SAFIRE, SUNCELL, E-CAT SK: Three reactors, three theories, one common unifying mechanism - the EVO (Exotic Vacuum Object). [Brown's Gas Joins the Club!]

  • The SAFIRE, SUNCELL, and E-CAT SK reactors are all producing macro-scale EVOs that are inducing nuclear reactions and likely tapping zero point energy. I'm excited that there are more teams working along the same lines even if they don't recognize it. The complex space charge configuration (another name for EVO) they are producing during the negative resistance regime is a larger version of what Kenneth Shoulders produced. By keeping the EVO stable, maximizing the internal self-organization, and maximizing the ion acoustic waves, you can produce excess energy production and transmutations. My guess is that the Suncell and SAFIRE systems are not yet anywhere near optimized. I think a few keys are...

    1) Produce a system that keeps the plasmoid off the electrode to avoid doing damage to it. You can do this by reaching the highest state of organization. This requires a resonant circuit attached to the reactor.

    2) Related to number one, make sure your system is highly resonant.

    3) Utilize noble gases to help stabilize the EVO.

    4) Try to match the spin polarization of the fuel elements you are using. This is probably not critical but can help.

    5) Try to have multiple gases in the reactor to produce layers within the plasmoid. This will help stabilize the EVO.

  • I urge everyone to take a look at the patent above. Although it does not discuss excess energy generation, it describes conditions that allow for a negative resistance and ion acoustic oscillations to be produced.

  • The EVO contains an interior of positive ions and an exterior of electrons which results in a double layer that can produce ion acoustic oscillations and produce LENR reactions. EVOs on one scale or another are being used in the SAFIRE device, the Suncell, and the E-Cat SK. A highly resonant EVO will have more highly structured double layers and will be more organized. An extremely self-organized EVO will be able to free float untethered from an electrode.

    The EVO is the heart of cold fusion and/or LENR. Even more parties need to start building systems utilizing EVOs.

  • Thanks for the link! It's amazing how the key to unlocking unlimited cheap and clean energy is mimicking natural ball lightning!

  • The cool thing about the SAFIRE, Suncell, and E-Cat SK technologies is that they should be able to be scaled up and scaled down. I could see this technology being used in portable appliances and larger versions used to power houses.


    Please read the above document and compare it to the information released by the SAFIRE team.

    This is the same phenomena! Instead of producing an EVO on a round anode, they are producing it on their cathode.

    - Notice the tiny balls of material that are produced like the SAFIRE project.

    - Notice the swirl like patterns just like Kenneth Shoulders produced.

    • Official Post

    Like: ?

    Established in 1983.

    Lots of good info on their website. Surprised they are still around. Anyone know anything more about? From the website:

    The origin of the idea
    The idea of Dr Dijk­huis for the ex­pla­na­ti­on of the phe­no­me­non ball lightning and cir­cuit brea­ker fire­ball dates back to 1978. In 1980 his first ar­ti­cle on ball lightning ap­pe­a­red in the sci­en­ce ma­ga­zi­ne Na­tu­re, and this fact was also re­por­ted by the New York Times.

    Establishment of plc Convectron and issue of shares

    With two part­ners, he foun­ded in 1983 the pu­blic li­mi­ted com­pa­ny Con­vec­tron N.V. Two tal­ked-about share is­sues in 1983 and 1986 were rea­so­na­bly suc­ces­sful and pro­vi­ded the com­pa­ny with funds to va­li­da­te the sci­en­ti­fic model. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly due to the op­po­si­ti­on from the Dutch fu­si­on com­mu­ni­ty, the re­ve­nue from the is­sues was howe­ver below the nee­ded bud­get. The aim was de­vel­op­ment of a pro­to­ty­pe of a small-sca­le nu­clear fu­si­on re­ac­tor.

    Experiments with submarine propulsion batteries
    Two da­ring test pro­grams were pur­sued by the Pre­de­ces­sor of the cur­rent Com­pa­ny. The first with two sub­ma­ri­ne propul­si­on bat­te­ries in Rot­ter­dam Waal­ha­ven, re­sul­ting in fire­ball ge­ne­ra­ti­on re­cor­ded on high-speed film.

    Breakdown tests at KEMA High-Power Lab
    Sub­se­quent­ly tests were car­ried out at the KEMA High-Po­wer La­bo­ra­to­ry in Arn­hem, The Ne­ther­lands, under high-vol­ta­ge break­down con­di­ti­ons in rapid gas flow mixed with fuel for the fu­si­on pro­cess.

    Experiments broken off due to exhaustion of funds
    In the cru­ci­al ex­pe­ri­ments at KEMA, me­a­sure­ments in­di­ca­ted pre­sen­ce of fu­si­on re­ac­ti­ons. But the tests had to be bro­ken off when funds ran out in 1987 be­fo­re con­fir­ma­ti­on of the ini­ti­al pro­mi­s­ing re­sults was pos­si­ble.

    Substantial advancement of scientific underpinning

    Me­an­w­hi­le the model has gai­ned sub­stan­ti­al fur­ther ri­gour and broa­de­ned its sci­en­ti­fic basis. As well a new, third ig­ni­ti­on me­thod has been iden­ti­fied. These facts mo­ti­va­te fresh ef­forts for de­mon­stra­ting a small-sca­le fu­si­on re­ac­tor as via­ble tech­no­lo­gy.

  • High voltage breakdown conditions can produce an EVO or ball lightning. However, it will be transitory. I think the key is building a resonant system that can produce a complex space charge configuration or macro-EVO that is stable over a long period of time. The reason Ken Shoulders didn't know how to scale up is because he was producing EVOs that only existed in a transitory manner. Now we know how to scale up.

  • Trouble is if you scale this up don't you end up with a hot fusion system, having to heat the deuterium plasma up to 100 M degrees before fusion occurs? I did think the SAFIRE project showed some promise for LENR when they found transmutation evidence, but now am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the only mechanism underlying cold fusion that has any chance of success is muon-catalysed fusion in ultra dense forms of deuterium or hydrogen. Fortunately Holmlid has discovered a low power, effective way of generating muons for a fusion reactor to be based on

    - further work I believe may show that all previous successful LENR experiments involved small amounts of UDD/H being catalysed by the presence of metal oxides, once formed this UDD spontaneously releases muons (stimulated by Cosmic radiation) and these accumulate in NAE's resulting in fusion reactions and excess heat. I think this is probably the most likely explanation underlying the sustained kW output of Mizuno's reactor, the oxidized stainless steel providing the necessary catalyst for UDD formation then IR stimulation of the UDD via the internal heater boosting the spontaneous muon release resulting in excess heat output increasing proportionately with temperature. But of course I could be totally wrong.:)

  • ''''''.....especially if it has been welded or heated

    A less common form of rusting in stainless steel is after the stainless has been exposed to very high temperatures, often in the 750-1550°F range (400-850°C)1. This type of corrosion is often seen in welding applications in which stainless is heated and then cooled. If this happens, “sensitization” can occur which is where the carbon and the chromium bond together in the stainless steel and form carbides. These carbides situate themselves at the stainless steel grain boundaries, and the grain boundaries become deficient of chromium. With lower chromium concentrations at the grain boundaries, the chromium oxide protective layer can become discontinuous and rusting becomes possible. “Sensitization” can ruin stainless steel forever; however the damage can sometimes be mitigated with complex heat treating.

  • I refer to my last posted link.

    The initial phrases are already far beyond any realistic assumption.

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