An Open Secret - The Scalable, Ubiquitous EVO at the Core of SAFIRE, the E-Cat SKL, the Suncell, Brown's Gas, and Virtually Every Exotic Energy Technology.

  • An Open Secret - The Scalable, Ubiquitous EVO at the Core of SAFIRE, the E-Cat SKL, the Suncell, Brown's Gas, and Virtually Every Exotic Energy Technology.

    By Director

    God, the creator of the universe, established the laws of the universe that govern not only the interaction of planets and stars but the processes that occur within atoms and the structure of the vacuum itself. With these rules or the "code" of reality entered, nature commenced. Those who are careful observers will not that many of the most important breakthroughs in a broad array of fields come from mimicking natural processes - whether biological or physical. Many life saving drugs are chemically altered forms of molecules found in plants, for example. Yet in in mankind's attempt to harness the power of the atom via nuclear fusion, all sorts of artificially imposed schemes have been attempted to produce and maintain the conditions scientists believe are essential. But the simplest route to an energy panacea has been largely ignored except by a minority of exceptional open minded theoreticians and experimentalists - learning to create man made, artificial ball lighting. Yet true breakthroughs are taking place as we speak due to a number of different technologies being developed that utilize macro-scale variants of Kenneth R. Shoulders' EVOs (Exotic Vacuum Objects) as their driving mechanism. Although these self-organizing plasma structures which form during out of equilibrium conditions (such as the negative resistance regime of a plasma discharge) can induce a wide array of phenomena - altering hydrogen into different forms, inducing exothermic nuclear reactions, and extracting energy from the zero point energy field - they are all the same phenomena despite being utilized in different devices. Once this is recognized, progress towards a future with infinite possibilities can be accelerated.

    Kenneth R. Shoulders, the father of vacuum micro-electronics, started a collaboration with Dr. Harold Puthoff (currently a member of To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences and an adviser along with his former Chief Scientist Eric Davis to the SAFIRE Project) and Bill Church to investigate the Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO) phenomena around 1980. Ken Shoulders immediately discovered that when he pulsed a small, sharpened cathode with electricity that out of the plasma "soup" of ions, electrons, and vaporized metal nano-particles, a self organizing plasma structure would form. He discovered that they possessed a number of anomalous properties during the period of obsessive compulsive testing that followed. Seemingly highly negatively charged (with the opposite being true in some rare occasions), the electrons on their surface seemed to stay in extreme close proximity at high density despite their mutual electrostatic repulsion. Dr. Puthoff even wrote paper theorizing that the Casimir force that would show up when the electrons were in very close proximity to each other would provide a force keeping them together that would be stronger than the electrostatic repulsion pushing them apart. Additional strange properties of EVOs (for a while at first just termed EVs) included the ability to be divided and recombined, to travel along grooves in dielectric surfaces, to carve trenches through guide plates, liquify material in a non-thermal manner, produce a wide array of electromagnetic emissions, nullify the majority of their mass/inertia so they could be accelerated to high speeds with very low input energies (a warp drive effect), and to induce transmutations and isotopic shifts on the targets they impacted. Shoulders continued investigating the phenomena and learned how to control them very precisely - guiding his micron sized plasma balls through obstacle courses and making them perform all sorts of stunts. He was even able to learn how to make them switch from "white" states to "black" states and vice versa which represented their ability to be observed and interact with matter. Although his goal was to produce a viable energy producing technology, his extreme caution in scaling up the phenomena and his love of tinkering on the small scale may have gotten in the way. As far as we know, during the time period in which he was officially collaborating with Dr. Puthoff and Earthtech, a practical energy producing device seemingly was not produced utilizing his designs.

    The way to utilize the EVO phenomena to make practical devices was hidden in plain site. The first factor that obscured the path forward was that most LENR or "cold fusion" researchers had never heard of Kenneth Shoulders (or didn't know what to make of his research). Yet Kenneth Shoulders in direct communication and in his papers attempted to broadcast the fact that tiny scale EVOs were likely being formed via multiple pathways in the crystalline lattice of hydrogen or deuterium loaded metals such as nickel, palladium, platinum, titanium, etc. One such method was fracto-emission. When hydrogen moves through an embrittled material, the lattice can be manipulated or even damaged producing charge separation. The result can be nano-scale electric discharges which can produce self-organizing plasma structures. A link between fracto-emission and LENR or cold fusion in bulk metal systems could be the fact that excess heat usually shows up either during the gas loading or de-loading process, induced either by changes in applied heat or pressure. Kenneth Shoulders even performed experiments on hydrogen/deuterium loaded materials by striking them with an EVO, resulting in a zone of damage that spread across the surface of the material. He described this as the "wildfire" effect. The idea was that a chain reaction of EVO production was happening which resulted in the visible alterations.

    As time went on, LENR experimentalists such as Andrea Rossi attempted to enhance gas loading systems via a number of different methods. These include using powders instead of bulk materials to increase surface area, structuring the surface of nickel particles with spillover catalysts such as palladium to maximize the dissociation and absorption of hydrogen/deuterium, subjecting the environment of the reactor to electromagnetic radiation in the form of radio frequencies (potentially electrical discharges as well) to produce atomic hydrogen with higher kinetic energies, and adding elements such as lithium which could serve various purposes. All of these factors likely increased hydrogen absorption which enhanced the probability of EVO production within the lattice. However, although probably unrecognized to him at the time, the radio frequencies (either produced with a radio frequency generator or via the harmonics of the "dirty" AC he pumped into his heating resistor coils) were feeding the EVOs in a manner similar to what Kenneth Shoulders achieved.

    Yet unless you are a brilliant and obsessive compulsive experimentalist like Andrea Rossi with a drive to perform countless experiments, bulk metal and powder based gas loading systems seem to be very tricky. This is likely due to the complexities of maximizing hydrogen absorption (which can require careful surface modification of your fuel in addition to long periods of degassing). In fact, it's pretty obvious that Andrea Rossi had failures himself from time to time with these types of systems. What's important to note is that he moved beyond powder based reactors. In the past few years, he has developed pure plasma based systems that utilize a set of electrodes (a cathode and an anode) and a gaseous interior environment. Except for whatever nano-particles are sputtered off the surface off his electrodes (which are thought to be composed of platinum coated, high manganese nickel that's used for electrical contacts), the fuel is simply a combination of gases. Due to this, much of the frustration of powder based systems can be avoided.

    So how do these pure plasma versions of the E-Cat work? At their core, they are utilizing the same phenomena as multiple other exotic energy devices in development today (including The SAFIRE Project's reactor and Brilliant Light Power's Suncell) along with SEVERAL others going back a hundred years. Basically, the E-Cat is utilizing the negative resistance regime of an electric discharge (this is a zone between the glow discharge and true arc discharge) in which the voltage and current relationship is flipped upside down. During the period that an electric discharge is in this zone, a plasma ball (also referred to as a fireball, ball of fire, man-made ball lightning, micro-ball lightning, complex space charge configuration, plasma globe, or macro-EVO) self organizes out of the chaos of the out of equilibrium plasma. One universal identifier that such an EVO has formed is the production of ion acoustic waves that can be seen on an oscilloscope. This structure is the prime mover of all these devices that produce anomalous excess energy, transmutations, isotopic shifts, and other anomalies. If the parameters of a plasma based E-Cat are tuned properly (achieving a resonance between the plasma ball and it's environment which includes the circuit of the device), the plasma ball can move off the electrode, further self-organize, and become what's called a "free floating fireball" in multiple papers. Once free floating and not touching any component of the reactor, it will no longer hold the potential to do things like damage electrodes or melt down the walls of the reactor. Nevertheless, it can produce massive excess energy in the forms of heat, light, and electricity. High energy photons are also generated which some speculate could be extracted from the vacuum.

    By now, you're probably wondering about the structure of an EVO (or pick your favorite descriptive term out of the dozen or so that's available). Here's what I consider to be what we know about the structure and a re-listing of some of their properties.

    - They can exist in the form of a torus (a donut with a hole in the middle) or a spheroid or ball which is even more stable and can better contain the energy of the structure.

    - They have at least one double layer meaning a membrane or surface of extremely dense electrons and an interior of positive ions. In many cases, there can be multiple "double layers" around each other like a Russian nesting doll.

    - In many or most cases, they interact with matter as if they were negatively charged. So they can repulse each other electrostatically; yet, they can also combine and split.

    - They consume (inhale) and excrete (exhale) matter and energy like a living organism. One of their favorite foods are electrons and their "waste" can be positive ions (ion acoustic oscillations).

    - They can give off sudden jolts of electrical power that feed back into the power supply. Often, this is very destructive.

    - According to experts who have studied this phenomenon, the electrons and positive ions within the double layers can exhibit unique properties that make them lose individuality and become more of a condensate with superconductive properties.

    - Relating to the above, the electrons in the membrane of the double layer produce an interior that can act as a resonant chamber that can harvest RF and MW energy.

    - They can induce nuclear reactions leading to transmutation of elements and isotopic shifts.

    - They can be ideal longitudinal wave generators.

    - Their internal structure and self organization can be enhanced if they are composed of multiple gases of different masses. This allows for the different elements to self-segregate into different sheathes. Having multiple sheathes of gases aids the stability of the self organizing structure.

    - They seem to often produce a form of "strange radiation" that could be clusters of EVOs in a state somewhere between white which would be very interactive with matter and black which would almost unobservable. This could be related to the bright plasma and "dark mode plasma" produced by the SAFIRE Project device. This form of emissions should be studied due to the potential health hazards.


    The above phenomena is likely not only involved in LENR/CF reactions within a metal lattice and in pure plasma reactors (E-Cat SKL, Suncell, SAFIRE, etc.) but also in the reaction between a Brown's Gas flame and a range of different materials. For those who are not awaare, Brown's Gas is one of many names for the type of gas produced in a common duct electrolysis unit (in which all the gases produced are collected together). This gas seems to differ in properties from an ordinary mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. There is strong evidence that in addition to hydrogen and oxygen, there is another gas that George Wiseman calls "electrically expanded water" or EEW. Other researchers have given it other names as well. This gas seems to be a form of water that has incorporated extra electrons into the molecule resulting in the bond angles shifting. The result is a form of water in a gaseous phase that is due to electricity and NOT thermal energy - this is NOT steam. When the EEW component of Brown's Gas is combusted, electrons are released into the flame. This makes the flame of a Brown's Gas torch act as a cathode. What the SAFIRE Project has taught us, among other things, is that double layers of plasma will self organize around an object at a different electrical potential than its surroundings. So when the cathode (the flame) is made to contact a material, the material will serve as an anode at a different electrical potential. The transmutations, isotopic shifts, nuclear waste remediation, brilliant light, anomalous heating, and rapid oxidation-like reactions (which can break apart matter) produced by such a flame in contact with a material is likely due to the formation of a macro-EVO. Interestingly, some materials react more powerfully to Brown's Gas than others; for example, Tungsten and ceramics. The theory of George Wiseman and others in the past has been that if the material has a high electrical resistance, the current from the Brown's Gas flame would heat it up rapidly like an ordinary electrical resistor. They also proposed that materials with a high electrical conductivity like aluminum or copper (which react less strongly to Brown's Gas) don't heat up as fast because the resistance is less. I propose an alternative.

    My opinion is that one of the reasons materials with different electrical conductivity respond more or less with Brown's Gas is that some of them are less able to maintain a relative different electrical potential to the flame (the cathode). When the flame hits a material like copper with a high electrical conductivity, the material becomes more negatively charged at a rate far faster than let's say Tungsten or a ceramic. This means that a Brown's Gas flame hitting Tungsten would produce a more organized and more intense macro-EVO on the surface. Conversely, a flame hitting copper or aluminum would produce a fear weaker macro-EVO. I'd also like to predict that if a copper, aluminum, or other highly conductive metal was positively biased (so that it would remain at a different electrical potential than the flame) it would react in a manner more similar to Tungsten. I would predict that it would produce far higher temperatures and much more light. I'd like to say that this is just a personal opinion and has not been established by experimentation unlike the other information I've provided in this essay.

    Moving back to the range of devices currently being developed that utilize a macro-EVO or self organizing plasma with double layers, I'd like to say that the inventors of these need to look back at the history of a long serious of inventions going back a hundred years or more that utilized the same phenomena. Although I won't go into detail into each technology, here is a list of names and devices that I believe utilized some variety of EVO at some scale small or large: Alexander Chernetsky's Self Generating Discharge Tube, Paulo and Alexandria Correa's Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge Device, Mizuno's Electrolytic Plasma Reactors, Paul Brown's Resonant Nuclear Battery, Joseph Papp's Noble Gas Engine, Edwin V. Gray's motors/generators, Thomas Henry Moray's discharge tubes, Nikola Tesla's spark gaps, and most LENR devices electrolytic, gas loading, and plasma based.

    The open secret is now OUT. We have a common phenomena that links a broad array of technologies ranging from modern to very old. What's absolutely wonderful is that due to the work of The SAFIRE Project, Andrea Rossi's Leonardo Corporation, and Brilliant Light Power, we know not only that Kenneth Shoulders EVO phenomena CAN be scaled up but that it's straightforward and simple. Instead of mucking around processing bulk metal (rod, wire, or powder) to optimize hydrogen absorption, we can build a simple discharge tube, put in a combination of gases, connect a well designed control system, start the discharge, produce a steady state macro-scale EVO, and then tune it into resonance to produce massive excess energy production. Moreover, if we adjust the parameters enough, we can achieve a free floating fireball that doesn't touch any of the components of the reactor. This can help extend the lifetime of the device.

    Montgomery Childs in his recent interviews and presentations have made it clear that a number of different fuel combinations in their system work. This is true of both the gases they put into their reactor and the composition of their anodes. We know from their patents and careful examination of their videos that they are extensively utilizing hydrogen, nitrogen (which increases heat output with less input power), argon, deuterium, and only a few other gases which are all visible on their control panel. We also have deduced at least three of the anode metals they have utilized which they won't speak about openly: tungsten, iron, and nickel. Also, we know they have used iron and nickel in combination since their patent speaks about a steel alloy with at least 20% nickel. I suspect that this means they are using an Invar 36 alloy in some cases that would prevent thermal expansion. This combination of Fe and Ni would also match their slide in which they discussed salting an FeNi alloy with lithium. Amazingly, with these combinations they were able, at least during short term periods, to produce megawatts of thermal output (producing transmutations at the same time) for only 1800 watts of input power. What we've also learned is that their system, although a technical marvel, is fundamentally simple. They utilize a hollow anode with a floating potential and two cathodes with a much larger surface area. The relative size of the cathodes to the anode enhance the ionization around the anode and allow for the double layers to form at relatively reasonable amperages. In one example in their patent application, the double layers around their anode grew in size as amperage increased above .2 amps and then collapsed close to the surface of the anode at 8 or 10 amps (one version of their patent application mentions eight amps and the other mentions ten amps). Importantly, it was when the double layers collapsed that they melted down their Tungsten anode and produced amazing excess heat. Monty Childs has confirmed that typically they restrict their current and when they de-restrict it is when they see the thermal response and transmutations. Another bit of information extracted from their video presentation is that their system operates at a maximum of only 1500 volts and 40 amps. However, when they melted their Tungsten anode, they were only at 7% of their maximum power.

    I'd also like to mention that in their patent application it mentions a magnetic coil that can be energized to push or pull the plasma in a desired direction. If they begin testing to determine the excess heat production from a "free floating fireball" I think this could be important in keeping the plasma off the electrodes. Also, it discusses the possibility of utilizing RF and MW frequencies to enhance the plasma. This would absolutely work because it has been used in the past by inventors such as Chukanov who created ball lightning using microwaves.

    All of this has apparently started to interest certain individuals at CERN, because Montgomery Childs mentioned they are interested in perhaps building their own SAFIRE reactor! This is very interesting and something I would support. However, I really hope that a party somewhere will build a small scale device that could be built at a low cost, test it repeatedly to make sure it produces high levels of output, and post the open source plans. I believe that such a device would be replicated thousands of times over. It would spread virally across the globe and in a matter of months every nation in the world would be experimenting with such systems. It would be the way to "fast track" the acceptance of this phenomena. Conversely, secrecy is the way to make sure progress remains slow and that the world remains ignorant as to the reality of this technology. Once the reality of the SAFIRE and similar devices such as the Suncell and the E-Cat SKL is admitted to by scientists on major news networks, then companies should start focusing on IP. Right now, getting this phenomena out to the world is what matters. Anyone who puts the desire for money or fame or domination of an industry before exposing the reality of this technology is doing a disservice to us all.

    Finally, as I've stated before, I believe variations of this phenomena are being used by the black world in waived, carved out Special Access Programs managed by private legacy aerospace corporations like Lockheed Martin. Craft like the Fluxliner ARV and TR3B likely already utilize this phenomena which allow for the altering of apparent mass, inertia, and gravity which are all manifestations of the scalar potential. The SAPs have had this technology for a very long time since a series of crash recoveries of ET space craft took place starting in the 40's. However, the last thing they want to do is let this technology out because it would change every aspect of our civilization. Not only would it provide an unlimited source of energy and FTL transportation, it would open up our understanding of physical reality itself.

    So what are you going to do with this secret?

    Addendum #1

    The SAFIRE Project reactor, like the Suncell and most likely the E-Cat SKL can produce huge COPs. Here is a quote from Montgomery Childs transcribed from one of his interviews. If his numbers were accurate, during the surge - not a spike - of output power, the COP was 5,555!

    Monty: We were really quite taken back by those results because you have to go back and I can get into some of those things. We didn't expect the plasma to self organize. We didn't expect that with 1800 watts DC power going in that when those double layers would explode that it had a surge, not a spike, but a surge of over 10,000,000 watts. We couldn't measure it. Our instruments... we have pretty good instruments. It went right off the scale. We had a thumb nail drive in a computer twenty feet away that was flashing. The computer was not plugged in. So the EM field was flashing off this little ball that was made out of some special material and, um, not that elaborate material but it was something that the EU had agreed to or Wal Thornhill agreed that we think this material or they think this material would be useful to use.

    From a little further in the video...

    Monty: But we've never seen anything like this. And there's no precedent in plasma physics right now that can explain what is going on there.

    Host: So this is in terms of amount of energy you put in vs. the amount of energy that you are seeing produced inside of the machine?

    Monty: Yes, specifically it has to do with the rise in temperature over time. As I mentioned, I wanted to communicate to the audience that if you are going to do.. I didn't get into this... but if you want to do a total energy evaluation you have to have calormetric or calorimetry to do this properly. But what we do know is that if you have evidence of a very high rate of rise in temperature over time that goes directly to the amount of energy that is causing that. That's what my point was about... You know it takes a certain amount of time to heat it with this much energy but if you have a bazillion watts going into something it will rise very, very quickly. And I don't know if I was effectively communicating that or not. That is what we saw happen. So for three years we ran the experiment and it always worked within the parameter set we had designed it to until we started to see the transmutation. So the double layers, the formation of the double layers, the transmutation, the segregation, and the sequestering of elements that we've talked about that. And the sudden rise of thermal temperature all happening concurrently...

    Host: So they are all linked? Something is happening that is causing all of these things and releasing this energy?

    Monty: Yes.

    Addendum #2

    If you listen carefully to all of Monty's videos and read his patents, the conditions for the excess power production that happens simutaneously with the transmutations are clear. Basically, you keep the anode at a floating voltage (applying a certain amount of voltage from the cathodes) when providing a certain amount of voltage from the cathodes. The exact voltage required from the cathodes is not available, but we know that the maximum their system can produce is 1500 volts from one of the displays in their 2019 presentation. As you increase the current from .2 to 8 or 10 amps (one version of their patent gives one number and another version gives a different number) the tufts start to form, then the double layers, and then eventually the double layers collapse close to the anode and it starts to glow bright orange. At this point the plasma is very dense near the anode and there's a huge voltage drop close to the anode over a very short distance of sometimes a thousand volts. This is when the excess heat and transmutations show up in addition to other anomalies.

    Of course along with the above conditions, you need a proper fuel mixture. Interestingly, Monty Childs claims all the anode materials they have tested work to some degree although some individual elements and alloys produce more heat than others. A few of the elements we know they are using in their anodes are iron, nickel, and tungsten. However, I suspect they have likely tested many different combinations and other elements as well. I especially suspect that chromium and platinum were also tested either individually or as parts of alloys.

    When it comes to gaseous elements, we know for a fact, due to the panel that has all the valves on it, that they can use the following gases: hydrogen, deuterium, helium, nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. We also know from a piece of paper hanging on a table in Monty's garage in the SAFIRE Project video that a percentage of nitrogen increases the excess heat while reducing the input power. From the notes in people's hands, we can see that they were experimenting with different percentages of nitrogen and hydrogen.

    Addendum #3

    Montgomery Childs mentioned in his interview that if people have ideas or theories they should make predictions that are testable. I'll make one here about a catalytic component he could add to the SAFIRE Project reactor (if of course he could do so in a safe manner and avoid contaminating his laboratory). I predict that mercury in general and mercury isotope 199 when utilized along with hydrogen and/or deuterium - both should be tested - would dramatically enhance the self organizational potential of the plasma improving the internal structure. My reasons are as follows:

    a) It's a heavy element - far more massive than argon - that should ionize and produce a sheathe of positive ions that would be very stabilizing to the structure of the double layers or macro-EVO wrapped around the anode. Data going back many decades tells us that adding a heavier element to these self organizing plasma structures helps them form and improves their stability.

    b) Kenneth Shoulders seemed to have VERY good success with mercury when he used it on the tips of his cathodes to wet them to prevent them from being destroyed.

    c) Mecury when doubly ionized becomes a pseudo-noble gas and very unreactive. I suspect this property will actually help the formation of the double layers.

    d) If the specific isotope Mecury 199 is used, due to the fact it does not have a a quadrapolar moment, it should help assist the spin polarization of the positive ions in the double layer. Because it has a one half integer spin the mecury ions should not interfere with each other and reduce the spin relaxation time.

    e) Related to the above, since Mercury 199 is a fermion with one half interger spin, its ions may form a fermionic condensate in the sheathes.

    f) The Fluxliner ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicle) and TR3B are alleged to both utilize mercury plasma in their central cores that self organizes and manipulates the vacuum to produce changes in apparent mass, inertia, and gravity.

    g) For the record, although I would love to see mercury 199 in the atmosphere of the SAFIRE reactor tested with several different anode combinations, my favorite would be a Tungsten Nickel Iron alloy such as ATM1700.

  • Kenneth Shoulders indirect communication and in his papers attempted to broadcast the fact that tiny scale EVOs were likely being formed

    Shoulders broadcast an opinion... not a fact,,

    Ken Shoulders looked at photos of electrolytic LENR in deuterated metals... circa 1996 from John Dash et al

    The Shoulder's interpretation was that the craters were impact craters rather than craters from explosive eruptions,

    And then postulated that these impact craters were due to EVOs

    This is a matter of opinion..not of fact

    There was no followup exptal work to verify this opinion

  • You are totally incorrect.

    Look up his experiments producing "wildfire" in hydrogenated or deuterated pieces of metal.

    He would smash an EVO into the material and produce a chain reaction of EVO reactions throughout the lattice. He suggested that the "wildfire" was due to fracto-emission producing charge separation and then EVOs. You shouldn't make assumptions without doing your research first. Although he did see what he believed were impact marks of EVOs, he also believed they could form within a lattice.

    Moreover, there are LENR experiments in which hydrogenated or deuterated titanium and other metals are cryogentically frozen and/or heated and the result are fracto-emission within the lattice that produces neutrons and other emissions. Additionally, you can likely produce tiny scale EVOs by producing plasmon polaritons (electron waves) on the surface of a material. These electron density waves will spike on any particle on the surface or in cracks. These surges of electrons could also interact with adsorbed or absorbed hydrogen and produce EVOs.

  • The Shoulder's interpretation was that the craters were impact craters rather than craters from explosive eruptions,

    And then postulated that these impact craters were due to EVOs

    This is a matter of opinion..not of fact

    Shoulders interpretation is a matter of opinion... not fact

    Note entered 2/19/03 John Dash has requested the removal of data relating to his work on the grounds that his samples were likely contaminated during a metallurgical rolling process thus weakening the claims of transmutation. Although adequate warning of such an effect
    is included in this paper, the authors gladly comply with the request of John Dash and leave the data intact[???? ]but add this additional warning
    as to the interpretation of the data.
    John Dash is not to be held responsible for any data presented.

  • I like the work of David LaPoint running the plasma within his patented magnetic array.

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    Just 3 pictures from

    • Official Post

    I like it too. But there's nothing new there I promise you. And linear permanent magnetic motors have never been known to work. Linear ones are good, but make it into a circle and they do not. Without Mr. Hand supplying a push they are no good. He gives his a boost using electromagnets- but then all you have is an electric motor. Nice videos though.

  • Pretty glowing effects, I love how it looks like a ion thruster with the flairing plasma but this partucar example isn't anything special compadre! Sweet pics.

  • Just learned from his newsletter that David Lapoint is now using his magnetic bowls to concentrate and accelerate a boron hydrogen plasma. In his words,

    I have decided to base my fusion process on aneutronic fusion utilizing hydrogen and boron. ... The aneutronic fusion approach I am pursuing instead produces electrical charges directly when the hydrogen and boron fuse.

    He's hinting that he may have new videos in a few months, which should prove interesting. Below is a pic of his boron hydrogen plasma.

  • David Lapoint has two new videos, with a third instalment expected in late summer.

    The videos introduce what he now calls PrimerFusion.

    Tremendous work and very well presented imo! True, he presents no firm evidence (yet) that hydrogen - boron fusion is actually occurring, but I have to admire the guy's tenacity and smarts and I look forward to what he has to offer in the future.

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    Around the 5 minute mark you can see the plasma spinning at a high rate:

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  • re: " What's absolutely wonderful is that due to the work of The SAFIRE Project, Andrea Rossi's Leonardo Corporation, and Brilliant Light Power, we know not only that Kenneth Shoulders EVO phenomena"

    Mills make NO claims or references to anything like EVOs. Mills has a new theory on the electron, and presents voluminous theory and lab measurements showing that the electron in Hydrogen can be taken to a _lower_ than QM-acknowledged ground state, THAT is where Mills gets his excess energy from.

  • PrimerFusion is obviously touting for funding with their boron-hydrogen fusion system. Without the knowledge or study of the underlying science. Same level as Aureon Energy I suppose derived from the SAFIRE project. At least Aureon make the attempt at science by publishing their transmutation data.

  • THAT is where Mills gets his excess energy from.

    I’d say, more precisely, that is where Mills thinks he gets his excess energy from. His process has all the conditions necessary for the formation of EVOs even if he doesn’t know about them.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • But isn't that the same thing? If Randall Mill's systems are indeed creating excess energy, give the guy a break for all the excellent research gains he has made over the last few decades.

  • I’d say, more precisely, that is where Mills thinks he gets his excess energy from. His process has all the conditions necessary for the formation of EVOs even if he doesn’t know about them.

    What, precisely, are those conditions?

    By using a radiationless (NO IR, NO visible or shortwave or visible or UV 'light' emitted) transfer of energy to a suitable energy acceptor in the form of nascent water molecule? That is how Dr. Mills does it. How many here know this? How many don't know this?

  • I’d say, more precisely, that is where Mills thinks he gets his excess energy from. His process has all the conditions necessary for the formation of EVOs even if he doesn’t know about them.

    Can you point me to a list of all the necessary conditions for EVO formation, and specify how Mills process has them all? For example how many conditions are there?

  • Multi-factorial and Multi-dimensional. If we knew all the details we would have had LEN-reactors up and running by now. Slow progress is being made, step by step, let's see what Silicon Valley with their massive financial backing can come up with next. The SCIENCE is all done, Technology has to catch up.

  • I’d say, more precisely, that is where Mills thinks he gets his excess energy from. His process has all the conditions necessary for the formation of EVOs even if he doesn’t know about them.

    My opinion: more likely than not whatever causes high density electron clusters is at the root of all examples of energy production which this forum chooses to label LENR. So my opinion is that Curbina is right even if he can't tell us why.

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