The church of SM physics

  • Hossenfelder" Why I lost faith in particle science"

    She maintains that the axion is dead but the Higg's boson is 'discovered'

    the Standard Model looks good.

    Perhaps a few LENR tests costing a few thousand $ are needed..

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  • What is new from your laboratory investigations ? A paper soon ?

    Le CERN n'a jamais trouvé de boson de Higgs car la particule qu'ils nomment n'a donc aucune propriété d'une idée fictive nommée boson de Higgs. L'énergie d'environ 126GeV est connue depuis plus de 20 ans et personne ne l'appelait boson de Higgs jusqu'à ce que la recherche de la fiction échoue...

    Personne n'a prédit une paire de bosons de Higgs... C'est en réalité un gros proton dont la masse est facile à calculer si vous comprenez la structure du proton qui est inconnue des stupides physiciens du modèle standard.

  • Hossenfelder" Why I lost faith in particle science"

    She maintains that the axion is dead but the Higg's boson is 'discovered'

    She is the agreed jumping jack of SM physics. Allowed to spread some doubts but confirming 1000% nonsensical Higgs...

    What is new from your laboratory investigations ?

    Did you read my "mathlab" paper? There are no real 1/r fields...Mathematically proven! Just points can express a 1/r field. Hence also the Gauss flux/gradient law fails in general except for point fields.

    Point fields are 1D fields (just radius varies) but all classic physics models are based on 3D fields and thus are just nonsense.

    The Higgs model is based on the vector potential that does not exist for particles...A "B,E" field can never have the same point of origin and does cannot be unified. Only in the far field you can overlap them. So the Higgs model is bare nonsense.

    Such things happen if mathematicians with zero=0 hours physics lab start to dominate the now fantasy physics called SM.

  • something like Quantum gravity? something like quarks:..neutrinos...numerology?

    Weinstein nuclear dialogue

    inside the quackery built on Einstein...

    quantum gravity, ganja, stoning out on string theory for 5 decades

    who else is afraid of Witten..Voldemort?

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  • You write - "So show us. You never actually show us anything new arising from your theory or views. I still want to know how you explain the 'Hall Effect', which has proven so important is studying semiconductor properties." I understand your desire for me to explain absolutely everything to you... So I will upset you... Recently, the Klimov-Zatelepin seminar was held - it was on March 1, 2023, following which I have already recorded 13 videos... The leitmotif of my message from the physical The community is like this - modern physics is completely destroyed with the discovery of Maxwell's errors. The concept of "electronvolt" is absolutely false and unacceptable... The physics of detectors - almost all detectors existing in the world, is absolutely false... Personally, I am shocked by the realization of these deep processes... Physics has been going to this dead end for 150 years and finally reached on January 19 2021 after I completed my many years of research related to "electric charge according to Maxwell" - it does not exist in nature ... New physics is just emerging and we may need ten to twenty years to correctly describe the operation of the Hall sensor and correctly understand " Hall effect".

    Look at this material - Notes on magnetostatics. Part 7. Magnetostatics notes P7. Siberian Nicholas. -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 1 Basic knowledge. Magnetostatics notes P1. -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 2. Potential fields. -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 3. Magnetic field scanner -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 4. Magnetostatics notes P4. vision of invisible. -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 5. Magnetostatics notes P5. vision of invisible. Chapter 2 -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 6. Magnetostatics notes P6. Magnet interaction model -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 8. Magnetostatics notes P8. magnetic field in distance. -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 9. Magnetostatics notes P9. Trying to see a scalar magnetic field. -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 10. Magnetostatics notes P10. Magnetic field of single wire -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 11. Magnetostatics notes P11. circuit with current. Field of wire loop. -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 12. Magnetostatics notes P12. conductors with current. wires w/current. -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 13. Magnetostatics notes P13. circuits with current. loops w/current. -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 14. Magnetostatics notes P14. step reels. step coils. -

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    Notes on magnetostatics. Part 15. Magnetostatics notes P15. bifilar coils. flat coils. -

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    Ferromagnets Ch1. Notes on magnetostatics, part 16. Magnetostatics notes P16. Ferromagnets p1 -

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    The structure of the field of a conductor with current. Notes on magnetostatics. Part 17. Magnetostatics notes P17. -

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    The magnetic field of several conductors. Notes on magnetostatics. Ch 18. Magnetostatics notes P18. -

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    The magnetic field of a coil with current. Notes on magnetostatics. Ch 19. Magnetostatics notes P19. -

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    Radius of an Electron Understanding Errors, December 8, 2022, Part 1 –

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    Radius of an Electron Understanding Errors, December 8, 2022, Part 2 -

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    Note on the characteristic size of an electron, Rukhadzde A A , Laptukhov A I , June 25, 2015, part 1 -

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    Note on the characteristic size of an electron, Rukhadzde A A , Laptukhov A I , June 25, 2015, part 2 -

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    Description of the structure and size of particles in quantum theory, Samsonenko NV, June 25, 2015, part 3 -

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  • Weinstein

    More from theoretical pundits

    following Weinstein's holo-revelation

    Sabine makes an LENR-relevant comment

    TM 34.42

    "We need some new technologies.. and they must come from the foundations of physics..

    not from Quantum Gravity"

    Maybe.. from Quantum Mechanics? Maybe from nickel reactors..

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  • first came to this forum a number of years ago when I was diving into the ridiculous concept of the point particle and was looking at different extended electron models. I have appreciated all the discussions, ideas, links to scientific papers etc. I don't participate much anymore but have learned a lot and continue to do so. Many of the members here are well aware of, and challenge the orthodoxy that surrounds SM, QM and the concept of the point particular etc. Critics of LENR are often quick to assign words like "fringe", "misinformation" or even "fraud" to these investigations and dismiss them out of hand as heterodox ideas. Even journals often refuse to publish work in this area.

    I wonder if you have actually understood QM if you think that it shows "point particles".

    Classical atomic physics had the idea of point particles which broke down in the early 20th century.

    so-called "point particles" now are named that merely in the sense that they have no internal structure (unlike, say protons, where deep inelastic scattering experiments show up an internal structure of quarks) . However the best model to visualise no internal structure particles (like electrons) is a "packet" of waves which can be more or less concentrated in one place, this makes perfect sense of wave-particle duality and of course is exactly what the maths says you get.

    No-one thinks Qm is "it". There is clearly some deeper structure to particle physics which we have many hints of, and many exciting theories for, but as yet not enough evidence to move to any one. There are certainly many mysteries still left for us to decode.

    But worrying about "point particles" as part of the orthodoxy is only for those who have not understood the orthodoxy.


    We present the results of a search for heavy QCD axions performed by the ArgoNeuT experiment at Fermilab. We search for heavy axions produced in the NuMI neutrino beam target and absorber decaying into dimuon pairs, which can be identified using the unique capabilities of ArgoNeuT and the MINOS near detector. This decay channel is motivated by a broad class of heavy QCD axion models that address the strong CP and axion quality problems with axion masses above the dimuon threshold. We obtain new constraints at a 95% confidence level for heavy axions in the previously unexplored mass range of 0.2–0.9 GeV, for axion decay constants around tens of TeV.

    • Figure
    • Figure
    • Figure
    • Figure
    • Received 23 August 2022
    • Accepted 21 April 2023



    Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.

  • Heavy axions are part of the comedy..

    "I tried a different way and it got deleted but my main interest is the end of the standard model comical story!!!!"

    Comments on why there has been no progress in physics since 1973.. al schneider

    Professional liturgy or comedy?

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  • a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.
    "the rejection of political dogma"

    The work and designs out in the open to see and think about

    no secrets

    maybe one day..

  • Heavy axions

    When the expts are done at non Gev/Tev levels..with real particles

    the conventional models fail.

    they won't be trumpeting this at CERN

    Major discrepancy between experimental data and theoretical predictions

    New electron scattering experiment designed for the excitation of the helium nucleus raises fundamental questions about our current understanding of nuclear forces | Press and Public Relations

    Although the form factors now extracted from experiment and theory exhibit a similar shape as function of the momentum transfer, they differ substantially by a factor of roughly 2. The results of previous measurements had already indicated that there may well be an inconsistency with theory but the experimental uncertainties were too great to allow conclusions to be drawn. Thanks to the enhanced precision of the results obtained by the Mainz team, it can now be concluded that the excitation of the α particle cannot be accurately reproduced using the currently available description of nuclear forces.

  • Theory of atomic cores might be wrong

    The leading theory of what’s going on inside atoms can’t properly describe the strong nuclear force. This fundamental interaction binds together protons and neutrons inside an atom’s core. The results of an experiment that measured inflated atomic nuclei, contradicted the theory — so one of them must be wrong, says physicist Laura Elisa Marcucci. It’s still unclear whether the discrepency could be resolved by including commonly ignored factors in the theoretical calculations or whether there’s a fatal flaw in our understanding of the strong force.

    Quanta Magazine | 6 min read

    Reference: Physical Review Letters
  • he leading theory of what’s going on inside atoms can’t properly describe the strong nuclear force.

    SO(4) physics shows how the nuclear forces changes (increases) from proton to helion (alpha particle). It also explains the special position of 4-He as the only nucleus with no free flux hence no gamma (non fragmentation) spectrum.

    If you add further parallel flux (2x2) X (2x2) as e.g in 16-O the force increases further by a quaternion logarithmic factor.

    The standard model simply is garbage.

  • The standard model simply is garbage.

    I complimented Professor Bacca in Mainz on her persistence..

    10 years of trying to solve the puzzle since 2013

    "A major breakthrough in nuclear physics has been the development of chiral effective field theory, which is well routed to QuantumChromoDynamics .Even though several light nuclei have been investigated with chiral potentials, we are still missing a prediction of Helium halo nuclei from chiral Hamiltonians.

    .Our estimate from simplified nuclear potentials leads to a disagreement with experimental data,which will be hopefully clarified in the future..

    but still no answer.. the chiral model still is 100% out

    I suggested she looks beyond models deriving from the Standard Model...

  • beyond models deriving from the Standard Model.

    Of course in the next decade zetaflop-yr computation will reveal the properties of the 4+ baryons... He, Li,..C ..U? etc

    The last decade (2010-2020) was limited only by petaflops .. not by "conceptual issues"

    but was a "truly remarkable period for nuclear physics":)

    despite the proton magnetic moment still in error by 15% and.the deuteron's by 30%...

    Beane et al


    Determining the three-body and higher-body interactions among nucleons and hyperons directly from QCD will be a remarkable achievement for Lattice QCD, and will provide crucial input into th ecalculations of the structure and interactions of light nuclei.

    During the last year the first calculations of three- and four- nucleon systems were reported.

    Such calculations are presently difficult, but are primarily limited by the available computational resources and not by conceptual or formal issues.

    It is anticipated that the three-nucleon interactions will be calculated with high-precision with Lattice QCD during the next decade.

    Beyond the three-body systems, we expect that some of the properties and
    interactions of light nuclei will be calculable with Lattice QCD during the same time-period.

    The dream of being able to perform reliable calculations of the interactions among multiple nucleons and hyperons, and of the structure and reactions of light-nuclei, directly from QCD is starting to be realized.
    The path forward is clear,

    and the next decade will be a truly remarkable period for nuclear physics

  • Beane et al

    May the lattice be with you..or with a simulation of you

    Lots of handwaving here

    a lot more than "just computers" do

    "Lattice QCD is a science of universe simulation"

    except its the wrong simulation..

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  • "Lattice QCD is a science of universe simulation"

    except its the wrong simulation..

    Maybe in the Lattice QCD universe the mass of the proton and neutron

    are 1150+Mev .. Beane et al 2021

    Charged multihadron systems in lattice $\mathrm{QCD}+\mathrm{QED}$
    Systems with the quantum numbers of up to 12 charged and neutral pseudoscalar mesons, as well as one-, two-, and three-nucleon systems, are studied using…

    but in the universe I know the masses are

    Proton 938.272 MeV
    Neutron 939.565 MeV

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