Many here, I thought, think that classic open or closed cell FPHE D/Pd experiments are well enough understood that excess heat can be reliably found by someone of skill. I'd suggest that that "success reliable" recipe be communicated to google. They can they replicate it, ...
Yes, exactly, this is what is (almost?) unanimously believed in the CF/LENR community, so this is what should be replicated by Team Google.
However, you should keep in mind a fundamental difference between open and closed cells. For open cells, we have videos that show the intimate source of the presumed excess heat, ie the sparking glow Pd cathode, and "the dramatic heat effect of the cold fusion reaction on the water fuel". This visible effect can be replicated and unquestionably demonstrated by the Google's researchers. On the contrary, closed cells are sort of magical black boxes equipped with instruments which produce numbers, you should trust into.