Covid-19 News

  • A little breath of fresh air in the vaccine terror nation USA:

    Federal appeals court continues stop on Biden COVID-19 vaccination mandate
    The federal appeals court in New Orleans ordered the Biden administration to continue holding off on its COVID-19 vaccination mandate for businesses for now.

    The federal appeals court in New Orleans ordered the Biden administration to continue holding off on its COVID-19 vaccination mandate for businesses for now.

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  • TrialSite Reviews Emory University Experts’ Argument for COVID-19 Child Vaccination

    TrialSite Reviews Emory University Experts’ Argument for COVID-19 Child Vaccination
    Recently two top physician-investigators from Emory University weighed in on child vaccination for COVID-19. Dr. Evan Anderson, a pediatric disease

    Recently two top physician-investigators from Emory University weighed in on child vaccination for COVID-19. Dr. Evan Anderson, a pediatric disease physician at Children’s Hospital as well as an investigator for pediatric COVID-19 vaccine trials involving Pfizer and Moderna not to mention a professor of medicine and pediatrics at Emory University School of Medicine as well as Dr. Andi Shane, division chief of pediatric infectious disease at Children’s Hospital and professor of pediatrics and chief of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Disease at Emory University School of Medicine answered question involving the vaccination of children age 5 to 11 years of age. Given the availability of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) via the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), what do some of the top pediatric physician-researchers have to say on the subject of child vaccination?

    TrialSite raised some of the more contentious issues to compare the overwhelmingly universal child vaccination stance from a more cautionary, tailored view of the effort.

    Is the same vaccine used from study to now?

    In the first question, the researcher-physicians are asked if the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11 is the exact same vaccine used for adults.

    Emory’s Dr. Anderson declared “The COVID-19 vaccine for the 5- to 11-year-old is exactly the same vaccine that is used for adults and adolescents.” Anderson does not that the dosage is different—that is 10 micrograms as compared to 30.

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    TrialSite notes that during the FDA’s VRBPAC meeting on October 26 it was disclosed a new formula, not fully validated meaning theoretically it was untested for safety or efficacy. Pfizer used a new formula in the children’s dose—including tromethamine (TRIS) as a buffer instead of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) as used in previous formulation while also excluding sodium chloride and potassium chloride. Among other things this change had implications for storage. But this was a change not used in the children’s studies and technically this is a change that would need to be validated.

    The Emory experts made no mention of this fact.

    Were there other issues to discuss here?

    Yes. TrialSite experts were at the VRBPAC meeting and noted that the FDA did not verify some of the Pfizer data but rather just accepted at face value that what the pharmaceutical company declared was true….was in fact so.

    Overall, we found the risk-benefit analysis flawed which has a material consideration for the risks associated with the vaccine for children. The FDA suggests that the risk-benefit analysis was 6.6 in favor of vaccination while the TrialSite analysis equaled 1.8X the other direction—that is that the risk was higher than benefit for the general child population. Of course, this is based on a number of assumptions and is up for debate.

    Moreover, this risk-benefit profile changes depending on cohort. For example, children with risk factors such as comorbidities (obesity, etc.) are at higher risk and therefore even with adjusted risk-benefit profile may be higher candidates for COVID-19 vaccination.

    The point here is we would like to see more of this type of analysis.

    What about natural immunity—what is a child already had COIVD?

    Here Dr. Shane declared “What we really understand about COVID-19 is that we don’t understand a lot, meaning we don’t really know how long natural immunity lasts and how long natural protection lasts. We are also starting to see some very compelling evidence that getting vaccinated after having a natural infection may provide additional protection when compared to just having a natural infection itself. Really, the best way to make sure children and adults who have had an infection are optimally protected is to get the COVID-19 vaccine?

    TrialSite suggests the expert has skipped over dozens of studies showcasing natural immunity. So, declaring we don’t understand a lot is sort of a way to avoid the topic—given the mounting emerging data.

    There are now at least a dozen studies from around the world showcasing natural immunity that may last anywhere from a half year up to 1.5 years such as the recent Swedish national study. Of course, many of these studies are not yet peer-reviewed or have other limitations but nonetheless, it’s disheartening that these experts fail to even mention them.

    Moreover, the Emory experts avoid any of the uncomfortable findings during the VBRPAC meeting discussed above and summarized below potentially impacting the risk-benefit analysis.

    What about side effects?

    Here Dr. Shane completely skips any mention of mounting concern of side effects in young people including myocarditis. Shane justifies this undoubtedly that the side effects occur in older people (teens to early 20s) while emphasizing that the clinical trial side effects were “very minor.”

    The clinical trials were small for starters. For the children aged 5-11 cohort concerning safety data only 1,500 vaccine recipients were looked at for 2 months of follow-up while only about 1,600 vaccine recipients were followed for 2.4 weeks follow up.

    TrialSite’s founder Daniel O’Connor went on the record “We have to ask ourselves did we give ourselves enough data and time to track the safety record effectively?

    Should children aged 5 to 11 be vaccinated?

    According to the Emory experts absolutely declaring it’s the best way to “prevent severe infections and get back to a normal life.”

    While the Emory experts remind the reader that with Delta children are more at risk of infection (this is true), they Emory physicians do not breakdown the actual probability of serious infection, then comparing to the probabilities of serious adverse event for a proper understanding of their risk profile. They just want the parent to know its safer based on the experts (that is FDA, CDC. etc.).

    TrialSite notes that there are disturbing details that were identified during the VRBPAC meeting that we include here and list below.

    Vaccines were produced with unprecedented speed. This isn’t a bad thing in and of itself—in fact it is good for the progress of medicines development, but we shouldn’t be in a rush to inoculate an entire young generation until there is more safety data and an improved risk profile. For example, the amount of safety that accumulated for other vaccines required for school should be comparable to the current ones. It’s also worth noting that most of the vaccines approved for child vaccine-preventable illnesses are for diseases that target children with more severe symptoms. COVID remains significantly deadlier in the elderly.

    The risk-benefit analysis isn’t what the CDC claims. Children have a very low serious illness and death rate. Nearly all of the children that have been severely ill or have died, which is a very small amount to begin with, have had underlying comorbidities. See slide #19. The FDA analysis led to the conclusion that the vaccine represented a 6.6x benefit. However, after a review by expert David Wiseman, the risk-benefit ratio becomes negative 1.8, meaning the risk is higher than the benefit. This is because of several factors, including waning effectiveness to non-myocarditis serious adverse events.

    We should be focused on specific risk cohorts among the young and not do a one-size- fits-all vaccination approach. This includes no mandates for such young children, until we have at least years of hard data.

    The FDA acknowledged that they didn’t thoroughly review the data at the VRBPAC meeting on October 26. See slides #18-19. Critical questions remain.

    On hesitancy about safety, Dr. Eric Rubin declared that we are “never going to learn how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it.” Note PolitiFact provides content for review but the point is that there is no long-term data in a very vulnerable and low-risk group. Shouldn’t we be as careful as possible with our children and ensure more data is available?

    Whistleblowers reveal stark data quality problems with the Pfizer-BioNTech study as reported in the BMJ. Even when Pfizer was made aware of quality issues with one managing research company, they handed them four more vaccine contracts, including one for vaccines in children.

    Disclosures that some of the manufacturing inputs changed should be associated with revalidation of production systems and outputs. Specifically, Pfizer changed the children’s formula to produce the product. This is a deviation from the study protocol. Under any normal conditions this change would need to be validated.

    Ultimately the clinical trials appear to demonstrate a safe and effective experience for children aged 5 to 11 but there are many questions unanswered. Children are the most vulnerable members of our society, and we should be very careful to ensure they are protected. Parents should do as much homework as possible and consult with a physician you trust

  • Yes. TrialSite experts were at the VRBPAC meeting and noted that the FDA did not verify some of the Pfizer data but rather just accepted at face value that what the pharmaceutical company declared was true….was in fact so.

    This is the normal procedure among FM/R. Distrust leads to a honor case (Quasi an internal law suit) involving a lot of pressure on the side of claiming distrust.

    The clinical trials were small for starters. For the children aged 5-11 cohort concerning safety data only 1,500 vaccine recipients were looked at for 2 months of follow-up while only about 1,600 vaccine recipients were followed for 2.4 weeks follow up.

    Typical cheaters tactic. Or just a fake study.

    Killing/crippling children for greed is unprecedented in human history. Not even found in Greek tragedy.

  • Where all central and northern Europe countries face a strong 4th wave the situation in Sweden is calm.

    Do you remember with what rigor the FM/R/B mafia attacked Sweden? Sweden is one more proof that vaccines do not work at all.

    All EU vaccine terror nations DE,FR,PO,LE,NL,FR,UK (See also Kerala as the best documented failing state) with strong lockdown mandates failed to develop enough natural immunity and experience a strong 4th wave. Switzerland too has a 4th wave among the younger with no increase in ICU so far. We had mask free skiing last year and we will also have it this year.

    The rhetoric used in these "vaccine" terror countries is outraging laughable. Give more vaccine to make the situation even worse.

    Latest with the Swiss data shown today we know vaccine entirely failed except for age > 70. UK today still cheats all public reports by including fake data about fake (gene therapy) vaccine studies showing claimed high efficiency for infection protection where as the same reports shows the protection now is strongly reversed.

    Fact from actual data:: RNA gene therapy (Pfizer Oxford crap) makes you up to 5x more vulnerable for CoV-19!

    Why is the cheating going on??

    Asses can't loose face any more!

    Edited once, last by Shane D.: When are you going to give it up? ().

  • An excursion on math and statistics related to Covid…

    Covid misinformation spreads because so many Americans are awful at math

    To correctly measure vaccine effectiveness, then, you need to compare the mortality and hospitalization rates for vaccinated and unvaccinated people of the same age. And when you do this, it becomes clear how risky being unvaccinated is. In Oklahoma, for instance, the state says around 17 percent of seniors are not fully vaccinated. But those 17 percent account for 70 percent of all senior hospitalizations in the state over the past month. That means unvaccinated seniors in Oklahoma are 11 times more likely to be hospitalized for covid than vaccinated seniors are.

  • That means unvaccinated seniors in Oklahoma are 11 times more likely to be hospitalized for covid than vaccinated seniors are.

    As said children should first learn math before they try to teach math. 50% in USA has had a CoV-19 infection so the vaccinated group is only halve the size. So your claimed factor would be 5.5.

    But in UK > 90% of age 70 hospital patients are double vaxx. In USA hospitals do not know the vaccine status or do not allow to report it for "political reasons".

    Do you really believe that UK/USA are two different worlds?

  • As said children should first learn math before they try to teach math. 50% in USA has had a CoV-19 infection so the vaccinated group is only halve the size. So your claimed factor would be 5.5.

    But in UK > 90% of age 70 hospital patients are double vaxx. In USA hospitals do not know the vaccine status or do not allow to report it for "political reasons".

    Do you really believe that UK/USA are two different worlds?

    17% unvaccinated > 70 in US sounds about right - they have been more affected by antivax disinformation than the UK, because of the messy politics.

  • Sweden are calm right now, but we had a mild period now this autumn and in the common months we will probably see

    more hospitalizations, but I expect the health care to cope. Anyhow people here are ready for the next season. There is

    a high will to take the vaccine and although anti vacc stance exists, it is very very rare. Our hospitals are helping other

    countries atm like Romania. What we see now is that the majority of other sicknesses like cold is more common, which

    is most likely because we have been isolating. Our lives are quite normal now, parties, taking a beer at a pub and so on

    is common. People here is very certain that the vaccine works as they see what is happening in USA,Romania,Ukrain and

    Russia where there are lower level of vaccination. At least that's how the common man here typically thinks about vaccines.

  • Look back to the 57/58 pandemic. First rounds of vaccine brought a false sense of hope until it became clear the vaccines sucked. Same as today, you get protection for a few months. Covid is seasonal and cases will rise during winter months but not to the levels of last year. The vaccine has some influence but not to the extent the powers that be want you to believe. 10,000 Breakthrough cases in boosted Israel already. Early treatment for all is the only way to get this to a flu level season.

  • Look back to the 57/58 pandemic. First rounds of vaccine brought a false sense of hope until it became clear the vaccines sucked. Same as today, you get protection for a few months. Covid is seasonal and cases will rise during winter months but not to the levels of last year. The vaccine has some influence but not to the extent the powers that be want you to believe. 10,000 Breakthrough cases in boosted Israel already. Early treatment for all is the only way to get this to a flu level season.

    Yeas seasonal variations is not acknowledge well enough. People just look at the graphs for this year and forget about this. But I would argue that both sides are missing this important

    piece. Sure, also people believe the vaccines are better then they are, but that's a good thing as we will not overreact. I will certainly take the booster as I am in the risk group

    As I do think it improves my odds.

  • I'm 50.. but got a body from hell, I try to improve by walking a lot and eating like a vegan, but I'm really not in a good shape still.

    If you are eating like a vegan you could be making a bad situation worse. I would recommend taking an iron supplent as you can not get enough iron for a plate of veggies. A middle east type diet gives the body most of the vitamin and minerals it needs to maintain but at your age supplementation of vit d broad vitamin b and lots of citrus is essential for weight loss and toning muscle

  • Here once more for the clowns the graph showing that already at week 8 - end of February 2021 - 40% of UK people had a natural CoV-19 infection.

    the vaccination of the people able to be blood donors was almost zero at that time! Why:: Vaccinated people have been excluded as blood donors at least for 4 weeks post vaxx. Age > 65 was also excluded. So at best you can apply vaccination status of end of of week 4.

    light blue is age < 65 just at 10% week 4. But most blood donors are in the group with 2-5% vaccinated at that time.

    So natural immunity in UK end of Feb 2021 is anywhere between 37..40%.

    Since then UK had 5 million more CoV-19 infection with delta that has a silent factor of 8 minus the already immune = so about 4: so we can safely assume that between 50% and 70% of UK people already had a COV-19 infection!

    Thanks to UK data we definitely know that the RNA gene therapy ("vaccine") induces strong ADE with at least a factor 5 over reaction to CoV-19.

    UK now sees a pandemic of the vaccinated that just evolves now in Germany and all other European countries with a lower degree of vaccination.

  • I'm 50.. but got a body from hell, I try to improve by walking a lot and eating like a vegan, but I'm really not in a good shape still.

    Ivermectin you get from…h-ivermectin-spot-on.html also from Poland.

    Black cummin you get from :

    Sutherlandia :…cens-60-x-350mg-capsules/

    Also Sceletium as advanced AB (antibiotic). Alternatives: Pelargonium, oil of Oregano!

    For prevention: High dose V-D, zinc, quercetin you get from :

    Supporting recovery from CoV-19:…angelica-officinalis.html

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