There are no scientists who says we need to force a vaccine on anyone. The scientists at GB Declaration are from Stanford, Oxford and Harvard and they make good points based on actual science. They talk about protecting the elderly and letting the young people move forward. They have data on their side.
I haven't seen a scientist of repute advocating for forcing people to take a vaccine. No forced medical intervention is needed, we have treatments.
No-one advocates forcing people to take vaccines, because we live in a free world where there is no deep state and people realise if you push people too much it will create resistance.
But every scientist (maybe except for 0.1% anti-vax crazies) thinks that high population uptake of vaccines will be an essential part of how we get out of this pandemic. not the only part, but a very important one.
The people suggesting shielding are doing something obvious but unrealistic - how can you shield older people living in the community from this when even old people in carefully shielded care homes still catch it? That is why they are an ideological minority and most people don';t think it will work. Any respiratory disease with 40% asymptomatic transmitters is tough to stop. Living with it for years means everyone catches it. Getting enough herd immunity quickly amongst the young is difficult without forcible COVID infection. Only real round the bend (or is it round the turn?) anti-vax crazies would view that as preferable to forcible vaccination.