s. Focardi,
the pressure used by Focardi et al in the nineties was a lot higher than used in recent experiments..800 mbar versus ~ 2 mbar now
perhaps too much reactive hydrogen overloads the "LENR"pathway via Ni61..
and neutron production and transmutation reactions are used to get rid of the excess energy
"The sample loading in a natural hydrogen atmosphere was performed in successive steps. In each step, we started with an initial gas pressure in the range 400–800 mbar and thereafter a little amount of hydrogen was introduced into the cell through a suitable valve (p 400–600mbar)
. When the pressure decreased down to its starting value,new hydrogen was added (see fig. 3). After several loading cycles, the sample was ready and it was possible to trigger the exothermic process. Such an operation can be performed by lowering the input power, waiting for the sample temperature to decrease down to about 300 K, then suddenly restoring the previous power level. After this operation an increased equilibrium temperature, as shown in fig. 4, is obtained: the cell is producing an excess heat. Another way to trigger the process is to provoke a pressure step-like variation, as shown in fig. 5. After the triggering procedure, the production of excess heat is maintained for months.