just for amazement, I would love to see a short video of Mizuno or friend standing near it while it operates, holding a thermometer in hand (any Amazon cheapie would do) while he approaches the device and leaves it again. Showing also that the only connection is the wires to the power supply.

    I am getting this weird Steornian vibration about all this. Sort of a deja vue. Where you ask all sorts of rational and reasonable questions, easily satisfied rapidly if the story is true, and you get evasive stuff in return. Like Sean McCarthy used to do. Oh well, I guess in a few months or a year we will know one way or another. It's either going to be BS or amazing new science. I don't see any possibility of anything inbetween.

  • I' m not sure how hopeful I really am, Shane D. I am very cautious. It sure sounds easy to test the larger reactor though. I have always said and others have always poopooed that the more power and higher the "COP" the easier it is to be sure the measurement method is good enough. So here, no high accuracy is required. Maybe just fry a pork chop on it. Actually here's a recipe-- maybe buy Mizuno a leg of lamb and some foil.


  • Will using palladium leaf work as a zero waste way to apply palladium to the mesh?

    Using Leaf might be a way to only buy what you need to avoid waste.

    Lay the palladium leaf over the mesh so that it covers the mesh, then use a burnishing tool to press the palladium into the surface of the mesh. Place another mesh under the mesh in process to collect any leaf that is pushed through the mesh.

    Palladium leaves are 3-1/8” square, available in both loose and transfer leaf, and are packaged in books of 25 leaves each, or packs of 500 leaves.

    Composition: 99.9% Pd

    3-3/8" x 3-3/8" Gold Leaf (Large Size), Palladium Leaf


    Divide the square meter coverage size in half to process both sides of the mesh.

    Use silver leaf to tryout the method before you spread lots of money.




  • For example, If i don't like Trump or Macron i don't go to their meetings :!:

    If it isn't the case this is because this guy is mentally disturbed because he can't find a stable life axis of symmetry, looser in fact.

    JC, former LENR experimenter, vs MY, ultimate skeptic, flipping roles. Jack now the pessimist, and MY the optimist. Only in LENR land!

    • Official Post

    The question referenced what might happen in the very improbable event that something lets loose inside the reactor, for example an unexpected release of extremely large amounts of heat that converts some parts to a very hot vapor or gas.

    This is a fascinating scenario. I would love to hear more. However, a moments reflection would suggest that such an improbable heat event would vapourise the whole 50mg of Pd on the nickel mesh and stop the reaction in it's tracks. It would of course also trigger suggestions that it was a gas explosion caused by the laboratory cat smoking a cigarette in there.

  • Donations reached at about $220 USD.

    Amount might cover vessel, heater, mesh, and Palladium with $90 USD surplus.

    Pump, plumbing, gas, tool rental, and sundries likely exceed surplus.

    Still comparison shopping.

    Pretend to be the purchasing agent. See what you can find that makes sense. Inspect the spreadsheet.

    Create a tab/sheet. Include your item choices. This is a competition to buy as low, as quickly shipped, and as appropos, as possible.

    Be a winner.

    axil Thanks for the research. Possible alternative.

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