JedRothwell wrote: Here is another copy of that paper:
That's not 'another' copy, it is the same one.
JedRothwell wrote: The authors do not think you addressed them adequately, and neither do I. Let the reader decide.
Of course not. Why would they. They successfully suppressed my response. However, for those who want to see it, they can read my whitepaper, which can be found as ref. #14 here:…-a-skeptical-perspective/
THIS is why the SPAWAR results are so pivotal in being TG's most important experiment(s). If the results clearly support Kirk Shanahan's analysis of CF being a conglomeration of errors, then we can move on and stop wasting our time on CF. If, however, TG's results replicate and support all the SPAWAR data as published then the holy grail of CF should be pursued to market commercial devices. Simple as that, no grey areas.