Теория химической эволюции, объясняющей появление жизни на Земле - это прямое следствие реальности холодного ядерного синтеза

    • Official Post

    Indian researchers have conducted a successful experiment to create organic compounds from hydrocyanic acid and water. They placed the molecules in the nanoreactor, where the colliding particles formed new molecules - the main building blocks of proteins and ribonucleic acids. Earlier in such experiments, discharges of electricity simulating lightning were used, but the researchers refused them. Scientists are confident that their discovery will give a new impetus to the development of the theory of chemical evolution, which explains the appearance of life on Earth.

  • Indian researchers have conducted a successful experiment to create organic compounds from hydrocyanic acid and water. They placed the molecules in the nanoreactor, where the colliding particles formed new molecules - the main building blocks of proteins and ribonucleic acids. Earlier in such experiments, discharges of electricity simulating lightning were used, but the researchers refused them. Scientists are confident that their discovery will give a new impetus to the development of the theory of chemical evolution, which explains the appearance of life on Earth.

    Зря они отказались от молний, молнии и дают плазму зарождающих жизнь


    Зря они отказались от молний, вулканы образуются за счет земного электричества, это такие земные электропечи, которые плавят породу поступающую из зоны субдукции, образуя магму. Магмы под нами ни где нет, кроме как в самом вулкане! А электричество образуется за счет вращения ядра с момента образования самой планеты и геосфер, трение и приводит к образованию электричества, которым заряжается земной электроконденсатор емкостью в 1 ФАРАДУ! Так что привод дрейфа континентов механический, а не конвективный!

    • Official Post

    Ironic is that we are talking about black holes light years away and moving to Mars without even knowing what is under our feet.

    It appears that most of deep well drilling projects encountered higher than expected temperatures just at 10km depth. Not consistent with local furnaces volcanoes.

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