Covid-19 News

  • Unless you stop 100% contact from the public, you will eventually get this virus at some point. Avoiding 100% contact is not realistic for most individuals.

    You will not get the virus if you are vaccinated. That's the whole point of a vaccine.

    That's obvious, but you did not even mention it in your description of your case. It seems like a strange thing to leave out. If enough people take the vaccines, it is 100% certain the pandemic will end. Millions of lives will be saved.

    Anyway, I hope you are feeling better, and that you and your wife fully recover soon.

  • Will I now be immune

    good question. My guess is if you had it enough to get symptoms (especially with some fever) then it signaled that your natural immune systems kicked in. To what level is the question. but I would think you have some immunity.

    Me, 69 here and some complications. I wear a mask if I must go out but limit it to off hours at the post office and hardware when few if any are around. I live in a fairly remote area with miles to the next neighbor. UPS delivers all I need to keep my LENR work going.

    I miss time with the granddaughters but that is about it.

    I hope you stay well and healthy. I hope there will be some CF/LENR significant activity in the near future and the forum stops it cancel mentality. --- I will NOT be going to the ICCF meeting in China - I will miss that one and hope that next year it will be back in the states and there will be no lockdowns.

  • now the question is, Does anyone have any ideas as to what dose and rate to use it for prevention?

    Official US protocoll of today :…v8-2021-01-12-ENGLISH.pdf

    First a clearing with day1,2 full human dose then every 2 weeks once. This is the simplest way to administer it. Horse tablets contain usually 20mg/100kg. If you are bit heavier either you go down to 6 days or make a fine powder of the tablets.

    The problem is that the ivermectin is in the center of the horse tablet and not distributed homogeneously. (I did use a razor blade.) You can buy a bird version that is fluid and much more easily to "cut down" in smaller doses.

    She took only the two doses....would continued treatment return smell and taste faster.... who knows?

    Here we miss the exact information. But we know the virus can stay much longer than you feel healthy again. I would do 2-3 days clearing with standard dose anyway.

    FP98 masks! - but you no longer need it...

  • Hmm..

    The vaccine is not available to me. So how can I comment on it? Ok, I will anyway.

    I doubt I would take it at this point. I should have some immunity from having the virus already and the vaccine safety is becoming more questionable every day. Please see the many posts here and elsewhere. Some country level governments are now even cautioning using certain brands of the vaccine now. What are my risk versus rewards? Right now risk very much against the vaccine for me as I should have immunity. The vaccine in my case, will not stop spreading to others anyway and looks to have risks. In my case, the vaccine will NOT contribute to the "100% certain" that the pandemic will subside. Others on this forum do not think as you do about this certainty . In any case it is not available to me.

    "You will not get the virus if you are vaccinated". Really? That is almost like someone saying if I wear masks I will not get the virus. Real reporting shows some of the vaccines are as low as 30% effective! Probably somewhere between the seller's 95% hyperbole and reported actual 30%. But for you to state "You will not get it" is truly unscientific and unfounded. It is passing hyperbole. In any case it is not available to me.


    The Democratic Governor of Illinois has decided to give the vaccine to prison inmates ahead of some other higher risk groups.…estions-decision/2418334/

    So in liberal Democratic controlled Illinois, the vaccine is not available to me. and many, many others. So why would I have included it in my post?

    What I can actually state from personal experience is what I posted. I have no actual experience with the vaccine and will not have for some time..... at least until all the criminals are vaccinated.... :/

  • I got the gel - apple flavored. It has measures in 250lb steps on the plunger.

    Mine was apple flavored too.... however, it tasted like no apple I ever ate! || It was pretty nasty! :P

    I certainly agree with the human version, but am still cautious about animal version, so we did not take over a longer term. I could not find any Ivermectin available that had the actual contents listed, either on the box on via website. Not certain what else is in the compound and that the box specifically states for humans NOT to take it, I thought is prudent to to do a longer term protocol.

    Some would say that it prudent not to take it at all since the box clearly stated for humans NOT to take it. It even stated to not give it to horses "intended for human consumption"! (ugh <X ) So if I am going to question the Covid vaccine safety, I certainly am going to be cautious about "horse ivermectin". Ivermectin in itself has proven very safe for humans for sure.... I am just not certain what else is in the horse version.

    Again, if the human version was not suppressed, this would not be an issue!

  • Who has censored FM1?? What are you talking about? He is the most prolific and widely appreciated poster here.

    Again, what world do you live in? :/ They were both given bans from the forum. FM1 a short one and BruceH a much longer one. I suspect he may not even come back.

    Oh well..

  • John Campbell report...

    sobering.....avoid hospital if you can,,

    acetaminophen in Texas

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  • The vaccine is not available to me. So how can I comment on it?

    If you have grade-school level knowledge of disease, you will know how vaccines work, and you can comment on it. I was in grade school when the second polio vaccine was administered to everyone in the U.S. They told us all about it.

    I doubt I would take it at this point.

    You probably should take it. That's what the experts are saying. The vaccine probably gives better immunity than the disease itself.

    I should have some immunity from having the virus already and the vaccine safety is becoming more questionable every day.

    No, it is not becoming more questionable. It is become orders of magnitude less questionable, because millions of people have now taken it, and there are practically no reports of problems. (One batch in California may have a problem.)

    It is only "becoming more questionable" in the sense that the Death Cult Kooks opposed to vaccination are shouting louder than ever. You should ignore them. They do not have your best interests at heart. They would kill you rather than admit they are wrong. Their goal -- whether they realize it or not -- is to instill terror, kill people, and sicken them for life only in order to control their emotions and win political power.

    Others on this forum do not think as you do about this certainty . In any case it is not available to me.

    Others on this forum do not count. The experts are certain. The whole history of medicine going back to Jenner gives us certainty.

    At your age, it will soon be available to you.

  • Not certain what else is in the compound and that the box specifically states for humans NOT to take it, I thought is prudent to to do a longer term protocol.

    In Germany the pharmacist did recommend it to me! There is no risk with taking it as it is a bio reactor product thus not a chemical process. Even better to know that horses for most people have more value than humans and horses are more sensible to drugs, so it must be even better than the human one....

    The disclaimer is needed because you cannot charge 500$ for a horse worm cure twice a year! As the same dose of the human version would cost in the states and here too.

    If you grade-school level knowledge of disease, you will know how vaccines work, and you can comment on it.

    Glad to hear your knowledge stopped at grade-school already!

    The Pfizer vaccine - 1 shot - protects people older than 60 years for 33% according most actual Israel data based on a state volunteer "free of cost for pharma" trial. Israel so far : > 10 deaths after vaccination > 200 hospitalized > 1000 with severe conditions.

    That's how Pfizer share protection works! At the end people will get between 60-70% protection but not for some new mutations...So only Pfizer gets money...

    Did you know that the whole Pfizer study was done by Pfizer employees and was not in an independent supervision. Did you know that Pfizer cheated away more than 300 complications ?

    That's how vaccines are made by fascist capitalists.

    • Official Post

    A portrait of the B.1.1.7 virus variant

    A new SARS-CoV-2 variant, first seen in the United Kingdom, appears to be roughly 50% more transmissible than other variants. It was named Variant of Concern 202012/01 by Public Health England, and is part of the B.1.1.7 lineage of coronaviruses. The New York Times takes a close, richly illustrated look at B.1.1.7’s mutations and why they might be concerning.…39373-53b13893f2-44567417

  • A portrait of the B.1.1.7 virus variant

    A new SARS-CoV-2 variant, first seen in the United Kingdom, appears to be roughly 50% more transmissible than other variants.

    That's terrible. However, despite that, infections seem to be declining in the U.K. I guess because of heightened lockdowns? Perhaps the vaccinations are starting to have an effect? Anyway, that's the good news.


  • The Pfizer vaccine - 1 shot - protects people older than 60 years for 33% according most actual Israel data based on a state volunteer "free of cost for pharma" trial. Israel so far : > 10 deaths after vaccination > 200 hospitalized > 1000 with severe conditions.

    That's how Pfizer share protection works!

    "Share protection" is not a thing. Why would anyone try to do that, unless there is a desperate shortage? The vaccine is designed to be administered it two shots, not one. I do not know if it is 33% after one shot, but after the booster it is 95% efficient. So, what is your point? Why are you telling us that it does not work well before it is fully administered? Obviously it does not work as well, because if it did, they would not give a second dose.

    Your objection makes no sense!!!

    What other nonsensical complaints do you have? It also does not work the day after you get the first shot. It doesn't work a week before you get it. It does not work when you watch someone else get it; "share protection by proxy" does not work.

    Did you know that Pfizer cheated away more than 300 complications ?

    How can I possibly know such things? You make them up. They are all in your mind. I cannot read your mind. I have no way of knowing what delusions and conspiracy theories you have dreamed up, or dredged up from some godforsaken corner of the internet.

    Of course these complications do not exist, or they would be reported in the tests and the independent analyses. No free nation government agency in the 21st century could cover them up.

  • "free of cost for pharma" trial.

    Pfizer- Netanyahu vaccine-for -data deal

    "Israel trades Pfizer vaccine doses for medical data"…ne-doses-for-medical-data

    " After sprinting ahead in the race to inoculate its population against the coronavirus,

    Israel has struck a deal with Pfizer, promising to share vast troves of medical data

    with the international drug giant in exchange for the continued flow of its hard-to-get vaccine.

    probably more ethical than a Erdogan -Xijin Ping vaccine-for-Uighur deal

    Charles Pfizer ..died 1906 ..

    "Pfizer had the reputation of being a good employer with a soft spot for fellow German immigrants.

    It was said that any German American coming to him with a hard luck story was assured of a job.

    Certainly Pfizer had progressive ideas on the relationship between labor and management"


  • "Share protection" is not a thing. Why would anyone try to do that, unless there is a desperate shortage? The vaccine is designed to be administered it two shots, not one. I do not know if it is 33% after one shot, but after the booster it is 95% efficient. So, what is your point? Why are you telling us that it does not work well before it is fully administered? Obviously it does not work as well, because if it did, they would not give a second dose.

    Your objection makes no sense!!!

    What other nonsensical complaints do you have? It also does not work the day after you get the first shot. It doesn't work a week before you get it. It does not work when you watch someone else get it; "share protection by proxy" does not work.

    There is talk that the biden administration will release the vaccine stockpile, now being saved for booster, trying to get as many as possible with one jab, banking on vaccine manufacturing to meet very tight goals. I posted my concerns with this policy as this virus will take advantage through mutation to evade the vaccine coding. It has done this already with treatments. We are not dealing with the average virus. This one throws convincing counterpunches

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