Covid-19 News

  • It looks like the lab made mixing of an ADIS & corona virus multiplies the spectrum of possible adverse reactions.

    Rogue antibodies could be driving severe COVID-19

    Thus have your Ivermectin ready. Don't wait to take it until you get the test result! Know the clear symptoms and do prophylaxis with V-D3 and zinc. If you cant get Ivermectin then look for Sutherlandia & Hesperidin (bitter industrial pressed orange juice!)

  • But scientists studying COVID are increasingly also highlighting the role of autoantibodies: rogue antibodies that attack either elements of the body’s immune defences or specific proteins in organs such as the heart. In contrast to cytokine storms, which tend to cause systemic, short-duration problems, autoantibodies are thought to result in targeted, longer-term damage, says immunologist Akiko Iwasaki, a colleague of Ring’s at Yale.

    Well the experts are finally realizing they are seeing an out of control Bradykinin storm rather than cytokine, finally a step in the right direction.

  • I hope you finally see the point that you need to check things instead of condemning and attacking.

    Stop saying things that are so easy to attack. You and the others here express contempt for the experts who will save millions of lives this year. Millions! The ingratitude toward researchers and doctors is outrageous. The notion that "there are no experts" because they have not yet answered every question, and they cannot save every life, is outrageous.

  • Stop saying things that are so easy to attack. You and the others here express contempt for the experts who will save millions of lives this year. Millions! The ingratitude toward researchers and doctors is outrageous. The notion that "there are no experts" because they have not yet answered every question, and they cannot save every life, is outrageous.

    Quite judging others without facts. Why do you seem to say I have no gratitude for researchers or doctors? I merely point out that the vaccine is slow coming to me due the favoritism of the local government limiting access to those over 65 but raise it to 75 and want to give it to others instead. I am grateful for the vaccine but not to the blue state government that puts me to risk. I do not see why tattoo parlors, young healthy, gyms workers, and people of some given race should take priority due to social imbalances.

    were do you pick up "there are no experts" It seem that it you that want to limit who you will call an experts. Realize that experts can disagree. You should discard them just because they don't agree with you prejudices. Be more open an less dictatorial.

    It is outrageous to condemn others for things they have not done. I don't have "contempt for experts" but I do think that in science you need to be open minded and listen to all the experts, even those that disagree with you. You should be open to falsification are you not doing science.

    You seem to paint me with the same brush as you do so many others and not actually check to see what my views are but just throw out another scarcrow argument and start an unmerited attack. I have not said anything negative about vaccines by intention. What is your problem besides failure to recall even after a cut and paste.

  • Quote from Jed Rothwell on RFK, Jr's "The Defender" --

    "Any statement from this source is Death Cult Horseshit. Whatever they say, you can be sure the opposite is true."

    Well Jed, it may be time to get Big Tech to deplatform Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

    He is spreading too much wrongthink.

    Big Tech is becoming very efficient in cleansing wayward minds.

  • DR Kathreda from South Africa promotes Ivermectin.

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  • NDA's being what they are..... you will have to wait. But boy are these things are "singing" all kinds of RF tunes. Dr. Mitch S was right but he just used little bitty nanors. With luck I will have things nailed down and replicated by the time the ICCF is back in the states. So much to do.

    Bye for a while. Back to the lab and blackboard.

  • Well Jed, it may be time to get Big Tech to deplatform Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

    He is spreading too much wrongthink.

    I strongly oppose any effort to deplatform anyone, except for extreme things such as threatening people's lives. Kennedy is spreading dangerous lies, but trying to stop him would be even more dangerous.

    Cold fusion was "deplatformed" from the mass media, the journals, Wikipedia and elsewhere. That was unjust. No one has been deplatformed more than me, so I strongly oppose it. It is fortunate that the internet is open, and I can upload things to my web site unopposed.

  • No way you are you leaving without telling us what COP you are at now? We are here for LENR info after all. COVID, while important, is a side show until we save the planet.

    What's the point of saving the planet if we are all going to die. Priorities ass backwards

  • thumbs up to the medical community.long hualers clinics

    We know this is real’: New clinics aid virus ‘long-haulers…8433e936ba6a31c25d5f36873

    COVID-19 came early for Catherine Busa, and it never really left.

    The 54-year-old New York City school secretary didn’t have any underlying health problems when she caught the coronavirus in March, and she recovered at her Queens home.

    But some symptoms lingered: fatigue she never experienced during years of rising at 5 a.m. for work; pain, especially in her hands and wrists; an altered sense of taste and smell that made food unappealing; and a welling depression. After eights months of suffering, she made her way to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center — to a clinic specifically for post-COVID-19 care.

  • Children’s Hospital sees uptick in COVID-19 related MIS-C cases…id-19-related-misc-cases/

    COVID warning when it comes to young people. Children’s Hospital and Medical Center is seeing its largest number of cases of what’s called MIS-C.

    This is the rare, complex syndrome connected to the virus that can inflame the child’s heart and other organs.

    As vaccinations continue across the country young people are last on the list. Experts believe the recent uptick is connected to holiday travel and gatherings.

    For most of the summer, Childrens had two patients a month with MIS-C. In December, they had 10.

  • Single Covid vaccine dose in Israel ‘less effective than we thought’…=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

    The issue of some vaccines being less effective after a single dose rather than two is well known, as well as the fact that protection is not immediate. While the first dose can take several weeks to promote an effective antibody response, the second dose can trigger different responses, supercharging the protection. Pfizer itself says a single dose of its vaccine is about 52% effective. Some countries such as the UK have delayed administering their second doses to try to maximise the number of people given a first dose.

    By delaying the second dose, England is running the risk of the virus building imunity to the vaccine and I think the 52% vaccine efficiency is over estimated by the experts

  • Pfizer tells Canada it will not receive any Covid-19 vaccine doses next week…canada-vaccine/index.html

    (CNN)Frustration visibly boiled over with some Canadian leaders Tuesday as Pfizer told Canada that it would not receive any vaccine doses next week due to the continuing manufacturing disruptions at its facility in Belgium.

    Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sought to reassure Canadians that vaccine deliveries would pick up again in a few weeks and that the overall goal, to have every willing Canadian vaccinated by September, would remain on track.

    But it was Ontario's Premier Doug Ford who bluntly voiced the frustration of many provincial leaders as Pfizer continues to cut its vaccine delivery schedule to Canada.

  • Single Covid vaccine dose in Israel ‘less effective than we thought’…=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

    We reported this reduced protection of 33% instead of 52% already two days ago. There is one more reason given:

    "Amid warnings that 30% to 40% of the new infections were being driven by a Covid-19 variant first identified in the UK, the Israeli cabinet was meeting on Tuesday to consider tightening existing restrictions."

    So it really look like that the Pfizer & Moderna shots are now useless. It is also clear that the current lock-downs only want to protect the Pfizer/Moderna assets. (Dump the outdated rubbish vaccine into your body!)

    The new UK virus strain is not spreading faster than the old one. This - faster spreading virus - is a blatant lie as the Swiss surge - with the "old virus" about 6 weeks ago was 3-5 days faster. (=15..25% see Worldometer data with 7 day avg. from "halve peak date" of peak to date) . So the new virus effectively is spreading slower or causes less severe cases. The later might be true as German researcher reported 10% less hospital cases with teh new fake fast virus.

    It's all about manipulating the public for maximizing private profits!

  • Reported cases are dropping in UK and US but I still worry of a mid March surge

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